Structure: / Woodland / forest to 25 metres
Environment: / Gullies and sheltered slopes, relatively well-drained soils
Pre-1750 distribution: / Widespread and common in shady gullies on the Mornington Peninsula
Present distribution: / Widespread but rare
Peninsula status: / Endangered
Bioregional status: / Endangered
Nearest relative: / Creekline Herb-rich Woodland
Adjacent EVCs: / Grassy Woodland, Damp Sands Herb-rich Woodland
Typical site: / Lightwood Creek at Greens Bush, Cape Schanck
Notes: / Distinguished by prominent ground layer species Common Tussock Grass and rich fern flora; Sweet Bursaria and Maindenhair Fern may be abundant

General notes:

(1) This profile is generalised with only the major species listed; individual sites may differ in composition due to site characteristics (geology, aspect, rainfall, drainage) and site history;
look at the composition of adjacent vegetation to fine tune the species list for your site.

(2) Heights for trees are in metres, other plants in centimetres.

(3) Availability from nurseries is for species, not necessarily for your soil-type genetic provenance within the species; plants should be sourced from same soil type / geology for genetic conservation and best growth; contact your local indigenous nursery and ask them to collect seed from local sites or ensure that plants are local provenance.

(4) Planting of locally sourced indigenous species appropriate for the EVC should be undertaken where remnant indigenous vegetation is absent or where carefully applied bush regeneration techniques have failed to stimulate adequate recruitment of new indigenous plants within remnant indigenous vegetation; managing for natural regeneration preserves the ecological integrity of native vegetation rather than turning it into a plantation.

Scientific name

/ Common name / Height / Available /
Acacia mearnsii / Black Wattle / 15 / ü
Acacia melanoxylon / Blackwood / 20 / ü
Allocasuarina littoralis / Black Sheoak / 15 / ü
Bursaria spinosa / Sweet Bursaria / 8 / ü

