Curriculum & Instruction Committee (C&I) Minutes

November 9, 2015, 3:10 p.m., Scarborough WV Room 309

Voting Membership: Dr. Mark Canterll (A&H 2016), Dr. Scott Hippensteell (A&H 2017), Dr. Joseph Robbins (B&SS 2015), Dr. Lindsey Levitan (B&SS 2016), Dr. Stacey Kendig (E&PS 2016), Dr. Douglas Kennard (E&PS 2016), Dr. Ruth Conley (NS&M 2015), Dr. Weidong Liao (NS&M 2014), Laura Neal (L&IS 2015), Dr. S. Bailey Shurbutt, Chair (Senate)

Quorum = 6, Vote=2/3 or 4 of 6 for approval.

Ex-Officio Membership: Tracy Seffers (Registrar), Donna Semler (Secretary), Chris Lovelace (CCC chair), Dr. Robert Warburton (Assistant Dean of Teaching and Learning ), Kristen Desantis (Admissions), Dr. Christopher Ames (VPAA), Dr. Mark Cantrell (Director of Honors Program), Emily Gross (Director of Academic Support), Ryan Ludwig (Admissions).

Meeting Dates: December 7, 2015, January 11, 2016, February 8, 2016, March 28, 2016, April 11, 2016

I.  C&I Announcements:

A.  For curricular proposal guidelines, see the C&I Senate website at Please be sure electronic files with all forms have minutes embedded in them, and catalogue copies with changes should be embedded in the program change form. C &I submissions are now electronic, with signed hardcopies only submitted to the C&I chair. A representative from the department submitting the proposal should be present at C&I meetings to respond to committee questions. Submissions should come to the C&I chair at least one week prior to the next C&I meeting.

B.  C&I Program and Course Forms: Forms were revised to ensure that proposed course and program changes are reviewed by all those who might be affected. The revised program forms have been posted on the C&I Website (and in Sakai).

II. Approval of October 12, 2015 Minutes MVP (with minor revision proposed by Dr. Cantrell)

III. Report from Core curriculum Committee Chair: Dr. Lovelace announced that the Core Committee was encouraging faculty to come with their “clean-up proposals.” This will be a focus of the Committee this year. He also noted that not all competencies proposed had to be assessed unless a department were called upon by the Dean of Teaching and Learning.

IV. Point of Information for Past Sociology Program Change: Statistics Prerequisite Dr. Witt shared an oversight that neither she nor the C&I Committee caught when their program and course proposals came up earlier this year. The oversight involved an omission to list PSYC 250 as an option for the statistics requirement for their program. The program form listed the option, while the course prereq. form neglected to do so. The result has been problematic for students registering this semester, which is how the oversight was discovered. A motion was made to correct the catalog so that the omission is addressed. MVP

V. Second Readings:

A&H: COMM Course Changes, COMM360 Studio Production, COMM 461 Senior Capstone Project MVP

Course Addition, COMM 451 Senior Capstone Preparation MVP

Program Deletion, Organizational and Business Communications MVP

Program Change, Communication and New Media MVP

NS&M: ENVR Program Deletion, Historic Preservation MVP (This program has moved to the History Department and all C&I approvals have gone into effect, so this is a catalog clean-up item.)

NUPR Course Deletion, NUPR 100 The motion was made to suspend a first reading, as this item has already been approved by Core Committee. MVP

B&SS: PSYC Course Additions, PSYC 370L Sensation & Perception Lab; PSYC 371L Memory & Cognition Lab; PSYC 372L Psychology of Learning Lab; MVP

PSYC Course Changes, PSYC 370 Sensation & Perception, PSYC 371 Memory & Cognition, PSYC 372 Psychology of Learning, PSYC 484 Directed Readings MVP

PSCY Program Changes, Psychology Major (MVP) and Psychology Minor (MVP)

FACS Course Deletion, FACS100 Freshman Seminar MVP

Course Change, FACS430 Senior Seminar (This change adds one- credit hour to the FACS program.) MVP

Program Change, Family and Consumer Sciences MVP

A&H: English & ML Course Additions, SPAN 415 Spanish MVP Phonetics/Phonology and SPAN 416 Studies in Bilingualism MVP

ART Course Change, PHOT 280 History of Photography MVP

VI. First Readings:

B&SS: SOWK Course Addition, SOWK 330 International Community Service Learning

SOWK Program Change

A&H: MUSC Course Change, MUAP497 Senior Music Activity

MUSC Program Deletion, BA of Arts in Music

MUSC Program Change (Dr. Tutor was asked to provide a succinct catalog copy, with changes in red, for the program change proposed.)

E&PS: EDUC Course Change. EDUC 200 Foundations of American Education

Submitted by Dr. Shurbutt, C&I Chair, in absence of Donna Semler