
8.15am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)

10.15am Family Communion (Common Worship) - with Sunday Club and Crèche (followed by tea or coffee fellowship)

6.00pm Evensong


A Healing Service will be held on the 1st Sunday of each month during the 8.15am communion service and also at 10.15am.


Baptisms will take place (by prior arrangement) at 12 noon, second Sunday of every month and also on the fourth Sunday of every month during April to August inclusive unless otherwise announced. To arrange a Baptism see Mr. Keith Houghton after the 10:15 am service (approx 11:30am) ( 01942 797838).

There will be no Baptisms in Lent.

Arrangements for Weddings

For weddings, parishioners should see Rev. Martin Cox at the Vicarage. Please telephone and make an appointment in advance (01942 883313) .

Pastoral Needs and Visits

Parishioners with pastoral needs (requests for counselling, personal problems or advising of illness) or any request of an urgent nature should contact the vicarage direct on telephone 01942 883313.

Housebound sick communions can also be undertaken and any parishioner not presently on the sick communion list, who wishes to be considered to receive such a visit, should advise clergy accordingly.

Martin, our Team Rector, has a rest day towards the end of each week. Please make contact with him as you need to on 01942 883313 and he will respond to you as speedily as he can.

St. George’s Church

We now have a website for you to use, with lots of up to date and interesting information. We welcome your feedback.

The Parish Church of

St. George, Tyldesley.

January 2017

Parish News


Team Rector: Rev. Martin B Cox

7 Holbeck Astley M29 7NL

01942 883313

Team Vicar: Rev. Julian Hartley

St. John’s Vicarage, Mosley Common

0161 790 2957

Ordained Local Rev. Angela J Dand

Minister: 01942 879608

Ordained Pioneer Rev. Jan Harney

Minister: 01942 671481

Reader : Mr. David Kerfoot

01942 870736

Churchwardens: Mr. Alan Cross

01942 878697

Mrs. Kathleen Topping

01942 884746

Treasurer Mr. Jonathan Jones

07971 616263

“Together in worship, love and service”

January Edition 2017

A happy New Year to everyone!

Over the past few weeks we have sung an abundance of beautiful carols during Advent and Christmas but as you read this diary no doubt the cards and decorations will have disappeared. However, the celebrations are not over as we enter the season of Epiphany.

The Feast of Epiphany is celebrated on the 6th of January when we think about the arrival of the visitors from the East. Matthew tells us, “In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem asking, “where is the child who has been born King of the Jews? We observed his star at its rising and have come to pay him homage.”

Who were these wise men? We can’t be sure but they are known widely as Melchior King of Arabia and Nubia depicted as an old man with grey hair and beard who brought gold as his present for Christ the King. Caspar King of Sheba, a young man who brought a gift of frankincense for the Divine Christ and the dark skinned black bearded Balthazar King of Tarse and Egypt who brought his gift of myrrh as a warning of Christ’s death.

Some other accounts say the men came from Persia and were priest astrologers who in those days had great power and travelled with the pomp and royal status of Kings.

Probably the most well known and certainly one of the best Epiphany carols is “As with gladness men of old, did the guiding star behold.” It was written by William Chatterton Dix whilst he was recovering from a serious illness. Feeling better, he was reading Matthew ch2 v1-12 and began to meditate. He felt there were lessons to be learnt from the “Adoration of the Magi” which had not been put into verse – and the results were this hymn.

The story is simply told. Verse 1 has the thought of guidance – they saw an unusual star and feeling it was a divine signal, they followed it and it led them to Christ. In each verse Dix always adds ‘and so may we’ God gives us a chink of light and if we follow, it brings us to Christ.

