California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Aerospace Engineering Department

ARO 101Introduction to AeronauticsFall 2015

Instructor:Ray Hudson

EMAIL: (I do not check my email!)

Telephones:(909) 869-2616 (office) – not likely to answer! (use other numbers first)

(714) 321-4743 (home) – no later than 10 PM!
(310) 332-0912 (work) – only when necessary!

Co-requisite:MAT 105 or higher-level math course

Textbook:Introduction To Flight, 7th Edition.
John D. Anderson, Jr. McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-282569-3.


Grading:3 Quizzes @10% each= 30% (Closed book/notes)

1 Midterm @25%= 25%

1 Final @25%= 25%

1 Project Report @20%= 20% Total = 100%
POTENTIAL EXTRA CREDIT (R/C Build & Fly) Max 10 points


Syllabus:See 10 week outline on next page.

Day 1 Introductory Topics

Who Is Your Instructor? - Cal Poly, Pomona ARO graduate-1986. 30 years of experience in air vehicle flight control system design and systems engineering. I am here to teach you, challenge you, and help you become an effective aerospace engineer.

Engineering Ethics & Grading Statistics - Do the right thing for humanity. Satisfy customers. Working in teams. Protect your country/company’s work as a competitive edge. Protecting your competitive edge in school. About cheating. Discuss the grading curve & use of statistics (x-bar and sigma). You can always calculate your standing in the course!

Cal Poly Philosophy: Learn By Doing – Term project: Wind tunnel experiment on an elliptical wing. (Optional extra credit: Build/fly RC aircraft to collect flight performance data.)Do NOT wait until the end of the quarter to begin your project write-up! If you do wait that long, you will likely be left with too much to do at the end with not enough time to complete it!“The Six P’s”

Basic Concepts of Aerodynamics – AIRSPEED is the key! Lift & Drag.
Cruise flight & the four balanced forces:(Lift=Weight)&(Thrust=Drag) @constant Airspeed.

Dynamic Pressure = “q-bar” = (½)V2 = (½)PM2
All aerodynamic forces (Lift, Drag, etc.) are proportional to dynamic pressure!

Systems of Units (English & SI) –Mass-Length-Time (MLT) fundamental units. Force as a derived measure [F]=[M*L/T2]. Hudson’s Rule #3 for taking an engineering exam:
CHECK UNITS FOR ALL EQUATIONS! Many errors will be due to inconsistent units!

Anatomy of a Typical Airplane –Fuselage. Wing (root, tip, wingspan, airfoil section, ailerons, flaps, slats). Empennage (horizontal stabilizer+elevator, vertical stabilizer+ rudder). Powerplant. Flight Instruments – “Basic T” = Airspeed, Attitude, Altitude, & Heading.

Important Events In The History Of Flight –MORE QUESTIONS ASKED & ANSWERED!

ARO 101Fall 2015

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Aerospace Engineering Department



Section Title


Material Covered


Textbook Sections

Block 1:Introduction to Airplanes, Pressure Concepts & the Atmosphere
30-SEP / Course Introduction.
Basics of Airplanes. / History of aviation. Systems of units. Anatomy of a conventional airplane. / Chap. 1,
Sec. 2.4, 2.6,
7-OCT / The Physics of Fluids
(Gases and Liquids). / Air pressure, density, & temperature. Flow velocity & streamlines. Ideal gas law (equation of state). / Sec. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
14-OCT / The Standard Atmosphere. The Continuity Equation. / Altitude definitions. The hydrostatic equation. Troposphere, Stratosphere. ICAO Standard Atmosphere model. The continuity equation. / Chap. 3
Sec. 4.1
Block 2:Bernoulli’s Equation, Airspeed Measurement, MIDTERM,
& Wind Tunnel Experiment
21-OCT / Dynamic Pressure & Airspeed Measurement.
/ Mach # & compressible flow. Total, static, & dynamic pressure. Bernoulli’s Equation. Low-speed wind tunnels. Airspeed measurements. / Sec. 4.2, 4.3, 4.10, 4.11
(Open Book/Notes) / Exam Covers: Units (Dimensional Analysis). Hydrostatics. Ideal gas law. Standard Atmosphere. Continuity & Bernoulli’s equation. Airspeed measurement. / ALL OF THE ABOVE SECTIONS
4-NOV / Wind Tunnel Experiment
/ Review midterm problems/solutions. We will perform an experiment on an elliptical wing model in the subsonic wind tunnel. Collect axial and normal force balance data. Compute CL and CD from wind tunnel data for your test report due week #9. / Website Material
Block 3: Airfoil Basics & Performance, Basic Stability, Control, & Flight Operations.
/ No classes in session. / Maybe work on your report?
18-NOV / Airfoil Basics, Performance & Angle of Attack. / Anatomy of airfoils. Airfoil pressure, lift & drag coefficients. Angle of attack. NACA airfoil performance data. / Sec. 5.1-5.4
25-NOV / Flight Stability, Control, and Operations.
/ AoA () stability. Level flight, Climb & Descent. AoS () stability. Lateral & vertical flight dynamics angle definitions. The basic flight cycle.
2-DEC / Course Review. Q&A, Problem Solving Session. Prepare for Final Exam. / This is YOUR time. Write down concepts you do not understand, prepare questions, and be willing to discuss them in class. / ALL COURSE MATERIAL

ARO 101ASEP-2015