USATF MTF Executive Committee Minutes 10JAN17

Recorded by Amanda Scotti, MTF Exec. Comm. Secretary


Rex Harvey
Jerry Bookin-Weiner Amanda Scotti Christel Donley Jerry Donley
Jim Flanik
Latashia Key George Mathews Bill Murray


Interview Lisa Rosborough, applicant for Media Chair and applicant for Organizational

Advancement And Promotional Sub-Committee

Filling the Open Committee Positions

Rex Harvey asked whether those who have held positions previously need to be interviewed. Jerry Donley said he thought that it is not necessary. Latashia Key and Jerry Bookin-Weiner preferred that they be interviewed to hear their plans for the future and to avoid any hard feelings. George Matthews suggested offering an option to interview and that it also be suggested that all proposed candidates become part of the committees. Rex Harvey agreed, although it means additional work for the executive committee, adding that the subcommittee chairs would need to submit their prospective subcommittee members to the Chair for approval and official appointment.

It was agreed that when appropriate Jerry Bookin-Weiner will set up a voting site via Survey Monkey for voting on subcommittee chairs. The votes will be anonymous.

Bill Murray reminded Rex Harvey about having a discussion about the regions setting up who votes for regional coordinators and deciding whether there should be one process for all regions or should each region have its own. Rex Harvey stated that if the regions have individual procedures, the Executive Committee must approve each of them. Then they can elect their coordinators and those regions that do not elect a coordinator will have them appointed by the Chair. Mark Cleary’s West Region notes on the matter were a blueprint, amended by Rex Harvey and used by Bill Murray, for the most part, to formalize the SE Region’s procedures. George Matthews did the same for the Northwest Region. George added that he thinks it would be best to have one procedure for all the regions.

Jerry Donley said that there needs to be awareness of if a quorum is required, there needs to be a provision in place for when there is no quorum. Rex Harvey said that in that case an email vote would suffice. Jerry Donley said that in some cases a quorum couldn’t be gotten by email either; Rex Harvey said then the association president could appoint someone to vote. Bill Murray defined a quorum as 50% of the Association chairs plus the regional coordinator. If no quorum can be attained, an electronic vote is ok with the winner being whoever gets the most votes with no quorum required for an electronic vote.

George Matthews said that in the NW Region only three out of 8-9 Associations participate outside of the annual meeting and that some don’t respond at all making, it hard to get a majority. Some regions have their masters chair appointed by the Executive Committee, and don’t have a voting process.

Rex Harvey stated that he would work on the matter with Jerry Bookin-Weiner to put together a specific proposal for the selection of regional coordinators. This will be discussed further.

Lisa Rosborough Interview

Ms. Rosborough discussed her background in MTF, her pertinent education and experience. (Resume attached to end of minutes)

Due to her announcing experience, Rex Harvey asked her to come help announce at the National Indoor meet in February; she will.

Rex Harvey expressed that Bob Weiner has done a good job as Media Chair and suggested that Ms. Rosborough apply for the position of Chair of the new Organizational Advancement & Promotion Sub- Committee (OAP). Jerry Bookin-Weiner described some of the duties of the committee, including;

Fund raising/sponsorships
Exhibition events at major meets such as the senior nationals and Olympic trials Hall of Fame/other promotional type programs

Bill Murray asked if Ms. Rosborough had experience with fundraising and soliciting sponsorships. Ms. Rosborough responded that she did and referenced her resume, which provided examples. She has experience reviewing and negotiating proposals. She also cited examples of her experiences sending press releases, coordinating various media events, conducting onsite athlete and audience interviews, and writing media articles.

Jim Flanik asked about her experience as a meet announcer. She responded that last year she was the first and only woman to announce at the Texas Relays. Her duties included announcing the races, thanking the sponsors, making public service announcements, on the field athlete highlights, announcing the awards, and engaging the audience.

Latashia Key asked Ms. Rosborough which of the two positions (Media and OAP) she preferred and felt best suited her abilities and passion and served MTF needs. She responded that she preferred the Media Chair position, that she was looking for an opportunity to promote the sport. She said that the masters could be promoted better, that there is another level to be brought to the job, more aspects. She believes that with her journalism background she can elevate the job. She expressed concern that the OAP position required grant writing, with which she has no experience.

Rex Harvey pointed out that there are currently several volunteers for positions on the OAP Subcommittee to help out and that she would be able to appoint her own people (ok’d by the Executive Committee Chair) to help. Rex Harvey sees that committee as the Public Relations committee and that it would suit her experience. Ms. Rosborough stated that she would like to do more promotion of the national championships, interview athletes, and get involved in inviting locals to come out. Rex Harvey inquired whether the duties of the position would impact her job. Lisa replied that she was quite flexible.

Christel Donley asked Ms. Rosborough if she still competes, Ms. Rosborough said that she doesn’t currently, but still wants to contribute to the sport by working in one of these positions. Rex Harvey said that if she wanted to compete, she would be able to.
End of Interview

In summary, Rex Harvey said the it is his preference to keep Bob Weiner as Media Chair and vote in Lisa Roseborough as the Chair of the OAP Subcommittee. He also added that currently social media falls under Media and that Sandy Triolo, who currently handles Social Media for MTF will present a report in Albuquerque. Rex also stated that if Ms. Rosborough heads up the OAP her job will be to handle PR, and that the masters exhibition events will be handled by that committee, as will fund-raising and that Jerry Bookin-Weiner will be instrumental in helping with that.

