Famous Americans PowerPoint Slides

These slides must be a part of your presentation. You will gather the information for them first. More slides may be added, but you may not omit any. Every slide should include a picture with URL citation.

Suggested Additional Slides: 2nd slide on current person; quotations slides.

1 / Names of Famous Americans plus YOUR name as Subtitle / Names of Famous Americans
Your Name
Picture of each famous person with URL
2 / Historical Famous American – Put name as Subtitle / Childhood and Early life of Historical person
Use bullets only, no paragraphs of information.
Include at least one photo with URL.
Information for this slide must be cited on Slide #10.
3 / Same as above / Slide on why this person is famous! Include 3-4 bullets of information about why they are famous. Picture with URL.
Information on this slide must be cited on Slide #10.
4 / Current Famous American – Put name as Subtitle / Same as Slide #3 only for Current American instead.
Picture/Photo with URL.
Information on this slide must be cited on Slide #10.
4a / Optional / If you wish an additional slide of information about your current person, put it here.
5 / Similarities / Use bullets. Include photo with URL.
List three areas in which these two people are similar or things they have in common.
6 / Differences / Use bullets. Include photo with URL.
List three areas in which these two people are different.
7 / What would <Historical> think of <Current>? / This comes from your imagination. Photo with URL.
Think deep and give it some thought!
8 / What would <Current> think of <Historical>? / Same as above. Photo with URL.
9 / What I Learned / List 3-4 bullets of new information you learned.
Photo with URL.
10 / Citations / Minimum of 6 citations in correct format as learned in class. No photo necessary.