International Civil Aviation Organization
13 September 2007



Nairobi, 19-25 September 2007

Agenda Item 5: / Issues for WRC-11, and also Agenda Items 3 and 4


(Prepared by Y. SUZUKI and M.ITO, Japan)

This paper presents Preliminary APT Common Proposal for WRC-07 Agenda Item 7.2 to establish WRC-11 agenda on methods to ensure long term spectrum availability of AMS(R)S by comparing similar proposals from CEPT and CITEL.
It is concluded that, as issue is so important and urgent for aviation community, the agenda shall be approved at the Conference for WRC-11 and shall not be delayed for WRC-15.
WG-F members are invited to consider this paper, and are encouraged to participate in the work for the WRC-07 to obtain active support at the Conference by their respective Administrations and regional telecommunication organization for approving WRC-11 Agenda Item on this matter.

1. Introduction

At WRC-97, the sub-bands 1545-1555 MHz (space-to-Earth) and 1646.5-1656.5 MHz (Earth-to-space), which had been exclusively allocated to aeronautical mobile-satellite (Route) service (AMS(R)S) providing transmission of messages with priority 1 to 6 in Article 44 of the Radio Regulations, were made generic to all MSS with a provision, now numbered 5.357A, to prioritize and protect AMS(R)S. However, as most of the bands were already occupied by non-safety communications and current spectrum requirements of AMS(R)S are not satisfied, it seems to be difficult to expect future long-term and stable spectrum availability for AMS(R)S in these bands under current provisions of the R.R.

This paper presents Preliminary APT Common Proposal for WRC-07 Agenda Item 7.2 to establish WRC-11 agenda on methods to ensure long term spectrum availability of AMS(R)S by comparing similar proposals from CEPT and CITEL.

2. Discussions

2.1 ITU-R Studies

Resolution 222 invited ITU-R "to complete studies to determine the feasibility and practicality of prioritization and real-time pre-emptive access between different networks of mobile-satellite systems as referred to in resolves 2 above, while taking into account the latest technical advances in order to maximize spectral efficiency".

ITU-R carried out the studies on this subject since Year 2000 mainly focusing to AMS(R)S in the bands 1 545-1 555 MHz and 1 646.5-1 656.5 MHz, and adopted Report 2073 on the "Feasibility and practicality of prioritization and real-time pre-emptive access between different networks of mobile-satellite service in the bands 1 525 - 1 559 MHz and 1 626.5 - 1 660.5 MHz" concluding that "prioritization and intersystem real-time pre-emption" is not practical and, without significant advance in technology, is unlikely to be feasible for technical, operational and economical reasons. This means that "intersystem real-time pre-emption" cannot be used as an effective method to ensure long-term spectrum availability and protection for the AMS(R)S communications in these bands.

As demand for AMS(R)S communication to support ICAO CNS/ATM system is increasing, it is urged to study other appropriate methods to ensure long-term and stable spectrum availability for AMS(R)S in these bands, and to provide appropriate regulatory and operational provisions.

2.2 ICAO Position

The ICAO Position of the Agenda Item 7.2 for WRC-11 is that "to support the inclusion of an agenda item for WRC-11 addressing the MSS 1.5/1.6 GHz bands with a view to ensure long-term spectrum availability and protection for the AMS(R)S communications in these bands, taking into account the results of the studies in ITU Report 2073".

Since 1997, the allotment of spectrum to mobile-satellite service providers has been organized under the provisions of various regional Memoranda of Understanding (MoU). The allotments agreed under the provisions of these MoUs are not available in the public domain and are not known to ICAO. This makes it virtually impossible for aviation to develop long-term planning for using this spectrum. ICAO has also been informed that the current provisions and procedures for AMS(R)S under these MoUs (which effectively bypass the open coordination process as is normal under the provisions of the ITU) are insufficient to satisfy future demand for AMS(R)S spectrum.

As demand for non-AMS(R)S communication over mobile-satellite service systems is anticipated to further increase, it is becoming more and more difficult to ensure adequate spectrum availability for AMS(R)S.

As a result of these developments, WRC-11 needs to consider the allocations in these bands and to provide an effective mechanism securing long-term access for aviation to these bands.

