Milestone Surgery PPG

Minutes of the PPG Meeting held Friday 26th May2017

Present: -Dr G Micklethwaite, Dr, Dawn Hambly, Lyn Chana (Chair),Felicity Milne, Ian Scott,Derek Twigg and Dr de Verteuil

Apologies: John Debenham, Collette Lane, Pam Minnet

1.Minutes from the last meeting were accepted.

2.Feedback from the Practice Management

a)Item for Fund raising:

The ECG monitors were suggested by Dr de Verteuil – he runs the echocardiography service for the CCG diagnosing and treating illnesses such as heart failure and atrial fibrillation.

Dr de Verteuil provided details of AliveCor Kardio monitors.Test for intermittent heart rate, palpitationsand used to diagnose for symptoms such as COPD.These new monitors should enable an accurate diagnosis to be made and suitable treatment organised. They are designed to provide information via the patient's smartphone. This should help not only the patients but relieve the waiting lists, as well as unnecessary visits. If we can provide the surgery with three or four of these, it would help immensely.

Dawn has created laminated posters with details of the monitors for our forthcoming fundraising event.

b)Milestone Surgery was not affected by the recent cyber-attack on the NHS; nor was Frimley Park. Highlighted the need to always be vigilant to malware threats: don’t open emails and attachments from people/ sources you don’t know. They often contain viruses that damage your pc.

3.Feedback to the Practice Manager from the PPG

Preparations for Farnborough Donkey Derby 2017

a) Derek will provide the gazebo and 4 chairs @ 9am.

a)Dawn to bring books from the surgery and any other contributions from the staff.

Also posters and other paperwork that she has prepared and the 3 pasting tables. Will bring Lyn’s cash safe, together with the float. Leaflets asking for additional members, together with an invite to the next meeting.

b)Lyn will bring a supply of cakes: both homemade & others. Tablecloths for the cake table, pens, labels, sellotape etc.

c)Felicity will bring kitchen roll, tongs, sandwich bags, scissors and the raffle tickets.

d)Although gates open for the public @12; it was agreed that we could set up early and prepare the stall for 9am.

Rota for volunteers, so far:


LynCollete & son!

Felicity(if well enough, she will stay all day)


a)It was pointed out that the TV screen in the waiting room was changing too fast to be able to read all the information on it.

Action: Dawn will check if presentation on TV can be slowed down, can now be customised.

b)The two new paramedic practitioners have started work to relieve the GPs with home visits where it is seen to be appropriate. They have access to patient notes. This system has been working very well so far and a third paramedic is to be recruited.

5.Nextmeeting28thJuly 2017


  • 29thSeptember
  • 24thNovember

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