Office of The General Faculty
& The Faculty Delegate Assembly
East 1414
Vol. XIX No.1
November, 2006
Welcome Back
As the academic year 2006-2007 begins, the Executive Committee of the Hunter College Faculty Delegate Assembly wishes to welcome our new and returning colleagues, with best wishes for a productive year.
Three members of the Executive Committee were elected by you to two-year terms of office, as President, Day Session Representative (May) and Vice President (September). Serving as officers of The General Faculty and The Faculty Delegate Assembly of Hunter College this year are:
Jason Young (Psychology), President
Lynn McCormick (Urban Affair),Vice President
Tony Doyle (Library), Secretary
Claus Mueller (Sociology), Day Session Rep.
Carmen Mercado (C&T), Evening Session Rep.
Abby Sorman (C&T), Part-time Session Rep.
New FDA initiatives for 2005-2006
The FDA is taking a renewed look at its role in serving the faculty of the college to enhance faculty quality of life. Several new initiatives are on the boards, with additional projects to come based on input from our colleagues.
New Faculty Orientation
This fall’s New Faculty Orientation, sponsored by the FDA and the Provost’s Office, was held prior to the beginning of classes, on August 25, 2005. About half of our new colleagues attended. In addition to brief presentations by college governance and PSC-CUNY representatives, the morning’s agenda featured visits to the Library, the Sportsplex and to Student Services. Further stops included a smart classroom and the Reading and WritingCenter. A demonstration of the DistanceLearningCenter was followed by lunch. In the afternoon new faculty members heard from Fringe Benefits and ICIT representatives. The FDA is greatly indebted to the Provost’s Office, especially to Provost Richard Pizer and to Miriam Galindez for their support in the organization of this important event. Many other members of the Hunter community also cooperated to make the day asuccess. We are grateful to all of them, including Eija Ayravainen, Gregory Crosbie, Mark Goldberg, Nancy Guarino, Danise Hoover, Jackee Meadow, Anand Padmanabhan, Dennis Paoli, Steve Serafin, Louise Sherby, Joan Tronto, Clay Williams, and Cindy Depena.
Welcome to Our Newest Colleagues
The Executive Committee of the Faculty Delegate Assembly warmly welcomes our new faculty colleagues who have received full-time appointment to the faculty of Hunter College of The City University of New York effective September 1, 2006:
Lisa Marie Anderson - German
Samuel Aymer - Social Work
Matthew Baker - Economics
Ara Basmajian - Mathematics & Statistics
Joel Bassin - Theatre
Diana Bratu - Biology
Michele Cabrini - Music
David Capps - Dance
Shirley Clay Scott - Arts & Sciences, Dean
Christine Cole-Olsewski - Nursing
David Conner - Special Education
Catherine D’Amico - Nursing
Alexander Elinson - Classical & Oriental Studies
Luis Gonzalez - Library
Hal Grossman - Library
Wayne Harding - Chemistry
Elizabeth Harmon - Anthropology
Glen Hansen - Economics
George Ibrahim - Health Sciences
Leigh Ann Jones - English
Grace Lappin - Special Education
Geraldine Marrocco - Nursing
Mark Miller - English
Franklin Mirer - Health Sciences
Jacqueline Mondros - Social Work, Dean
Karun Singh - Social Work
Lorraine Tempel - Social Work
Tony Tripodi - Social Work
Best wishes from all your colleagues at Hunter!
Administrative Changes
* Provost Richard Pizer has taken a leave from HunterCollege to direct several science program initiatives at the GraduateCenter. He served the Hunter community for the past three years and developed a solid record guiding and supervising all aspects of the College’s academic life. The faculty are especially appreciative of the degree of attentiveness, access, and wisdom he provided to the Office of the Provost and we wish him well as he moves to the GraduateCenter.
* Dr. Vita Rabinowitz was appointed to serve as Acting Provost, effective September 26, 2005. She has been an especially active and respected chairperson and faculty member of the Department of Psychology, and has provided exemplary service to the Hunter community. She has taught Psychology at Hunter for 27 years and served as the College’s Acting Associate Provost from 2000-2002. Since 2002, she has co-directed Hunter’s Gender Equity Project.
* Dr. David Potash joins us as Associate Provost. Before joining the Hunter Community, David served as Associate Provost for the Teaching and Learning Environment at BaruchCollege.
*Dr. Marcia Cantarella has been appointed to serve as Acting Associate Dean for Student Opportunity in the School of Arts and Sciences. This is a new position at Hunter created at the recommendation of the School’s chairs. Dr. Cantarella will oversee issues pertaining to the academic well-being of Arts and Sciences students. She will be actively involved with the development of the Freshman Orientation Seminar, coordination of academic advising with departments and Student Affairs, oversight of pre-professional advising, and engagement with student academic clubs and academic co-curricular activities and events.
News from the Libraries
I’m pleased to announce several changes that have taken place in the Libraries over the summer. On October 4th we re-opened our Browser’s Lounge as it was refurbished with a generous donation from Hunter alumna Helen Galland. In addition, with another generous donation from Prof. Ada Peluso, also a Hunter alumna, and her brother Romano, we were able to design and install a new Circulation Desk. Please stop in and see our newly refurbished 3rd floor.
