Course Title:Marketing/Economics of Business Ownership

Industry Sector: Marketing, Sales, and Service & Business/Finance

Career Pathway:Entrepreneurship,Professional Sales and Marketing

Unit: Leadership Development

Content/Concepts / Common Core CTE Anchor Standards
  • Communication Skills
  • Leadership Development
  • Social Etiquette & Intelligence
  • Ethics
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Professional Development (Public Speaking, Time Management, Goal Setting etc.)
  • Management Skills
/ 1.0Communications
Acquire and use accurately (industry) sector terminology and protocols for communicating effectively in oral, written, and multimedia formats.
  • Recognize the elements of communication using a sender-receiver model.
  • Identify barriers to accurate and appropriate communication.
  • Interpret verbal and nonverbal communications and respond appropriately.
  • Demonstrate elements of written and electronic communication such as accurate spelling, grammar, and format.
  • Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
2.0Career Planning and Management
Integrate multiple sources of career information from diverse formats to make informed career decisions and manage personal career plans.
  • Identify personal interests, aptitudes, information, and skills necessary for informed career decision-making.
  • Recognize the role and function of professional organizations, industry associations, and organized labor in a productive society.
  • Develop a career plan that reflects career interests, pathways, and postsecondary options.
  • Evaluate personal character traits such as trust, respect and responsibility and understand the impact they can have on career success.
  • Explore how information and communication technologies are used in career planning and decision-making.
  • Research the scope of career opportunities available, and the requirements for education, training, certification, and licensure.
  • Integrate changing employment trends, societal needs, and economic conditions into career planning.
8.0 Ethics and Legal Responsibilities
Practice professional, ethical, and legal behavior consistent with applicable laws, regulations, and organizational norms.
  • Demonstrate ethical and legal practices consistent with (industry) sector workplace standards.
  • Explain the importance of personal integrity, confidentiality and ethical behavior in the workplace.
  • Analyze organizational culture and practices within the workplace environment. (new)
9.0 Leadership and Teamwork
Work with peers to promote effective leadership, group dynamics, team and individual decision-making, benefits of workforce diversity, and conflict resolution.
  • Define leadership and identify the responsibilities, competencies, and behaviors of successful leaders.
  • Identify the characteristics of successful teams including; leadership, cooperation, collaboration, and effective decision-making skills as applied in groups, teams and student organization activities.
  • Understand the characteristics and benefits of teamwork, leadership, and citizenship in the school, community, and workplace setting.
  • Explain how professional associations and organizations and associated leadership development and competitive activities enhance academic preparation, promote career choices, and contribute to employment opportunities.

Student Competencies/Outcomes
Students will be able to:
  • explain the nature of effective communication
  • determine their own communication style and how to effectively interact with others
  • apply effective listening skills
  • make an oral presentation
  • participate as a team member
  • understand what makes a team successful
  • identify personality traits important to business
  • demonstrate appropriate creativity
  • demonstrate ethical work habits
  • explain careers in Marketing or Business
  • Identify their own occupational interests
  • conduct effective meetings
  • identify the functions of management
  • describe the management techniques used by effective managers
  • create an action plan to effective monitor progress of projects
  • create SMART goals (both personal and professional)