Terriers and Amersham Hill

Ward population estimates / 9,181
Total number of community facilities
Total number of ‘dedicated’ community facilities
Total number available for public hire / 13

Current provision

There is just one dedicated community facility within the ward – St Francis of Assisi church hall (CFTER035).

There are an additional 12 community facilities including places of worship and schools of which 9 are available for public hire.

Deficiency analysis

·  Although there is only one dedicated community facility in the ward, geographically most of it is within the catchment of a community facility even if that facility is in a different ward. There is however a small area across the centre of the ward which falls outside of a community facility.

·  With a population of over 9,000, it would be expected that there should be at least two community facilities to cater for the ward population so there is a deficiency in terms of the number of community facilities in the ward.

·  A ward the size of terriers and Amersham Hill could expect over 1,200 sq.m of available community space but there is currently just over 300 sq.m. There is therefore a deficiency in terms of the size of facilities available for community use.

Planned developments (as of 2013)

There are no large planned developments within the ward but the former De la Rue site which is in Disraeli but close to the western border of the ward is due for development soon.

How can any shortfall be met?

Negotiations are being held with Planning and Property Services about ways in which a community facility could be provided in the Hughenden Valley area. S106/CIL contributions from developments in and around the ward could contribute to a new facility should a suitable site be identified.