CRCT Practice

Daily Warm-Ups

American Revolution & National Government

The French and Indian War (Seven Years’ War)

_____92) Which statement about Georgia regarding the French and Indian War is correct?

a. Georgia gained new territory as a result of the war.

b. Georgia colonists suffered great losses of lives and property.

c. Georgia was a buffer zone in the fighting between the French and the Indians.

d. Georgia was the only colony to support the French against the British in the war.

_____93) How did the French and the British compare as the French and Indian War began?

a. The French forces had more experienced military leaders but lacked a strong army to fight the British.

b. The French had a number of alliances with the Indians, but the British had a larger number of troops.

c. The French had the strongest navy and army but their settlers fought bitterly among themselves.

d. The British had the strongest navy and army but lacked Indian alliances to fight the French.

_____94) What effect did the French and Indian War have on Georgia’s growth and development?

a. Once the French and Indian tribes were defeated and no longer a threat to Georgia, the colony prospered in a stable and peaceful environment.

b. Georgia gained new lands, new water access for shipping, ample farmland, and rich forests with timber and naval stores.

c. Georgia gained many new settlers who were living in the lands that were added to Georgia’s colonial boundaries.

d. Georgia took possession of several key French forests, which added to Georgia’s defenses against the Spanish.

_____95) During the French and Indian War, why did most of the Native American tribes side with the French?

a. The Indians had become Catholic.

b. The Indians worked for the French as guides.

c. The Indians negotiated treaties with the French.

d. The Indians were trading partners with the French.

_____96) Which statement BEST describes how the French and Indian War led to America’s Revolutionary War?

a. Great Britain gained control of Canada and tried to use Canada’s tax structure on the thirteen colonies.

b. France lost the Louisiana territory, and the southern colonies argued with Great Britain over claims to the newly acquired land.

c. To get revenge, France incited rebellion in the colonies and enticed Spain to move into the territories of the British colonies.

d. To get money to repay war debts, Great Britain taxed the colonies on the premise that the war had been necessary to protect the colonies from the French.

Proclamation of 1763

_____97) What law forbade colonists to move west of the Appalachian Mountains?

a. Emancipation Proclamation

b. Intolerable Acts

c. Missouri Compromise

d. Proclamation of 1763

_____98) The Proclamation of 1763 moved Georgia’s southern boundary to the

a. Altamaha River

b. Flint River

c. St. Mary’s River

d. Suwannee River

_____99) What natural feature did the Proclamation Line of 1763 follow?

a. Appalachian Mountains

b. Atlantic Ocean

c. Mississippi River

d. Ohio River

Stamp Act

_____100) What was the first direct tax by Parliament on the American colonies, which caused the colonies to unite against King George?

a. Currency Act

b. Proclamation of 1763

c. Stamp Act

d. Sugar Act

_____101) Which British policy had the greatest affect on Georgia?

a. The British increased an existing tax on wine and imported goods.

b. The British required the colonies to ship their goods only on British ships.

c. The British passed the Stamp Act, adding a tax on newspapers and licenses.

d. The British passed the Sugar Act to tax sugar and molasses from the West Indies.

The Intolerable Acts

_____102) These actions taken by the British were known as the

a. Intolerable Acts.

b. Navigation Acts.

c. Stamp Act.

d. Tea Act.

_____103) Which was NOT a provision of the Intolerable Acts?

a. The British closed the port of Boston until the colonists paid for the tea that was destroyed in the Boston Tea Party.

b. The British required citizens of Boston to pay additional taxes to pay for damage during the Boston Tea Party.

c. The British required citizens in all the colonies to house and feed British soldiers.

d. The British prohibited the Massachusetts colonists from having town meetings.

Use these facts to answer questions 104 and 105.

_____104) Like many colonists, Georgians were divided on the issues of the Revolutionary War. The colony was reluctant to join the revolution at first because Georgia

a. was self-sufficient.

b. had no objections to the Intolerable Acts.

c. was financially dependent on Great Britain.

d. had a long, successful history of self-government.

_____105) What was the behavior of most Georgians during the Revolution?

a. They were loyal to King George.

b. They attacked British troops.

c. They rioted in the streets.

d. Many moved to Virginia.

_____106) All of the following are reasons for Georgia to stay loyal to England EXCEPT?

a. Georgia had more British settlers than the other colonies and they were more loyal to Great Britain.

b. Georgia was not as successful as the other colonies, and it could not afford to raise funds to fight the British.

c. Georgia was far younger as a colony than the other colonies, and it still needed much support from Great Britain.

d. Georgia had a much smaller population than the other colonies, and it did not have enough men for an army to fight the British.

