Assessemnt Institute Learning Factors

Case Study Research Meeting

May 31, 2005


1. Assess research question – Don to revise based on discussion

Main question

Expect this to change throughout the research process


For adult learners who are improving their assessment practice, what extrinsic factors or combination of factors most influence learning, mindset change, or performance improvements during a four day workshop?

Dan and Don:

For adult learners who are improving their assessment expertise and practice, what extrinsic factors or combination of factors most influence learning, mindset change, or performance improvements during a four-day workshop?

For next paper:

What are the intrinsic long-term behaviors that were produced?

Subquestion comments:

Cultural norms: meaning status quo or vision for future or both?

Motivation of faculty – at what point in time? before, during, after workshop

New question: What perceived intrinsic long term behaviors were produced?

2. Meeting Log – Dan to post what “owners” of info send to him

Post all documents produced on one page with links to everything

Owners of various documents make sure to get each one to Dan

Keep each documented activity as a separate one to link to

Dan keeps list of documents produced and maintains

3. Assess factors – Bob to plan for collection and analyze

TH - Have group make lists of top barriers to progress and factors involved with each barrier

Bob/group collate major factors group found and ones we already identified

F - Come back to group: have them add to and rank barriers and then factors within barriers

4. Interviews in Social Science –

Tris to modify instrument, pilot 2 interviews W, conduct interviews TH

Don to contact Scott for release forms

Pilot interview tomorrow with the research group on Wed

Do about 8 interviews 15 minutes each (2 TH morn, 2 lunch, 3 TH aft, maybe 2 or 3 more on F.)

Do notes to interviewee for whole group on Wed afternoon with a story about myself to set up readiness of participants to share as well.

Switch questions 2 and 3

question 5 changed spared to catalyst and incident to incident or incidents

Make sure to get to 4 and 5 where the meat is

5. Team meeting and information flow – Don to lead organization

Don to lead planning and will dialogue for contributions with individuals

TH 4:45 - 6:15 evening need meeting to process what has been learned (1.5 hrs)