Name: ______Date: ______Per. ______

Grade Rubric – Wallshelf

Great (5) / Good (4) / Fair (3) / Poor (2) / Unacceptable (0)
Parts are shaped and sized as specified in the drawings. / Most parts are shaped as specified in the prints (1 or two minor mistakes) / Some parts are significantly flawed (1 or 2 significant deviations) / Parts barely resemble intent or print / Part does not match prints at all
The simple shape is cut on back panel straight and even. No mistakes cutting out of lines. / The simple shape is cut on back panel nearly straight and even. There may be 1 or two minor cutting mistakes. / The simple shape is not straight or even, but intent is obvious. There may be 3 or 4 minor cutting mistakes. / Simple shape shows significant deviations from intended line of cut. / There is no simple shape.
Don’t mark this box XXXXXXX / Don’t mark this box XXXXXXX / Edges of back panel routered evenly. / Back panel edges routered unevenly. / Edges are not routered.
Don’t mark this box XXXXXXX / Don’t mark this box XXXXXXX / Name stamped neat and straight. / Name stamped crooked or messy. / No Name Stamp
Shelf attached straight and located correctly. All screws countersunk neatly. Proper sizes used for drilling. No mistakes or extra holes. / Shelf attached nearly straight in proper location. 2 screws countersunk neatly. Proper sizes used for drilling. No extra holes. / Shelf attached nearly straight in proper location. Screws not countersunk completely or too deep. There may be no more than one extra screw hole. / Shelf very crooked or in way of mirror or simple shape. Holes drilled in wrong locations or wrong sizes used. Extra holes may exist. / Shelf not attached.
All saw marks are removed by filing the corners, ends, simple shape, shelf and support. / All parts have been filed but one to three saw marks still remain. / All parts have been filed, but some need more work. Most saw marks removed. Four to six imperfections. / An attempt was made to file some parts but significant work remains to be done. More than 6 marks remain. / Parts were not filed at all, saw marks abundant.
Project perfectly sanded following grain lines with 120 then 220 grit paper. Entire project smooth, no sanding related flaws. Pencil marks removed. / One or two light sand scratches, followed grain lines with 120 then 220 grit paper. Pencil marks removed. / One or two heavy scratches, used both 120 and 220 grit. Sanded with the grain lines, not across. Some small pencil marks may remain. / Many heavy scratches, some across the grain. No progression of grit sizes. Pen or pencil marks may remain. Some parts unsanded. / Not sanded
Stain evenly applied and wiped off. No holidays. 3 coats clear evenly applied to entire project including back and all edges. Smooth and glossy finish. No dull spots. / Stain applied and wiped off. One small holiday. 3 coats clear applied to entire project. 1-2 dull spots. May be very slightly rough in 1 or 2 areas. / Stain unevenly applied or wiped off in some areas. Possibly 2 holidays. Only 2 coats of clear applied. Ends of panel and shelf dull. Clear not smooth in areas. / Wallshelf stained but clear coat is not applied or only one uneven coating. Rough spots may exist. / The wallshelf is unfinished.
Mirror and hanger installed straight and centered. Clips hold mirror firmly. Mirror clean. / Mirror and hanger installed straight or centered. Clips hold mirror firmly. Mirror dirty. / Mirror loose, or crooked. Hanger not centered. 3 clips present. / Mirror cracked, or no hanger installed, or less than 3 clips. / No Mirror or hanger.


Circle the qualities that you feel best describe your project. Rubric Total: Add the scores from each of the categories you circled.

Rubric Total ______times 3 = ______+ 2 free points = ______

(Final Score out of 125)