Eucalyptus obliqua

(some sites only) / Messmate Stringybark / 25 / ü
Eucalyptus ovata / Swamp Gum / 25 / ü
Eucalyptus radiata / Narrow-leaf Peppermint / 20 / ü
Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. pryoriana / Manna Gum / 25 / ü
Exocarpos cupressiformis / Cherry Ballart / 8
Pomaderris aspera / Hazel Pomaderris / 15
Acacia verticillata / Prickly Moses / 400 / ü
Cassinia aculeata / Common Cassinia / 250 / ü
Coprosma quadrifida / Prickly Currant-bush / 200 / ü
Epacris impressa / Common Heath / 120 / ü
Goodenia ovata / Hop Goodenia / 200 / ü
Indigofera australis / Austral Indigo / 150 / ü
Leptospermum continentale / Prickly Tea-tree / 200 / ü
Melaleuca ericifolia
(some sites only) / Swamp Paperbark / 700 / ü
Olearia lirata / Snowy Daisy-bush / 500 / ü
Ozothamnus ferrugineus / Tree Everlasting / 400 / ü
Pultenaea daphnoides / Large-leaf Bush-pea / 300 / ü
Rubus parvifolius / Small-leaf Bramble / 100 / ü
Solanum laciniatum / Large Kangaroo Apple / 300 / ü
Deyeuxia quadriseta / Reed Bent-grass / 150 / ü
Dichelachne rara / Common Plume-grass / 100 / ü
Lachnagrostis scabra / Ruddy Bent / 80
Microlaena stipoides / Weeping Grass / 70 / ü
Poa ensiformis / Sword Tussock-grass / 100 / ü
Poa labillardierei / Common Tussock-grass / 100 / ü
Poa morrisii / Soft Tussock-grass / 80 / ü
Poa tenera / Slender Tussock-grass / 60 / ü
Ground covers
Acaena novae-zelandiae / Bidgee-widgee / 20 / ü
Acrotriche prostrata / Trailing Ground-berry / 5 / ü
Acrotriche serrulata / Honey-pots / 30 / ü
Arthropodium milleflorum / Pale Vanilla-lily / 100 / ü
Asperula scoparia / Prickly Woodruff / 15 / ü
Astroloma humifusum / Cranberry Heath / 50 / ü
Carex appressa (creeklines only) / Tall Sedge / 150 / ü
Carex breviculmis / Common Grass-sedge / 30
Chiloglottis reflexa / Autumn Bird-orchid / 15
Crassula decumbens / Spreading Crassula / 10
Cyperus lucidus / Leafy Flat-sedge / 150
Dianella longifolia / Pale Flax-lily / 130 / ü
Dianella tasmanica / Tasman Flax-lily / 100 / ü
Dichondra repens / Kidney-weed / 4 / ü
Drosera peltata ssp. auriculata / Tall Sundew / 50
Epilobium billardierianum / Variable Willow-herb / 100
Euchiton collinus / Creeping Cudweed / 40
Gahnia radula / Thatch Saw-sedge / 100 / ü
Gahnia sieberiana / Red-fruit Saw-sedge / 300 / ü
Galium gaudichaudii / Rough Bedstraw / 30
Geranium potentilloides / Cinquefoil Cranesbill / 50
Geranium solanderi / Austral Cranesbill / 30 / ü
Glycine latrobeana / Clover Glycine / 10
Gonocarpus tetragynus / Common Raspwort / 30 / ü
Hydrocotyle hirta / Hairy Pennywort / 10
Hydrocotyle laxiflora / Stinking Pennywort / 15 / ü
Isolepis inundata (creeklines only) / Swamp Club-sedge / 20
Juncus pallidus / Pale Rush / 50 / ü
Juncus pauciflorus (creeklines only) / Loose-flower Rush / 100 / ü
Lagenophora gracilis / Slender Bottle-daisy / 35
Lagenophora stipitata / Common Bottle-daisy / 20 / ü
Lepidosperma congestum / Clustered Sword-sedge / 55
Lepidosperma laterale var. majus / Variable Sword-sedge / 150 / ü
Lobelia anceps (creeklines only) / Angled Lobelia / 30 / ü
Lomandra filiformis / Wattle Mat-rush / 45 / ü
Lomandra longifolia / Spiny-headed Mat-rush / 100 / ü
Luzula meridionalis / Common Woodrush / 30
Oxalis exilis / Shady Wood-sorrel / 8
Poranthera microphylla / Small Poranthera / 15
Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum / Jersey Cudweed / 50
Pterostylis longifolia / Tall Greenhood / 80
Pterostylis pedunculata / Maroonhood / 25
Senecio glomeratus / Annual Fireweed / 120
Senecio linearifolius / Fireweed Groundsel / 120
Senecio minimus / Shrubby Fireweed / 150
Veronica calycina / Hairy Speedwell / 50 / ü
Viola hederacea / Ivy-leaf Violet / 15 / ü
Wahlenbergia gracilis s.l. / Sprawling Bluebell / 80
Adiantum aethiopicum / Common Maidenhair / 35
Asplenium flabellifolium / Necklace Fern / 20
Blechnum nudum / Fishbone Water-fern / 80
Calochlaena dubia / Common Ground-fern / 180
Cyathea australis
(some creeklines only) / Rough Tree-fern / 500
Dicksonia antarctica
(some creeklines only) / Soft Tree-fern / 500 / ü
Histiopteris incisa / Bat's Wing Fern / 100
Lindsaea linearis / Screw Fern / 20
Polystichum proliferum / Mother Shield-fern / 80
Pteridium esculentum / Austral Bracken / 100
Pteris tremula / Tender Brake / 150
Climbers, epiphytes
Amyema pendula / Drooping Mistletoe
Billardiera scandens / Common Apple-berry / ü
Cassytha melantha / Coarse Dodder-laurel
Cassytha pubescens / Downy Dodder-laurel
Clematis aristata / Mountain Clematis / ü
Clematis microphylla / Small-leaved Clematis / ü
Comesperma volubile / Love Creeper / ü
Glycine clandestina / Twining Glycine / ü
