Learning Styles & Multiple Intelligences Rubric


Students will create their own PowerPoint Presentation that demonstrates what they learned about Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences. The PowerPoint presentation should include the following:

  • Title Slide
  • Your First AND Last name, Class Name, Class Period, Date, and Title of Presentation
  • Slide OR slides that give an overview of ALL of the learning styles and multiple intelligences
  • Slide or slides that tells YOUR SPECIFIC learning style and/or multiple intelligence
  • Slide or slides that tells how you can use what you learned about yourself to help you be more successful in high school and beyond.
  • Slide or slides that show the results of ALL of the personality assessments, learning style assessments, and multiple Intelligence assessments you have taken. (Refer to your notes, class page(s), and your saved documents)
  • Slide or slides that explain what the results mean or say about you (students should provide a comparison/contrast of the results).
  • Slide or Slides that include tips on learning, concentration, memory, note-taking, reading, writing, test-taking, study skills.
  • Ending Slide (“Thank You”) – be creative and show YOUR personal style.

Learning Styles & Multiple Intelligences PPT Criteria / Possible Points
Fully Addressees ALL required information / Content, Analysis, Quality of Work, Creativity, Reflection of Personal Learning Style, Spelling& Grammar / 30
Print Screen, Paste, Crop: the results of
each of the 3 web
quizzes / Match and go with the information for each of the Personality Quizzes and Learning Styles Assessments
given / 30
Work Cited / Website where you got the
information or graphics from noted
on each slide / 10
Originality / Creativity / Did you customize it to match you / 10
Quality / How good is it? / 10
Professionalism / Behavior during ALL presentations / 10
School Appropriate / If any part is not then / -30 pts

Learning Styles Rubric - Fully Addressees ALL required information

2 / 4 / 6 / 8
Content / Lacks insight and student does not have a grasp of the information. One or two bullets included. / Student is uncomfortable with the information. One or two sentences included. / Shows insight and student is at ease with the content, but fails to elaborate. Includes a general paragraph, but could elaborate more. / Student demonstrates remarkable insight and full knowledge of content. Includes well-constructed paragraphs with detailed information.
Analysis / Little to no analysis of the final product. / Three or four areas could have been analyzed more. / One or two areas could have been analyzed more. / Thorough analysis of the final product.
Quality of Work / It is apparent the work was hastily completed with little thought. / It is apparent the work was completed quickly, but some thought went into it. / The work was of a good quality, but one or two areas needed improvement. / The work was top-notch and it is apparent much time and effort went into its completion.
Creativity / A total lack of creativity is evident in the final product. / Creativity is scarce in the final product. / Creative final product, but did not go the extra mile. / Creativity abounds! You should be published or put on exhibit!
Reflection of Learning Style / If this was your learning style, it wasn’t evident in your final product! / You learning style began to come through in your final product, but it is apparent you did not take the time to complete a well- defined final product. / Your learning style was appropriately matched with your final product, but some extra effort was needed. / It is clear that your learning style was properly matched with the final product.
Spelling and Grammar / Written analysis was full of grammar and spelling errors. Too many to count. / Written analysis had ten to fifteen grammar and spelling errors. / Written analysis had five to ten grammar and spelling errors. / Written analysis was virtually free from grammar and spelling errors.

Total Points Earned: ______/30