Bellmawr Public Schools

Preschool Registration

Full Day Preschool

The Bellmawr Public School District will be conducting registrations for children who are eligible to attend our Preschool program during the 2017-2018 school year. Children who are residents of Bellmawr andwho will be three or fouryears oldby September 30, 2017 are eligible to register.

Listed below is the information needed for you to register your child for ourfull day Preschool program for the 2017-2018 school year. Before and after school care is available for preschool students through the “C.A.R.E. Program

Children must be 3or 4 years of age on or before September 30, 2017

(No exceptions)

Wednesday, March 1st through Wednesday, March 15th

Bell Oaks Upper Elementary School Main Lobby

by appointment only

856-931-3620 ext. 1313

The following information must be brought with you to the Preschool registration:

1. Completed Registration Packet

2. Original Birth Certificate (citing parents’ names)

3. Two proofs of Residency

  • If you own or are buying your home, please bring your sale agreement, or tax bill, a utility bill

and your driver’s license citing your Bellmawr address

  • If you are renting, please bring a copy of your lease, a utility bill and your driver’s license citing your Bellmawr address

4. Custody papers, if applicable

5. Copy of IEP, if applicable

6. Immunization Records

7. Physical Examination – all children will be required to have a complete physical given by

their family physician prior to entering Preschool. Deadline for completed

physical examination is August 15, 2017.

Immunization Records

  • DPT - minimum of four doses. One dose must be administered on or after the fourth birthday
  • Polio – minimum of three doses. One dose must be administered on or after the fourth birthday
  • MMR – (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) – two doses of measles-containing vaccine given on or after

the first birthday

  • Hepatitis B – three doses
  • Varicella (chicken pox) – one dose
  • Flu–6 to 59 months - one dose annually


If you should have any questions regarding registration, or if you need to speak with the school nurse regarding health requirements, please contact the following:

Mrs. Marmarou, Central Office — 931-3620 ext. 1313

Nurse Priscilla, Bell Oaks School Nurse — 931-6273 ext. 1309