Latashia Key asked why we couldn’t ask Bob to take a secondary role if Ms. Rosborough were to head up the Media Committee. She pointed out that Ms. Rosborough brings a fresh perspective, is professional, qualified and media savvy. Latashia expressed concern that we might lose Ms. Rosborough.

George Matthews said that in the past, the Media chairman was not part of Executive Committee. He also asked if Ms. Rosborough had experience with MTF, does she know the organization. Latashia responded that she does and that she works with elite T&F athletes and is very involved in the sport, that she also conducts live podcasts which are posted to various sites. Jerry Donley noted that it might be hard to put a person into a major job when they’re new to MTF, that it takes time to learn about the sport.

Rex Harvey said he would like to keep Bob Weiner as Media Chair and decide between Lisa Rosborough and John Oleski for OAP Chair, that the program needs to progress.

There will be two elections set up;
Media Subcommittee Chair; Bob Weiner and Lisa Rosborough
Organizational Advancement & Promotion Subcommittee Chair; Lisa Rosborough and John Oleski

Rex Harvey asked if we should we interview Bob Weiner and John Oleski. Jerry Bookin-Weiner was concerned about negative feedback and that the process could be tainted if interviews were not conducted.

Rex Harvey said that at the next Tuesday night conference call, scheduled for January 17, 2017, 9pm EST that Weiner and Oleski will have 15-20 minutes for an interview if they choose.

Committee Appointments/Appointed by Acclimation:

·  Games Committee – Jim Flanik

·  Law and Legislation – David Griefinger

Appointed by Acclimation after discussion. It was felt this position needed to be filled after being empty for sometime as MTF may need someone in the position
going into next year’s annual meeting with new operating procedures and to help rewrite the bid contracts.

·  East Region Coordinator- Mike Tavers

·  Southwest Region Coordinator – Lester Mount

·  All American Standards Chair - Jeff Brower

Jerry Bookin-Weiner questioned if this is something MTF should have a hand in since USATF will not allow their logo to be attached to it.

·  Webmaster -Jeff Brower

·  Masters History - Jeff Davison

·  Senior Games Liason - Jim Flanik

Rex Harvey asked the Committee members to prepare questions for Mr. Weiner and Mr. Oleski for next weeks’ interview.
Meeting ended 10:30pm EST

1. Name: Lisa Rosborough Phone: 817-805-1870

Address: 2512 Ridgmar Blvd. City: Fort Worth

2. Position(s) Desired: -Media Chair
-Social Media Chair

Email: rosboroughpublicrelations “at” Apartment #15

State: TX Zip Code: 76116

USATF Masters Track and Field Committee Application for Subcommittee Positions/Membership

3. Two or Three proposed SMART Goals (20 words maximum per goal).
(ctrl-click here for information on SMART goals:

I seek to strategically focus on the following SMART goals for MTF. To support each goal, I have referenced a link of my previous work and knowledge as it relates to each goal being achieved.

-SPECIFIC: Produce video interviews and write human interest stories once a month via internal/external media outlets and publications; establish YouTube channel. See links of my previous work enclosed in my email.

-ATTAINABLE: Increase participation and promotion of ALL masters local, national and international track meets, and special events through social media. See previous work at

-TIMELY: Starting with the National Masters Indoor Championships in March, I can conduct athlete video interviews with athletes from each age group onsite. See links of my previous work enclosed in my email.

4. Describe your interest and experience as relevant to the position(s) for which you are applying (maximum 150 words): **The word count featured doesn’t include the links attached.

INTEREST: Masters 10-time All American and 2011 world champion with experience managing local Texas media, seeking to expand work on national media level.

Public Relations Officer, US Olympians and Paralympians Association, Southwestern, 2016 – Present

Media Relations, USA Track and Field Olympic Training Camp, 2016 132918/photo-10682601.php 388716742.html

Public Relations & Communications Chair, USATF Southwestern 2009-2016 meet/12540066

Media Relations, Texas Track and Field Hall of Fame, 2016 fame/301345800 fame/12669414

Public Relations, Sanya Richards-Ross Track and Field Sports Clinic, 2015

Media Coordinator, Michael Johnson Track and Field Camp, 2015

Public Affairs Chief, United States Marine Corps 2008 – 2013

-University of Texas Track and Field Officials Association -Texas Track and Field Coaches Association
-National Association of Black Journalists
-Texas Association of Broadcasters

-MBA degree in Organizational Leadership, North Central University
-BA degree in Mass Communications, Prairie View A&M University
-Professional Development Studies Public Relations Certificate, Rutgers University
-Radio Broadcasting diploma, American Broadcasting School
5. Describe how you will achieve the very important inclusion goals of the MTF Committee (maximum 75 words):

To be inclusive of all subgroups within MTF, I will support individual leadership, programs and specific initiatives by promoting their efforts in the media as well. Each subgroup has its own voice and exists separately for a reason. I believe each subgroup has something valuable to educate and inform the public on in regards to our sport.

Furthermore, there is messaging that can be created to support nationally recognized themes of health and diversity:

Minutes by Amanda Scotti