Touch of Paradise
Music: A Touch of Paradise
Artist: John Farnham
Album: One Voice- Greatest Hits (available on Itunes)
Choreographer: Greg Goldstein
Dance commences 16 beats after start of accompaniment, original position wt on R
Terminology: left=the direction left, whileL=left foot
Beats Steps: 64 count 2 wall intermediate line dance June 09
1-8 Side rock and replace, cross, Side rock and replace, cross,Stepsfwd L,R, Swayright and left
1&2,3&4 Step L to left side, replace wt on R, cross L over R, Step R to right side, replace wt on L, cross R over L
5,6 Step Lfwd over R, step Rfwd, step L beside R
7,8 Step R to right side and sway hips right, Sway left on L (12)
9-16 Vine to left, ¼ turn right, Travel fwd with 2 half turns left and full turn left
1&2&3&4 Vine to left stepping R over L, step L to side,step R behind L, step L to side, step R over L,
step L to side, step R behind L turning ¼ right and hooking L (3)
5,6,7&8 Travelling fwd turn ¼ left on L, Turn ¾ left on R, Full turn left stepping L,R,L (3)
17-24 Step side, Body roll, Back shuffle, Full turn right, Step L to side, Step R together
1, 2,3 Step Rto side, RockL fwd curling body fwd, Recover on Rextending spine and sweep L to side(3)
4&5 Lock shuffle back stepping: L behind, R over L, L behind (3)
6&7 Full turn right stepping RLR (3)
8& Step L to side, step R together (3)
25-32 Fwd step L,R, Fwd shuffle, lockstep back diagonal, 1¼ left turn
1,2, 3&4 Step L fwd over R with sweep, Step R fwd over L, Fwd shuffle LRL (3)
5, 6&,7&8 Large step back R (diagonal), Step L over R, step R behind,Turn 1¼ left stepping L,R,L (12)
33-40 Hinge¼ left,Hold, Hinge ½ left, Drag together and hold, Steps R,L, Shuffle with ½ left
1,2,3,4 Step fwd R with ¼ left, Hold, Hinge ½ left onto L, Drag R together and hold (3)
5,6,7&8 Step R over L with sweep, Step L over R with sweep,shuffle forward with ½ left stepping R,L,R (9)
41-48 Hook, vine withturns, 1½ turn left
1,2 Step L back, Hook R
34 Step R fwd, step L to side with ¼ right, step R behind L, step L fwd with ¼ left (9)
5,6,7&8 Step R fwd ½left, Step L ½ left, ½ left stepping R,L,R (3)
49-56 Hook, vine with turns, 1½ turn left
1,2 Step L back, Hook R
3&4& Step R fwd, step L to side with ¼ right, step R behind L, step L fwd with ¼ left (3)
5,6,7&8 Step R fwd ½ left, Step L ½ left, ½ left stepping R,L,R (9)
57-64 Rocks and recovers with turns, Step to side, Hinge ½ left,step R together, sways
1,2 Turn ¼ left and rock fwdL, Recover on R (6)
&3,4 Step Lfwd ½ left, Rock fwd on R, Recover on L (12)
5,67,8 Step Rto side, Hinge ½ left turn, step R beside L, step L toleft side & sway hips left, Sway right on R (6)
Restart, in wall 3, after 40 counts;Replace counts 39&40 with ¼ left turn and side shuffle RLR, ready to recommence dance on front wall. No tags.
End: dance ends during6th wall (dance to count 23, then on count 24 turn ¼ left stepping L forward to face front wall, raising left hand to diagonal, and drag R together with L).