Marshall County Emergency

Management Agency

2369 Jessup Avenue Floor 3 AdministrationBuilding

Marshall County Sheriff’s Office

Marshalltown, Iowa50158

PH: (641) 754-6385 Fax (641) 754-6389

Kim Elder, Coordinator

Wednesday, December 27, 2017 6:00 p.m.


Floor 3 Meeting Room #2


Special Meeting

Present: Hank Penner, Liscomb; Bill Patten, Board of Supervisors (Chair LEM), Eric Schmidt, Albion; John White, Melbourne; Kim Elder, EMA; Jay Wyatt, LeGrand; Dale Thompson, Ferguson; Glenda Thompson, Ferguson; Evan Folk, Laurel; Jim Lowrance, Marshalltown; Steve Hoffman, Sheriff(quorum is present)

The special meeting of the LEM Commission was called to order by Chair Patten at 6 p.m.

Approval of Agenda / Review of minutes from November 30, 2017 meeting

Motion by Liscomb to approve the agenda for December 27, 2017 and minutes from November 30, 2017 as written. Seconded by Melbourne. All in favor, none opposed.

New Business:

Open discussion

The proposed 28E with Marshalltown, Marshall County and LEM Commission was discussed. The discussion on 28E and how it runs through LEM Commission budget, Marshalltown passed, Marshall County tabled, LEM needs to get into budget before publication for it to be in this FY19 budget, auditor cannot give number for line item for revenue and line item for expenditure for personnel costs (911)until levy is set by BOS. Many good questions by various commission members were asked. All were answered with detailed information and discussion was closed.

A call to remove the 28E vote from being tabled at the last meeting was made by Marshalltown. Discussion was held and it was determined that this motion did not need to be made, as the vote was not tabled, that it died for a lack of a second at the last LEM meeting.

Motion: Motion by Marshalltown to approve the 28E as proposed by the 911 Board. Seconded by LeGrand.

Discussion was had by all members present. Questions were answered. It was agreed by all that 911 is an essential service and needs to be funded, discussion on the levy going through EMA budget and how that will work. Also discussion on this levy being only for salaries and benefits for those working for Marshall County 911.

Call for a vote was made by Ferguson.

Vote on 28E

Roll call and voting

City/County / Mayor/Rep / Phone / Yes (in favor) / No (not in favor)
Albion / Eric Schmidt / X
Clemons / Not present
Ferguson / Dale Thompson / X
Gilman / Not present
Haverhill / Not present
Laurel / Evan Folk / X
LeGrand / Jay Wyatt / X
Liscomb / Hank Penner / X
Marshall County BOS / Bill Patten / X
Marshall County Sheriff’s Office / Steve Hoffman / X
City/County / Mayor/Rep / Phone / Yes (in favor) / No (not in favor)
Marshalltown / Jim Lowrance / X
Melbourne / John White / X
Rhodes / Not present
Saint Anthony / Not present
StateCenter / Not present
In favor 6 / Opposed 3

Called or e-mailed votes as noted above.

No calls or e-mails sent.

EMA needs a motion for the LEMS Budget for FY 2019 – approval for addition of new line item for 911 Emergency Communications Levy.

Motion was made by Marshalltown to approve an addition to the EMA budget lines (1 revenue and 1 expenditure) for the 911 Emergency Communications Levy. Seconded by Liscomb. All in favor, exception Albion opposed. Motion passed.

EMA will have to wait on the Board of Supervisors to vote on this 911 levy/28E to add this to EMA budget. EMA budget will publish January 23, 2018.

Other Business:

Budget hearing date February6, 2018 6 p.m. with LEM Commission meeting to follow


Motion by Ferguson to adjourn, seconded by Albion. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.