2.3 APT Proposal

The 5th APT Conference Preparatory Group Meeting for WRC-2007 (APG2007-5) adopted Preliminary APT Common Proposal on WRC-07 Agenda Items including WRC-11 agenda on the methods to ensure long-term spectrum availability and priority for the AMS(R)S as shown in Attachment 1.

It is proposing to consider results of ITU-R studies under proposed Resolution on the methods to ensure long-term spectrum availability and priority for the AMS(R)S, and to take appropriate action on this subject based on current generic allocation for the mobile satellite service.

The ITU-R studies would include;

1) to examine, as a matter of urgency, the existing and future spectrum requirements of the AMS(R)S,

2) to examine whether the increased requirements of the AMS(R)S can be met within the existing allocations in the frequency bands 1 545-1 555 MHz and 1 646.5-1 656.5 MHz in accordance with the associated provisions

3) if such an examination indicates that these requirements can not be met within the ranges 1 545-1 555 MHz and 1 646.5-1 656.5 MHz, without undue constraints on the existing systems operating in accordance with the Radio Regulations, to study existing and possible new allocations for the Mobile-Satellite Service where additional use of AMS(R)S communications with priority categories 1 to 6 of Article 44, could be accommodated for global and seamless operation of civil aviation, taking into account the need to avoid undue constraints on other services

4) to examine operating procedures for managing AMS(R)S spectrum in generic MSS allocations,

5) to consider aeronautical safety communication systems and technology by satellite for efficient use of spectrum.

It is noted that current Resolution 222 should be kept as it is since this Resolution deals with both GMDSS and AMS(R)S in the frequency ranges of 1 525-1 559 MHz and 1 626.5-1 660.5 MHz and that new Resolution exclusively deal with AMS(R)S issue for its efficiency and effectiveness.

2.4 Proposals from Other Organizations

With our available information, the CEPT(Europe) is also proposing WRC-11 Agenda on AMS(R)S spectrum issue retaining preliminary agenda Item 2.3 of the Resolution 803 with wording of the agenda be unchanged but Resolution 222 be revised.

Proposed revision is requesting ITU-R to examine spectrum requirement of the AMS(R)S and to examine such requirement could be met existing allocation with associated provisions. If these requirement could not be met within current allocation, the ITU-R is requested to study existing and possible new allocations for the MSS where additional use of AMS(R)S.

On the other hand, although difficulty of satisfying required spectrum for future AMS(R)S communication is noted, the CITEL(Americas) is going to propose suppression of this issue from WRC-11 Agenda and to consider it at a future conference after WRC-15 by modifying Resolution 222 to request ITU-R for further studies. It seems to be an effect of some pressure from existing MSS operators who do not wish to re-organize current framework.

Other organizations, such as RCC(Russians), ASMC(Arab) and ATU(Africa) might be considering this issue, but no specific proposals are informed yet.

2.5 Needs of Worldwide Support

In developing the conference agenda, efforts should be made to encourage regional and inter regional coordination on the subjects to be considered in the preparatory process for the WRC. Therefore, it is necessary to develop worldwide support on agenda item for WRC-11 to deal with this subject.

In the past experience in WRC-03 on AMS(R)S spectrum issue, sufficient support could not be obtained and the Conference did not take it as Agenda Item for WRC-07 but only listed in preliminary agenda for WRC-11.

As described above, in the preparation of the WRC-07, some regional organizations expressed a concern of the problem of long-term spectrum availability of AMS(R)S and proposing this issue for agenda item of WRC-11 or beyond.

It seems to be natural that MSS operators not engaged in AMS(R)S communications would not wish to change existing framework and therefore they would oppose such agenda, but other administration could support the agenda if they understand a benefit of aviation community since no pressure from existing MSS operators exists. It should be noted that most Administrations concerning radiocommunications would give higher priority on matters for commercial telecommunication business comparing to aeronautical matters. Therefore it is important to explain the importance and current problems of assigning radio spectrum to aeronautical safety communications to respective Administrations.

It is concluded that, as issue is so important and urgent for aviation community, the agenda shall be approved at the Conference for WRC-11 and shall not be delayed for WRC-15.