From the Registers November 2016

Date Service Communicants Children Adults
2nd / Evening Prayer / 12
6th / Holy Communion / 5 / 5
Sung Eucharist / 38 / 2 / 38
Evening Prayer / 4
13th / Sung Eucharist / 34 / 2 / 34
Evening Prayer / 4
20th / Holy Communion / 5 / 5
Sung Eucharist / 43 / 4 / 43
Holy Baptism
Evening Prayer / 4
27th / Holy Communion / 7 / 7
Sung Eucharist / 35 / 2 / 35

Collection Totals November 2016

Cash Cash gift-aided Planned Giving gift-aided Planned giving
£282.93 £0 £698.66 £330.42
Regular anonymous gift to the Restoration Fund
£10-00 / per week
Donations £10.00 Organ £5.00

January Flower List

"We thank the following members of the congregation for Altar flowers in January"

1st January. "Open for offers"

8th January. Mrs Lilian Grime

15th January. Mr & Mrs Tom Pritchard, Mrs Barbara Heywood

22nd January. Legacy of Mr Clifford Cook

Daughters of the late Mrs Elsie Baker

29th January. Mrs Joan Berry

On 4th December we would like to thank the family of Mrs Florence Holtom in Loving Memory of a dear son and brother, Neil Holtom.

Also on that date we thank Margaret & Dave Connor, Stuart and Beatrice for additional altar flowers in Loving Memory of their dear son Lincoln.

We would also like to thank the family of Fiona Cant a much loved daughter, sister and aunt for additional altar flowers in her Loving Memory.

On 19th December our thanks to Audrey and John Hayes and family for additional flowers with Treasured Memories of Alan and Edith Hindle, always remembered with love and affection.

The flower team would like to thank...Linda from "Arts and Flowers" and everyone who has supported us in 2016.

Many thanks to the helpers who helped to build and dress the lovely Christmas tree.....and of course to all the people who helped to decorate and clean the church for Christmas including the tea and coffee makers.

We would not have been able to decorate without your generous contributions in memory of loved ones.....our thanks to you all!

Thank you to everyone who has supported the flower fund during December.

Happy New Year to everyone !


Our most grateful thanks go to the Friends of St. George’s for the wonderful display of flowers and decorations in our Church for Christmas. They worked extremely hard and gave up a great deal of time to do this.

We also thank Mrs Margery Howcroft for the sum of £10.00 donated to the Restoration Fund in memory of her dear husband Jim.

We both wish you all a Very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.

Kath & Alan

Welcome to the Family

Joshua James Williams

Aaron Joseph Williams

Ava Mary Olivia O’Connor

Newly Baptised

Our Christmas Appeal

This year Barnabus has reached a landmark 25 years Anniversary of providing life-changing support to the homeless. Barnabus is a Christian Homeless Charity based in Manchester. We started with just one man walking the streets, giving out food and drink to the homeless.

We now offer a lifeline to 600 visiting homeless and vulnerable people each week, many of whom have severe addictions or mental health issues. We support their physical, emotional and spiritual needs and do all we can to help them get back into mainstream society. We have received the 'unsung heroes' Queens award for Voluntary Service, but we do not receive any government funding, we rely entirely on donations.

Please take a look around to see some of the amazing projects we are involved with, and if you would like to get involved, there are many ways you can. You can give money, clothing, food or toiletries, you can volunteer or even organise a sponsored event.

But we need your help to carry on.

Verse 5 gives us the thought of Heaven. When the sun rises the stars disappear but in Heaven no light is needed because Christ is the light. But as regards gifts in verse 3 our best gift is expressed wonderfully in the final line of another carol written by Christina Rossetti – “ In the bleak mid-winter” She ends with the words “Yet what I can, I give him – give my heart.”


Team Meal

The meal which is for all members of the three churches will take place on January 28th 2017 at the Royal British Legion, Victoria Street, Boothstown, 5.30 for 6.00 pm.

We will be having a delicious three course meal with a choice of starter and dessert and tea/coffee.


Vegetable Soup with Roll or Pate with Crusty Bread

Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding , Roast Potatoes and Vegetables (vegetarian option of Salmon)

Homemade Sherry Trifle or Apple Pie


The price is £15.00 each.

For tickets please contact Churchwardens St. John’s; Marjorie Owen 01617907177 or AndreaTaziker 01617995754

Or see Kath or Alan at St. George’s