Westminster Complex Personalities Network (WCPN) Minutes
16 June 2015
Present: John Conolly (CLCH), Martin Walters(INSPIRED One Support), Victoria Aseervatham (WCC),Tara O’Neil (easl), Sophie Dent (Inspired), , Michael Isaac (Inspired), Nicolas Vial (Great Chapel St), Jo Morley (NHS), Liz Abrahams (GCS), Tiff Temple (Compass), Yvonne Campbell (Queen Mary’s), Dharma Reddy (Inspired), Anna Diamond (Waterview), Jacqui Katze (City Mission), Spike (Groundswell), Angiolina Carr(NHS), Richard Holdon, Jamie Crust (WLDC), Bridget mcCarthy (Wytham hall), Spike Hudson (Groundswell), Gina Sollazo (ECHG), Mark Harris (Samaritans), Waldo Roeg (Recovery College), Syena Skinner (Recovery College) , Stephen Taylor (one Housing), Barney Wells (Easl), Julie Jarrett (SMB), Adam Marshall (Groundswell), Liz Greenway (CLCH).
CNWL Recovery College
Waldo presented on the CNWL recovery college. Everything on offer is co produced and codelivered andthe magic of the collegeseems to be that coproduction that destroys stigma. The college is free for any users of CNWL services (which include Primary Care Plus and Great Chapel St)and has a very reasonable set of charges for anyone else. All info and prospectuses on the website and a short you tube film can be found here.
Mark Harris - Central London Samaritans
As well as the phone line, email address and text, theCLS is open to face to face callers from 9am to 9pm 365 days of the year. They see about 20-30 people a day and have 8 rooms and would like to see more. Tea and coffee is available while people wait. The telephone number will change in Sep 15 when the number becomes free.
Groundswell - The Escape Plan
The researchinvolved25 people who had overcome homelessness.The researchers spoke to them along with two significant others in their lives.Although no two stories were the same the research identified 7 common threads as the critical success factors enabling people to move on. The research has been transformed into a notebook which enables people to reflect on thethemes and find their own path. The research and notebook can be found here and the PDF is attached:
Recommended services
National Association for People Abused in Childhood was recommended. They offer support for adults who have survived all forms of abuse in childhood.
The organisation have a great website and free phone line and run a one day training for workers titled “Supporting Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse” .
Survivors UK was also recommended, who specialise in working with male survivors:
Ideas for future meetings:
Maxine Radcliffe has kindly made space available on the London Network of Nurses and Midwives ‘homeless health network’ website for a page for this network. John suggested discussing how this could be used, either very simply to create a library of resources or more creatively for discussion forums etc
Other ideas included: gambling services, Wytham hall, Great Chapel St, AA, NA, DA etc,
Next meeting:11th August 2015, 12 – 2pm Location: conference room, 1st
Floor, Soho Walk in Centre for Health.
Dates for 2015
13th October 12 - 2pm
15th Dec 12 - 2pm