Brentwood of Palatine Condominiums

Palatine, Illinois


March 15, 2012.

A meeting of the Board of Directors, Brentwood of Palatine Condominium Association

was held on March 15, 2012 at 7:05 p.m. at the club house located at 1449North Winslowe Drive, Palatine, Illinois, 60074.


On a roll call, the following Board members were:

Present: Richard Pinelli

Patrick Plunkett

Ramon Poblet

Absent:Rebecca Stack

A quorum being present, Richard Pinelli motioned to call the meeting to order. Patrick Plunkett

seconded the motion.

By unanimous agreement the meeting was called to order.


No minutes from our last meeting was provided for approval.


Our treasurer reported the Association currently has the following account balances:


Outstanding Checks -$16,000.00

Adjusted Operations Balance 43,308.10

Reserves $51,975.76

Cash Assets$95,283.86

We have not received our current natural gas bill at this time.

All Association financials were audited this year by professional auditors. This is done once every three years. Richard Pinelli motioned to have a final copy of this report created by CPA’s placed on record. Patrick Plunckettseconded the motion.

By unanimous votes the motion carried.

The Board was provided with a bid from Philadelphia Insurance Company. The total for this policy comes to roughly $46,000.00 for a period of one year. Richard Pinelli motioned to accept the bid. The motion was seconded by Patrick Plunkett.

By unanimous votes the motion carried.

Board members reviewed an e-mail containing a proposal from Trinity Landscape of Northern Illinois, Inc. for landscaping service. The contract will begin on April 15, 2012 and end on November 15, 2012. The total cost for this season comes to $24,000.00. Ramon Poblet made a motion to adopt the bid. The motion was seconded by Patrick Plunkett.

By unanimous votes the motion carried.


A concern expressed by the State of Illinois regarding our swimming pool compliancy has been rebuffed by our attorneys.


No old business was brought before the board.


There being no further business to come before the Board of Directors, Richard Pinelli motioned for adjournment of the open portion of the Board meeting at 7:20 p.m. Ramon Poblet seconded the motion.

On which motion a roll call vote was held with the following results:

Present:Richard Pinelli

Patrick Plunkett

Ramon Poblet

Absent:Rebecca Stack

The motion carried.