The Declaration of Independence

_____107) What is the opening part of the Declaration of Independence called?

a. Introduction

b. Objective

c. Preamble

d. Preface

_____108) Who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence?

a. John Adams

b. Benjamin Franklin

c. Thomas Jefferson

d. Thomas Paine

_____109) What is included in the middle part of the Declaration of Independence?

a. a declaration of war

b. a list of grievances against the king

c. a rationale for supporting the royal family

d. signatures of the participants at the Continental Congress

_____110) What is included in the third part of the Declaration of Independence?

a. a declaration of war on Great Britain

b. a warning to King George to change his ways

c. a statement about separation from Great Britain

d. a call for a meeting to establish a new government

Loyalists and Patriots

_____111) Most of the fighting in Georgia during the American Revolution was between

a. British and French soldiers.

b. Georgia Patriots and Loyalists.

c. Georgia Loyalists and Indians.

d. Spanish and British soldiers.

Use these items to answer question 112.

_____112) These activities were supported by most of the

a. Colonists.

b. Loyalists.

c. Patriots.

d. Royalists.

Elijah Clarke and the Battle of Kettle Creek

_____113) Where did the first colonial victory in Georgia during the American Revolution occur?

a. Kettle Creek

b. Louisville

c. Savannah

d. Sunbury

_____114) Who was the leader of the militia who led the forces at the Battle of Kettle Creek?

a. George Washington

b. Benjamin Lincoln

c. Nathaniel Greene

d. Elijah Clarke

_____115) What was the importance of the Battle of Kettle Creek?

a. It was the last battle fought in Georgia during the Revolutionary War.

b. The British were driven into Florida and were unable to regroup.

c. The colonists took needed weapons and horses from the British.

d. The Indians joined with the colonists to defeat the British.

Austin Dabney

_____116) Who was the black soldier who was seriously wounded at the Battle of Kettle Creek?

a. Crispus Attucks

b. Austin Dabney

c. Frederick Douglass

d. Agippa Hull

_____117) Austin Dabney received a plot of land in Madison County

a. from the Harris family.

b. right after the Battle of Kettle Creek.

c. because he had recently moved into Georgia.

d. as payment for his service in the Revolutionary War.

Nancy Hart

_____118) Who was the female Georgia patriot famous for capturing and killing a group of Tories during the revolution?

a. Rebecca Felton

b. Nancy Hart

c. Mary Musgrove

d. Molly Pitcher

_____119) Which BEST describes how Nancy Hart captured the group of Tories?

a. She gave them food and drink.

b. She sent her daughters for help.

c. She took their guns away from them.

d. While cooking for them, she heard them bragging.

Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton

_____120) Who were the three Georgians who signed the Declaration of Independence?

a. Lyman Hall, George Walton, and Noble Wimberly Jones

b. Thomas Jefferson, Henry Ellis, and James Wright

c. George Walton, Lyman Hall, and Button Gwinnett

d. Lyman Hall, Button Gwinnett, and James Wright

_____121) Who was the youngest person to sign the Declaration of Independence?

a. Henry Ellis

b. Button Gwinnett

c. George Walton

d. James Wright

_____122) Independence from Great Britain came for Georgia and the other colonies in

a. 1607

b. 1733

c. 1776

d. 1779

Siege of Savannah

_____123) How could Georgia’s support of the Revolutionary War effort best be described?

a. never strong in any area

b. strong in every area except Savannah

c. complete in all areas from the beginning

d. led by Savannah and the upcountry revolutionary leaders

_____124) Who was the foreign patriot who died during the siege of Savannah?

a. Bernardo de Galvez

b. Marquis de Lafayette

c. Casimir Pulaski

d. Jean Baptist Rochambeau

_____125) What was the MOST significant result of the siege of Savannah?

a. The British were pushed out of Georgia.

b. The city of Savannah remained in British hands.

c. It was the deadliest battle of the Revolutionary War.

d. It was the last major conflict of the Revolutionary War.

_____126) Where was one of the major battle sites of the Revolution in Georgia?

a. Altamaha River

b. Ebenezer

c. Heard’s Fort

d. St. Augustine

Georgia Constitution of 1777

_____127) What was the main weakness of the Georgia Constitution of 1777?

a. It placed too much importance on checks and balances.

b. It gave too much power to the legislative branch.

c. It established two parts in the legislative branch.

d. It created an independent executive branch.

_____128) Under Georgia’s Constitution of 1777, governors were selected by

a. the legislature.

b. a vote of the citizens.

c. the chairman of each parish.

d. the executive council of Georgia.

