Integrated Content and Language Instruction Lesson Plan
Topic of the Lesson/Subject:
Unit Essential Question:
Vermont Standards and/or GEs:
Learning Objectives:
WIDA Standards:
Language Objectives:
Focusing Questions:
1) Criteria
2) Product or Performance Task
3) Assessment Tool/Scoring Guide/Reference Point
4) Communication/Feedback
5) Explain record keeping
Closure and Connections:
Integrated Content and Language Instruction Lesson Plan
Topic of the lesson/Subject:
Time: Specify how much time this lesson will take (i.e. six 45 minute science classes or two 90 minute social studies classes and one full day field experience).
Why is this topic or lesson important? How is it related to other learning and language skills? Explain where your lesson fits in the scheme of the unit and course at a language level and at a content level.
Unit Essential Question: What is the underlying, open-ended, higher order unit question you are raising for the students to consider? This question should be global and ask students to consider meaning, purpose, or the nature of something in ways they have not yet conceived. This question should be student friendly and pertain to their lives.
Vermont Standards and/or GEs: Write out the complete standard/GE with title. This is the big idea(s) that you are working toward. Consider only what you will teach and assess in this one lesson. If you have connected standards or ges list them as connected. You are responsible to teach and ASSESS any standard you list within the lesson plan you have created
Content Objectives: State all objectives in terms of what students should know and be able to do. Make sure that they are directly aligned with your standard/GE.
WIDA Language Standards: Write out the complete standard with title. This is the langauge standard that you are working toward. Consider only what you will teach and assess for this one lesson
Language Objectives: State language objectives in terms of what students should know and be able to do. Make sure that they are directly aligned with your WIDA standard and the WIDA MPI for that lesson. How do the objectives integrate the language domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing?
Focusing Question(S): Your focusing question(s) should be related to your Unit Essential Question but will be specifically related to the objectives of this lesson. What question(s) will students know the answers to when they complete the lesson?
What is the outcome for this lesson and how will you will be conducting the assessment? The criteria on which you are basing this assessment should be clear at the beginning of the lesson and embedded throughout. Answer the following questions:
1) On what criteria, based on standard/GE/WIDA standard, will you implement the assessment? What will students learn? Are there additional criteria that you will also assess such as neatness, a bibliography, etc. that are not based on standards?
2) What are students going to do to show you what they learned? What outcome is going to demonstrate their knowledge from this lesson? Specify what the actual product or performance will be. Will it be a:
Ÿ Selected Response (you determine what the answer is) OR
Ÿ Constructed Response (students construct the answer)
- Possibilities include: Short Answer, a Product or a Performance, Personal
3) What tool/scoring guide/reference point will you use to measure their progress?
Ÿ Answer Key (usually used with selected response)
Ÿ Checklist (simple to complex)
Ÿ Generalized Rubric (designed for multiple uses of the same task, i.e. persuasive writing
Ÿ Task-specific Rubric (designed for one particular task)
Ÿ Anecdotal notes/Observation notes/Criteria list
Ÿ Sentence Template
4) How will you communicate back to students how they are doing? (i.e. score on rubric, comments, corrected test, letter...). What system of record keeping have you designed to manage assessment results?
5) What kind of record keeping will you use to record the group’s learning and plan for the next instructional steps?
Introduction: What are the expectations for this lesson? Students need to know at the beginning of a learning activity what will be expected of them and on what criteria their performance will be measured. How will you convey this at the start of the lesson? What will students know as they begin the lesson? How have you clearly indicated to them what will be happening and why? Explain how you will "hook" students to get them connected to the main idea(s) that you will be exploring.
Instruction: Be as clear as you can about what will happen in your classroom. What will you do (instructional strategies)? What will your students do (learning opportunities)? Describe activities including group configurations & attach copies of materials and handouts used. How will this learning be accessible to all students? In what ways will you differentiate instruction so that each student has an opportunity for success? Provide the learning plan using the following table:
TIME / Instructional Strategy / Learning Opportunity5 min / · Review agenda and learning objectives on white board / · Ss take down agenda and HW in their daily planners
Closure and Connections: How will your lesson end? Is it clear to students what they have experienced? In closure, are you giving them a chance to articulate their understanding? How is your closure connected to your desired results/standard/GE?
Homework: Specify any work that will be done by students outside of class and the estimated time it will take. Provide differntiated assignments that meet specific learning and language needs of students.
Specify what resources/materials you will need. Include technology needs, reading materials, lab equipment, etc. Include sources of your materials, including title/author/complete citation as necessary. Consider why these are the best resources for this lesson.
Describe in detail the area(s) that you want your supervisor to focus her/his attention during your observation.