University of Jordan Field Techniques 0365311
Dept of Geology Prerequisite: Structural Geology
Geology is mainly an outdoor science; it deals mainly with rocks and structures in the field. Every geologist must have the basic knowledge of field techniques as compass measurements of beds and structures, columnar sections, cross sections, geological mapping, sampling, field data acquisition, field description of rocks ..etc. Most of this course is given in the field, part of it is geological mapping , where the students are subdivided into groups, and each group is given a 1: 10 000 topographic base map and they make a geological map and write a geological report about the area.
The main objectives of this course are:
· To have a theoretical base about the type of geological maps, coordinates, grid system, methods of mapping.
· To teach the students some field techniques as compass measurements of beds and structures.
· Construct field columnar sections and cross sections
· Prepare a geological map of 1 km2 area at scale 1: 10 000.
· Write a geological report on the mapped area.
Learning outcomes:
By completing this course, the student is expected to be familiar with the basic geological field methods as
· Construct a columnar section
· Construct a cross section
· Compass measurements
· Geological field mapping
· Description of the rock types in the field
· Write a geological report.
Basic Geological mapping, third edition, 1997, by John Barnes, Wiley
Supplementary textbooks
Geology in the field, 1985 by R. Compton, Wiley
Syllabus plan:
Week / subject / Notes1 / Introduction, Instruments and equipments
2 / Geological maps, base maps, coordinates, grids
3 / Methods of geological mapping,
4 / Field measurements and techniques / Field trip
5 / First exam
6 / Columnar section / Field trip
7 / Mapping / Field trip
8 / Mapping / Field trip
9 / Mapping / Field trip
10 / Second exam
11 / Mapping / Field trip
12 / Fold measurements / Field trip
13 / Joint and fault measurements / Field trip
14 / Report writing
15 / Final exam
The final grade is based on: two midterm exams (30%), reports (30%), contribution (10%), and a final exam (30%).