3. Action by the Meeting

WG-F members are invited to consider this paper, and are encouraged to participate in the work for the WRC-07 to obtain active support at the Conference by their respective Administrations and regional telecommunication organization for approving this matter as WRC-11 Agenda Item.

Annex 1 Preliminary APT Common Proposal on Agenda Item 7.2 (AMS(R)S)


The 5th Meeting of the APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-2007 (APG2007-5) / Document No:
16 – 21 July 2007, Busan, Rep. of Korea / 21 July 2007


7.2 to recommend to the Council items for inclusion in the agenda for the next WRC, and to give its views on the preliminary agenda for the subsequent conference and on possible agenda items for future conferences, taking into account Resolution803 (WRC03)”


Agenda item 7.2 requests WRC-07 to recommend to the Council items for inclusion in the agenda for the WRC-11, and to give its view on the preliminary agenda for the subsequent Conference and on possible agenda items for future conferences, taking into account Resolution 803 (WRC-03).

APT Members carefully examined the proposed new items for inclusion in the agenda of future conference together with the preliminary agenda items for WRC-11 within the Resolution 803 (WRC-03) and reached the following views and proposals on the WRC-07 Agenda Item 7.2.


APT Common View: APT Members support those agenda items that have a high priority and which would have a reasonable chance of being agreed/resolved at WRC-11; does not support lower priority items that will expand the list of studies to the point where essential issues will not get adequate time for consideration; promote aggregation of similar issues within one agenda item; and promote the restriction of future studies to a manageable list of essential items.

Part 1 - Proposed new items for inclusion in the agenda of WRC-11


APT proposes that WRC-07 suppresses Resolution 803 (WRC-03) and adopts a new Resolution as the basis for the provisional agenda for WRC-2011 for adoption by the Council.

SUP ASP/7.2/2


Preliminary agenda for the 2010 World
Radiocommunication Conference

ADD ASP/7.2/3-1


Agenda for the 2011 World Radiocommunication Conference

The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2003),


a) that, in accordance with No. 118 of the Convention, the general scope of the agenda for a world radiocommunication conference should be established four to six years in advance and a final agenda shall be established by the Council two years before the conference;

b) Article 13 of the Constitution relating to the competence and scheduling of world radiocommunication conferences and Article 7 of the Convention relating to their agendas;

c) the relevant Resolutions and Recommendations of previous world administrative radio conferences (WARCs) and world radiocommunication conferences (WRCs),


a) that this Conference has identified a number of urgent issues requiring further examination by WRC07;

b) that, in preparing this agenda, many items proposed by administrations could not be included and have had to be deferred to future conference agendas,


to recommend to the Council that a world radiocommunication conference be held in 2011 for a period of four weeks, with the following agenda:

1 on the basis of proposals from administrations, taking account of the results of WRC07 and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.1 requests from administrations to delete their country footnotes or to have their country name deleted from footnotes, if no longer required, in accordance with Resolution26 (Rev.WRC97);

ADD ASP/7.2/3-2

1.2 to review No.5.565 of the Radio Regulations to update the spectrum use between 275 GHz and 3000 GHz taking into account the result of ITU-R studies in accordance with Resolution 950 (Rev. WRC-07); See Annex 1

ADD ASP/7.2/3-3

1.3 to consider primary allocations to the mobile service in the 37-38 GHz band in order to exclude the aeronautical mobile service, or alternatively other regulatory actions as required to protect the space research service (space-to-Earth) in the band from interference from the aeronautical mobile service on the basis of studies in accordance with Resolution [ASP/7.2/XX1 (WRC-07). See Annex 2

ADD ASP/7.2/3-4

1.4 to consider a primary allocation for the Radiolocation service in the band 24.465-24.565MHz in accordance with Resolution [ASP/7.2/XX2]; See Annex 3

ADD ASP/7.2/3-5

1.5 to review the appropriateness of the international regulatory framework in accordance with Resolution 951 (Rev. WRC-07) and take appropriate action. See Annex 4

ADD ASP/7.2/3-6

1.6 the identification and allocation of suitable spectrum (for flight and payload communications ) for the safe control of unmanned aeronautical systems (UAS) operations while ensuring that the operation of existing radiocommunication services are not adversely affected; See Annex 5

ADD ASP/7.2/3-7