OMF –Live Music: Live Music Performance and Programming Category

Activity Detail and Plan Template

Activity #
Activity Start Date:
Activity End Date:
Provide a detailed description of the activity. Include information on the artistic theme/nature of the performances. Refer to guidelines to ensure that for new vs. expanded activities the specific requirements are met and document these specifics in the description (i.e. if an ongoing festival, explain how/what is being specifically expanded in terms of # days, # performances/acts etc.).
Describe the organization’s ability to successfully undertake the activity. Include the organization’s track record/history for managing similar activities and results achieved.
Indicate any background/research which supports how and why the planned activity will be successful.
Describe market factors relative to the activity, including industry trends, competitive environment, and possible risks that may affect the outcome of the activity.
Provide a list of the strengths and weaknesses of the activity and/or the organization’s ability to deliver. Indicate how potential weaknesses can be overcome.
Describe any communication and marketing plan to support the activity, along with any other plans to engage the target group for the planned activity.

Provide specifics on the Artists to be engaged in the activity using the chart below. Add/delete rows as needed).

Artist Name / Canadian
Y/N / List key touring
credits / List key recording
credits / Name of Record
Label signed to / Status of
with artist

Provide the proposed tour or event schedule including venues and dates using the chart below. Note: a more specific action plan is also to be completed (see below). Add/delete rows as needed.

Proposed Tour/Event / Venue Name and Location / Dates of Tour/Event

Provide a detailed action plan and timeline for the activity using the chart below. Add/delete rows as needed)

Start Date / End Date / Action Plan/Task / Task Lead / Completed

Financing Plan:

Include all sources of activity financing, both confirmed and pending, including OMF fund request. Note: The financial plan must match the expenditures in the budget being submitted. (Add/delete rows as needed)

Source of Financing / Amount $ / Government or Private Financing / Cash or In-kind / % of Budget / Status: Confirmed or Pending
For unconfirmed sources of financing, provide previous track record and history to provide support for the expected receipt of funding. Include previous year’s funding requested and received, and number of years funding has been applied for and received. (Indicate N/A if this question is not applicable)

Budget: see Activities Budget Template which must be completed and submitted as part of the application.