School of Teacher Education & Principal Preparation



(Semester/Year for Student Teaching)

E-Portfolio Link (detailed information about this teacher candidate) ______

1. Name
2. Local Phone
3. Local Address:
4. E-mail Address:
5. Teaching Endorsement (art, mathematics, etc.)
6. Colleges/universities attended:
7. Degrees awarded or expected / Dates:
8. Honors/Awards/Scholarships:
9. Travel/Hobbies/Interests:

10. Work or military experience (List work with schoolage children in #12):

Type of Work / Firm or Organization / Location / Years

(Press the "tab" key at the end of the last row if you need more rows for your information.)

11. Activities and sports in which you have participated:

Activity/Sport / High School Years / College Years

(Press the "tab" key at the end of the last row if you need more rows for your information.)

Identify those activities or sports you would be willing to help supervise:

12. Experience working with schoolage children (list most recent first):

School or Agency / Dates / Length of Experience Hours, Days, Month) / Responsibilities

(Press the "tab" key at the end of the last row if you need more rows for your information.)

13. Special abilities, interests, and/or activities related to working with youth (e.g. 4-H, Scouts, Clubs):

14. Course Information

A. Required Professional Education Courses. List below all the education and/or vocational education courses you have taken or are in the process of completing. Include content methods courses. Copies of transcripts will not be sent to schools.

(Example: EDCC 275: Schooling in the United States 3 Spring 2002 A)

Number and Title of Course / Credits / Year/Semester / Grade

(Press the "tab" key at the end of the last row if you need more rows for your information.)

B. Courses in Teaching Concentration (i.e. Art or Science or Mathematics, etc) List below only the content courses related to your concentration (endorsement) you have taken or are in the process of taking. Copies of transcripts will not be sent to schools.

(Example: SC 240: Introductory Soil Science 4 Spring 2002 B)

Number and Title of Course / Credits / Year/Semester / Grade

(Press the "tab" key at the end of the last row if you need more rows for your information.)

15. Student Teaching Candidate: I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge the information furnished on this application is true and complete without omission or misrepresentation of facts. I understand that if found to be otherwise, it is sufficient cause for rejection of this application or dismissal from the School of Teacher Education & Principal Preparation.

Signed: ______Date: ______

è  Please see the following page to answer item 16 ("My Beliefs About Education and Teaching").

My Beliefs About Education and Teaching

16.  A philosophical statement of your beliefs about education and teaching that can help a cooperating teacher determine if s/he would like to work with you as a student teacher.

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