Transition of Client Matters.
The firm will make every effort to fully cooperate with a departing attorney in contacting the clients on matters for which the departing attorney is the responsible attorney, and in transitioning those matters with respect to which the client has authorized transfer to the departing attorney. The transition partner will assist in this process.
The Firm will reimburse (subject to Firm policies) departing attorneys for work-related Blackberry accounts for service through the Effective Date. Connections to the Firm email system will be disabled on the date of their departure.
Telephone Calling Cards
Departing attorneys will be required to return to the Firm firm calling cards on the date of their departure.
Cellular Telephones
The Firm will reimburse (subject to Firm policies) departing attorneys for work-related cellular telephone accounts for service through their date of departure.
Computer Access/Monitoring
During the transition period, departing attorneys will have access to desktop computers in their Firm offices. Departing attorneys will be asked to exchange laptop computers for desktop models. Remote access to the Firm network will be disabled as of the attorney’s date of departure. A departing attorney's access to the firm's computer system will end on the date of departure.
Contact Lists, Documents, or Other Information
Departing attorneys may not remove from the Firm any documents, files, forms, contact lists, or other information, in any form without the approval of the transition partner. The exporting, emailing, or downloading of documents directly by the departing attorney is prohibited. The departing attorney should submit a request to the transition partner listing the documents or other items the departing attorney wishes to copy. The transition partner will arrange for hard copies or electronic copies of documents or information approved for removal. The process of providing electronic documents to the departing attorney should be handled by IT under the supervision of the transition partner.
Under the supervision of a transition partner, the departing attorney may take copies of his or her contacts and calendar, as well as copies of electronic documents, including emails, with respect to (i) each client that has authorized the firm to transfer its matter(s) to the departing attorney, (ii) work product developed by the departing attorney that does not include confidential information about clients (unless the client has authorized the firm to transfer the matter to the departing attorney), e.g., forms, and (iii) personal matters. Any other non-client information brought to the firm by the departing attorney and loaded onto our system is considered personal and copies can be provided to the departing attorney.
Email Access/Monitoring
During the transition period, departing attorneys will have access to the Firm email system, but they will be removed from email groups and disabled from sending group emails. Copies of all emails sent to or received by the departing attorney will be routed to that attorney's transition partner.
Following departure, the departing attorney's mail box will remain open for 30 days and emails will continue to be forwarded to the transition partner. During this period, an Out of Office response will be set for the departing attorney that includes the following information:
· I have resigned from the Law Offices of the Firm.
· Please contact [insert e-mail address for transition partner of the Firm] if your matter needs further assistance.
No forwarding address or firm name will be given.
Expense Reimbursements
Subject to Firm policies, the Firm will process expense reimbursements submitted prior to the attorney's date of departure for client billable matters incurred prior to the date of departure or firm charges approved and incurred prior to the date of departure.
The Firm will provide parking for departing attorneys through the date of departure.
Regular Mail
During the transition period, departing attorneys will continue to receive their mail on a daily basis and are expected to open and handle it. After the attorney’s departure, mail addressed to departing attorneys will be routed to their transition partners. Transition partners should open mail daily and arrange for delivery of mail to the departing attorney on a regular basis.
Secretarial Support
The Firm will provide departing attorneys with secretarial support through the date of departure for work on client matters or transition.
Telephone Access
During the transition period, departing attorneys will have access to local telephone service and telephone service to all other Firm offices. Departing attorneys will have access to long distance service for client billable matters.
Voice Mail
During the transition period, departing attorneys will have access to their Firm voice mailboxes. The ability of the departing attorney's voice mailbox to receive incoming messages will be disabled as of the date of departure, and the departing attorney will no longer be able to access the voice mailbox.
Following departure, a voice mail message will be set for the departing attorney. The message will remain active for 30 days and will include the following information:
· I have resigned from the Law Offices of the Firm.
· Please contact [insert e-mail address of transition partner of the Firm] if your matter needs further assistance.
The forward phone number or name of firm will be included if provided by the departing attorney.
Conditions for Continued Presence and Access
A departing attorney may continue to be physically present in the firm's offices, and have electronic access to the firm's computer network during the transition process, only if the attorney continues to observe all policies and procedures of the firm. To the extent firm management determines that the continued presence, or continued electronic access, of a departing attorney is inconsistent with the best interests of the firm or its clients, the attorney will be denied further access except under strict supervision