Press Release, Immediate- 13 November 2010, Hong Kong.
Concord Wines proudly announces herself Hong Kong exclusive agent for Marchesi Alfiero, “the very top wine of the appellation” as described by The Wine Advocate. The Marchesi Alfieri wine estate with its historic cellars is located amongst the heights in the AlfieriCastle in San Martin Alfieri. Estate owners Emanuela, Antonella, and Giovanna San Martino di San Germano manage the wine production in collaboration with Mario Olivero, Estate Director and Enologist.
The esteemed Barbera d'Asti is the jewel of the estate's production accounting for the majority of the 100,000 bottles of wine produced from the 25 hectares of vineyard. With strict control, all wine production including grape harvest is captive to the estate's property in San Martino Alfieri.
‘What defines the character of this wine is not only the accolades of prizes and awards, but more Marchesi Alfiero’s esteemed Barabara d’Asti La Tota, which shows the varietal and terroir typicity and is dense, soft and round, as is very very tasty ’, says Kevin K Tang, Product Consultant to Concord wines.
‘Perhaps the accolades tell the other part of the story of Marchesi Alfieri as well’, says Kevin K Tang.
Prize and awards, Marchesi Alfieri:
Barbera d’Asti Superiore Alfiera 2007: 3 glasses in the 2011 edition of the Gambero Rosso
Barbera d’Asti Superiore Alfiera 2007: 5 grappoli in the 12th edition of Duemilavani 2011
Barbera d’Asti Superiore Alfiera 2006 5 grappoli/ La Guida DUEMILAVINI 2009
Barbera d’Asti Superiore Alfiera 2006 90 punti/ Annuario dei Migliori Vini Italiani L.Maroni 2009
Barbera d’Asti Superiore Alfiera 2006 100 Migliori Vini Rossi Italiani/ Guida delle Guide “Class” 2009
Barbera d’Asti Superiore Alfiera 2005 3 bicchieri/ Guida Gambero Roso & Slow Food 2008
Barbera d’Asti Superiore Alfiera 2005 5 grappoli/ La Guida DUEMILAVINI 2008
Barbera d’Asti Superiore Alfiera 2005 100 Migliori Vini Rossi Italiani/ Guida delle Guide “Class” 2008
Barbera d’Asti Superiore Alfiera 2005 5 stars wines / Decanter Magazine 08.08
Barbera d’Asti Superiore Alfiera 2005 10 migliori Vini Italiani/ SonntagsZeitung 5.10.2008
Barbera d’Asti Superiore Alfiera 2004 5 grappoli / la Guida DUEMILAVINI 2007
Barbera d’Asti Superiore Alfiera 2004 Vino dell’Eccelenza / Le Guide dell’Espresso
Barbera d’Asti Superiore Alfiera 2003 92 punti / La Guida Vini di Veronelli
Barbera d’Asti Superiore Alfiera 2003 92 punti / Annuario di Migliori Vini Italiani L.Maroni 2006
Barbera d’Asti Superiore Alfiera 2003 17.5 punti / VINUM Magazine 2/3.2006
Barbera d’Asti Superiore Alfiera 2001 3 bicchieri / Guida Gambero Rosso & Slow Food 2004
Barbera d’Asti Superiore Alfiera 2001 5 grappoli / DUEMILAVINI 2004
Barbera d’Asti Superiore Alfiera 2000 3 bicchieri / Guida Gambero Rosso & Slow Food 2003
Barbera d’Asti Superiore Alfiera 1999 3 bicchieri / Guida Gambero Rosso & Slow Food 2002
Barbera d’Asti La Tota 2006 2 bicchieri Rossi/ Guida Gambero Roso & Slow Food 2009
Barbera d’Asti La Tota 2006 10 migliori Vini Italiani/ SonntagsZeitung 5.10.2008
Barbera d’Asti La Tota 2005 2 bicchieri Rossi/ Guida Gambero Roso & Slow Food 2008
Barbera d’Asti La Tota 2004 2 bicchieri Rossi/ Guida Gambero Roso & Slow Food 2007
Barbera d’Asti La Tota 2003 90 punti / La Guida Vini Veronelli 2006
San Germano Monferrato Rosso 2006 4 grappoli / La Guida DUEMILAVINI 2009
San Germano Monferrato Rosso 2005 4 grappoli / La Guida DUEMILAVINI 2008
San Germano Monferrato Rosso 2004 4 grappoli / La Guida DUEMILAVINI 2007
San Germano Monferrato Rosso 2003 4 grappoli / La Guida DUEMILAVINI 2006
About Concord Wines
Concord Wines is Hong Kong’s leading importer of international wines since 1997, carrying over 30 brands and 1500 other wines that consistently win high ratings and critical acclaim from trade publications such as Wine Spectator, Wine Enthusiast, The Wine Advocate and Decanter.
Linking pleasure and wines with awareness and responsibility, Concord Wines seeks to defend diversity in its wine supply, spread the education of taste, links producer of excellent wines to consumers through events and marketing.
Esther Choi, Assistant Marketing Manager, , telephone 22393505.
Marchesi Alfieri site:
Concord Wines site: