

The Persian Wars Power Point Notes

Chapter 10 Section 3

I. Background: Why did the war between ______and ______start?

A. Persia- Empire that stretches from ______to ______

B. Persia conquers ______in 545 BC

1. ______-______of Miletus, Ephesus, and Halicarnassus

are in ______, which is in Asia Minor—so they are ______, too!

2. (Remember!) Ionia had been ______by the Mycenaeans (______)

fleeing the Dorians during the ______

C. Darius - ______, rules ______empire in the world!

D. 499 BC - ______city-states Miletus, Ephesus, and Halicarnassus ______

against Persia and they ask ______for help!

E. Darius ______the three cities of Miletus, Ephesus, and Halicarnassus

1. He swears ______against ______and ______!

F. Darius demands “______of ______and ______” (tribute which

symbolizes ______and ______) from the Greeks

1. Greeks ______to give anything to ______!

2. Darius is ______

II. The Persian Wars: the ______battles

A. 490 BC - ______battle at ______

1. Darius ______Aegean Sea with his men and ______at ______

a. Marathon is a ______26 miles northeast of ______

2. Athenians seek ______from ______, but they refuse due to a


3. ______- ______General

a. ______Athens to ______

b. His plan is to use the ______, a unique battle strategy with

______fighters in ______and ______fighters on

______which ______the enemy

Draw a phalanx in the space below:

c. This takes the Persians by ______!

4. Athens ______the battle and Persia goes ______

5. ______, Athens fastest runner, runs ______miles to Athens, yells

“______!” (victory) and ______from exhaustion

a. Athenians, filled with confidence, hold a commemorative ______to

celebrate the ______at ______

b. marathon becomes a race at the ______

6. ______discovered outside Athens

a. Athens has ______from them

b. ______, Athens leader, says to use money to build warships

called ______!

c. ______- warship; ______rows of ______stacked

above each other; ______prow

Draw a trireme in the space below:

B.  480 BC - ______battle at ______

1.  ______is now Persian King, ______of Darius

2.  He calls together biggest army ever seen, ______

3.  He marches to the ______and makes a ______

bridge (a floating bridge) for his men to cross from ______to ______

a.  First attempt – destroyed by a storm

b.  Second attempt - ______

Draw a pontoon bridge in the space below:

4.  The Greeks then unite under ______leader, King ______

5.  March to ______- narrow mountain ______where Persians can be

picked off

a. There are ______Greeks; the ______are outnumbered ____ to ____

6.  ______- ______, shows Persians a goat path ______

the mountains

7.  Greek army ______, except for ______Spartans and _____ other Greeks

a. King Leonidas leads them

b. Outnumbered _____ to _____

c. Fight to the ______against the Persians! – all killed

d.  They ______up the Persians long enough to allow the Greek ______to set

up a ______of the Peloponnesus

8.  ______win this battle and head to ______

C.  480 BC – ______battle at ______

1.  Athenians go to ______of ______for prediction

a. Oracle – one who predicts the ______

b.  Oracle says, “The ______will save you”

c.  ______decides the wooden walls must mean…

d.  The ______, the ships they built!

2. Thermosticles ______Athenians to go to ______- ______off the

coast of Athens

3. Meanwhile, the Persians ______Athens to the ______

4.  Persian Navy is ______(by reports of a pretend ______) into the

______between Salamis and the mainland

a. Only a ______Persian ships can ______at a time

b.  Greeks ______with their more maneuverable ______

5.  Greeks ______battle against Persians

6.  ______returns ______

7.  ______return ______to ______Athens. The Golden Age will follow

D.  479 BC - ______battle at ______

1.  Persians ______completely!

III.  Results of War

A. Europe and Greece “______” from growing Persian Empire – they remain ______

and ______

B. Greece free to enter the ______, fifty years of ______and

______was very inspired

C. ______Greek culture ______during the Golden Age which ______

our culture today, especially ______, arts, architecture, and the ______