The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Getting along with Difficult People. Toropov, Brandon. New York: Alpha Books, 1997.
Conflict Management: A Communication Skills Approach. Borisoff, Deborah. Boston, Mass.: Allyn and Bacon, 1998.
Coping With Difficult Bosses.Bramson, Robert M. New York: Carol Publishing,1992.
Coping With Difficult People.Bramson, Robert M. New York: Dell, 1988.
Crazy Bosses: Spotting Them, Serving Them, Surviving Them.Bing, Stanley. New York: William Morrow, 1992.
Dealing with People You Can’t Stand: How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst. Brinkman, Rick and Rick Kirschner. New York: McGraw-Hill,1994.
Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most. Stone, Douglas, Bruce Patton, and Shelia Heen. New York: Viking, 1999.
Dinosaur Brains: Dealing with All Those Impossible People at Work.Bernstein, Albert J. New York: Wiley, 1989.
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff at Work: Simple Ways to Minimize Stress and Conflict while Bringing out the Best in Yourself and others. Carlson, Richard. New York:Hyperion, 1998.
Emotional Intelligence at Work: The Untapped Edge for Success. Weisinger, Hendrie. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1998.
How to Disagree without Being Disagreeable: Getting Your Point Across With the
Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense. Elgin, Suzette H. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1997.
Human Resource Management. De Cenzo, David A. and Stephen Robbins. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1999.
LIFE Types. Hirsh, Sandra K. and Jean Kummerow. New York, NY: Warner Books, 1989.
Mind Skills for Managers.Malone, Samuel. Brookkfield, VT, 1997.
People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflict.Bolton, Robert. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1986.
Personality at Work: The Role of Individual Differences in the Workplace.Furnham, Adrian. New York: Routledge, 1994.
Putting Emotional Intelligence to Work: Successful Leadership is More Than IQ.Ryback, David. Boston: Butterworth-Heinmann, 1998.
The New Self-Directed Work Teams: Mastering the Challenge. Orsbourne, Jack D. and Linda Moran. New York: McGraw Hill, 2000.
The Power of Positive Confrontation: The Skills You Need to Know How to handle Conflicts at Work, Home and In Life. Pachter, Barbara. New York: Marlowe and Co. 2000.
Resolving Conflicts: How to Turn Conflicts into Co-operation. Grant, Wendy.Rockport, MA: Element 1997.
The Tao of Negotiation: How You Can Prevent, Resolve, and Transcent Conflict in Work and Everyday Life.Edelman, Joel New York: HarperBusiness, 1993.
Technology-Based Learning: Maximizing Human Performance and Corpoate Success. Marquardt, Michael J. and Greg Kearsley. Boca Raton: St. Lucie Press 1999.
201 Ways to Deal with Difficult People.Axelrod, Alan and Jim Holtje. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1997.
Why Aren't You More Like Me?Robinson, Everett. Amherst, MA: HRD Press,1994.
Workplace Wars and How to End Them: Turning Personal Conflicts Into Productive Teamwork.Kaye, Kenneth. New York: American Management Association, 1994.
Periodical Articles
"… And What of Those "Difficult" Employees?" Across the Board.V.35 n.3 (Mar 1998): 43
"Applying Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace." Cooper, Robert K. Training andDevelopment. V.51 (Dec 1997): 31-8
"Butting Heads in the Workplace." Donovan, Joe Hawkins. California ManagementReview. V.40 no. 2 (Winter 1998): 33-35
"CIGNA Begins its Quality Transformation:Use of Myers-Briggs to Enhance Team Effectiveness." Baran, John. Quality Progress.V.25 no.1 (January 1992):42-47
"Emotional Intelligence at Work." Laabs, Jennifer. Workforce. V.78 n.7 (July 1999): p.68-71
"EQ: Edging Towards Respectabilty: Emotional Quotients." Stuller, Jay. Training. V.34(June 1997): 42-6
"Hacking Your Way Through the Interpersonal Jungle." Moldof, Edwin P. CPA Journal. V.68 no. 2 (February 1998): 64-65
"Identifying How We Think: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument." Harvard Business Review. V.75(July/August 1997): 114-15
"Improving Your Leadership Skills." Marken, G.A. Public Relations Quarterly. V. 44 no.2 (Spring 1999): 40-1
"Interpersonal Dynamics Turn ‘Group’ into ‘Team’." Hart, Shelia Adams. Electronic News. V.43 (July 28 1997): 48 GODDARD, KENNEDY, MARSHALL
"Managers: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly." Stevens, Robert I. Journal of SystemsManagement.V.42 (Feb. 1991): 21 JPL, LANGLEY, GODDARD
"Success Secret: A High Emotional IQ: Interview with Psychologist D. Goleman." Fisher, Anne. Fortune. V.138 n.8 (Oct. 26, 1998): 293-5
"Teams at Work." Joinson, Carla. HRMagazine.V. 44 no.5 (May 1999): 30-6
"The ABC’s of Supervision." Satava, David and Jim Weber. Journal of Accountancy. V.185 (Feb. 1998):72
"The Challenges Facing Workers in the Future." HR Focus. V.76 no.8 (Aug. 1999): 6
"Things Bad Managers Do." Pollock, Ted. Supervision. V.57 (July 1996): 21-3
"Triangles: Tools for Untangling Interpersonal Messes." Ruzich, Patricia. HRMagazine.44, no. 7 (July 1999): 129-130
"Using Interpersonal Skills to Manage More Effectively." Supervisory Management. V. 38 (Apr. 1993): 4 JPL
"Who We Are At Work: Six Types of Employee Attitudes." Oechsle, Sixtus. Workforce.V.77 no.11 (Nov. 1998 Supp. Extra)
"Your Emotional Skills Can Make or Break You: Views of Author D. Goleman." Bates, Steve. Nation'sBusiness. V.87 no.4 (Apr. 1999):17
Internet Resources
Emotional Intelligence
Interpersonal Communication- Articles
Jung - Myers-Briggs Typology
Team Management Systems