_____129) The writers of Georgia’s first constitution wanted limit the power of the governor because

a. they believed the legislature, which was closer to the people, should have more power.

b. in the past the governor showed too much loyalty to the king.

c. they feared the governor would become a dictator.

d. there were no good candidates for governor.

_____130) Who was elected Georgia’s first governor under the Constitution of 1777?

a. Button Gwinnett

b. Lyman Hall

c. John Treutlen

d. George Walton

The Articles of Confederation

_____131) The first written plan for the government of the United States was called the

a. American Constitution.

b. Articles of Confederation.

c. Colonial Confederation.

d. Constitution of the United States.

_____132) Under the Articles of Confederation, there was no

a. equality among the states.

b. governor.

c. law-making body.

d. legislature or court system.

_____133) Why did the authors of the Articles of Confederation want a federal government with little power?

a. They did not favor a government that gave power to the southern states.

b. They considered themselves thirteen separate states rather than one nation.

c. They had just freed themselves from the domination of a strong, powerful government in Great Britain.

d. They wanted local governments to have the most power since that form of government was closest to

the people.

_____134) The initial purpose in calling the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 was to

a. gain consent of the states in order to confront the British.

b. establish a stronger federal government.

c. establish a national court system.

d. regulate trade between the states.

Roles of Georgia at the Constitutional Convention

_____135) The purpose of the Constitutional Convention, which was held in Philadelphia in 1787, was to

a. sign the Treaty of Paris.

b. select the nation’s new president.

c. revise the Articles of Confederation.

d. draft a Declaration of Independence.

_____136) The U.S. Constitution was actually singed by only two of Georgia’s four delegates. The two signers were William Few and

a. Abraham Baldwin.

b. Button Gwinnett.

c. Thomas Jefferson.

d. George Walton.

Reasons Why Georgia Ratified the New Constitution

_____137) How many states ratified the U.S. Constitution before Georgia?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

_____138) After the U.S. Constitution was written and signed, it had to be ratified, or approved, by the states. How did Georgia respond to ratification?

a. slow to approve the new Constitution

b. refused to ratify until the Bill of Rights was added

c. never approved and later had to apply for admission

d. called a special convention and quickly approved the Constitution


_____1) How did the Proclamation of 1763 impact the colonies?

a. It prevented them from expanding westward.

b. It required them to pay extra taxes.

c. It prevented them from trading with Indian tribes.

d. It required them to house British Soldiers in their homes.

_____2) How did the French and Indian War (Seven Years’ War) contribute to the American Revolution?

a. France wanted revenge after losing the war and negotiated with the colonies to fight England.

b. Indians that fought in the war supported the colonies and encouraged them to fight the British.

c. England went into debt because of the war and decided to tax the colonies to get their money back.

d. England was unhappy with the colonies performance in the war and punished them with taxes.

_____3) What was significant about the Battle of Kettle Creek?

a. It was the largest Loyalist victory in the American Revolution.

b. It was the first time the British won a battle.

c. It was a Loyalist defeat and encouraged other patriots in Georgia.

d. It was the attempt to re-take Savannah from the British.

_____4) Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, and George Walton all contributed to the American Revolution by

a. signing the Declaration of Independence.

b. fighting in the Battle of Kettle Creek.

c. participating in the siege of Savannah.

d. serving as Governors after the Revolution.

_____5) Austin Dabney was significant to Georgia in the American Revolution because he

a. lost the Battle of Kettle Creek.

b. provided the British with key information as a spy.

c. successfully took Savannah back from British control.

d. was a slave that fought against the British.

Use the information in the box to answer the following question:

_____6) This list describes significant events of which individual?

a. Elijah Clarke

b. Austin Dabney

c. Button Gwinnett

d. James Oglethorpe

Use this list to answer the following question:

_____7) The list above could be used to explain the

a. strengths of the Georgia Constitution of 1777, which other states later copied.

b. reasons for writing the Declaration of Independence.

c. problems of having England rule over the colonies which lead to the Revolutionary War.

d. weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation that led to a need to revise the Articles.

_____8) Abraham Baldwin served in the first session of the United States House of Representatives and then in the United States Senate until 1807. Why was he more prepared for these responsibilities than other Georgians?

a. He served at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that helped create the national legislature.

b. There were no other Georgians at the Constitutional Convention of 1787.

c. Baldwin was at the Second Continental Congress that wrote the Declaration of Independence.

d. Only Baldwin had the college education necessary to serve in the national legislature.