Remember to bookmark the Libraries’ Home Page (and encourage your students to do so as well) This is the place to find out about our services, databases, E-reserves and to request a library instruction class. We now offer over 150 databases in nearly every subject area. With the special funding from the graduate initiative we were able to subscribe to Web of Science (WOS) from 1996 to the present. Don’t be fooled by the name of this database, WOS includes citations in the arts & humanities, social sciences and the sciences. We hope to be able to add more years to the backfile in the future. Another important resource purchased with graduate funding is the online version of the Historical Statistics of the U.S. – an important interdisciplinary resource. If you need access to economic data that is offered by the Wharton School of Business, please contact me (). Available only to faculty and graduate students, we now offer online access to many of the datasets they offer.
Another important new service offered by the CUNY libraries this fall is CLICS, the CUNY Libraries Inter-Campus Service. You can now request a book from another CUNY campus and have it delivered to Hunter in a few days by requesting it through “My Account” on CUNY+. This has quickly become a very popular service.
Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.
Louise Sherby
Chief Librarian
New Department Chairs Elected
We are pleased to note that the following departments at HunterCollege elected Chairpersons for the forthcoming three-year period (7/1/05-6/30/08):
Curriculum & Teaching - Anne Ediger
English - Cristina Alfar
Political Science - Walter Volkomer
Psychology - Gordon Barr (Acting)
Senate Officers Elected
We wish to congratulate Professor Richard Stapleford (Art) who was elected to serve as Chair of the Hunter College Senate for 2006-2007. Congratulations also go to Ms. Kelle Jacob, Vice Chair, Professor Jill Gross (Urban Affairs & Planning) Secretary, and Professor Sandra Clarkson (Mathematics & Statistics), Chair of the Evening Council.
The FDA extends its congratulations and warmest good wishes to the Senate Administrative Committee.
We proudly congratulate our colleagues listed below who have been recommended for promotion effective 1/1/07
School of Arts & Sciences
To Full Professor
Jeffrey Mongrain - Art
Nari Ward - Art
Jesus Angulo - Biological Sciences
Jill Bargonetti - Biological Sciences
Maria Pereira - Biological Sciences
Partha Deb - Economics
John Wallach - Political Science
Vanya Quinones–Jenab - Psychology
To Associate Professor
Anthony Browne - Africana & PR/Latino Studies
Jacqueline Brown - Anthropology
Jonathan Shannon - Anthropology
Jonathan Conning - Economics
Purvi Sevak - Economics
Sarah Chinn - English
Rebecca Connor - English
Jan Heller Levi - English
Candice Jenkins - English
Kelly Anderson - Film & Media
Ronald Long - History
Mark Spicer - Music
Chris Braun - Psychology
Michele Bocquillon - Romance Languages
Maria Luisa Fischer - Romance Languages
Margaret Chin - Sociology
Louisa Thompson - Theatre
Jill Gross - Urban Affairs
Sigmund Shipp - Urban Affairs
School Of Education
To Associate Professor
Tamara Buckley - Educational Foundations
Peggy Chen - Educational Foundations
Ancillary Units
To Associate Professor
Valeda Dent - Library
Congratulations on this Significant Achievement.
Significant Milestone
On behalf of the entire HunterCollegecommunity, we proudly congratulate our colleagues listed below who arerecommended candidates for reappointment with tenure. We wish them continued success in their work in the years ahead:
Anthony Browne – African & P.R./Latino Studies
Stephen Davis – Art
Elinor Richter – Art
Ioannis Stamos – Computer Science
Elizabeth Cardoso – Educational Foundations
Lynne Greenberg – English
Candice Jenkins – English
Gary Schmidgall – English
Thomas Sleigh – English
Kelly Anderson – Film & Media
Andrea Polli – Film & Media
Allan Frei – Geography
Rupal Oza – Geography
Randye Rutberg – Geography
Haydee Salmum – Geography
Beatrice Krauss – Health Sciences
Marianne C. Fahs – Health Sciences
Jonathan Rosenberg – History
Victor Bobetsky – Music
Mark Spicer – Music
Evelyne Ender – Romance Languages
Maria Luisa Fischer – Romance Languages
Magdalena Perkowska-Alvarez – Romance Lang.
Michele Bocquillon – Romance Languages
Eva Bellin – Political Science
Christopher Braun – Psychology
Lynn Chancer – Sociology
Margaret Chin - Sociology
Our Very Best Wishes!
We wish to express our joy and fulfillment to the following full-time faculty who has retired effective September 2006:
Max Diem– Chemistry
Gloria Essoka – Nursing
Stephen Johnston – Urban Affairs & Planning
Ira Kanis – Curriculum & Teaching
Janet Natapoff – Nursing
Herbert Perr – Curriculum & Teaching
Jane Roos – Art
If you wish to remain on our mailing list for the Voice, please provide us with an updated e-mail address.
Fellowship Leaves:
Congratulations go to our colleagues who were awarded a Fellowship (Sabbatical) Leave to pursue important scholarly work in their disciplines:
On leave for the full year at half-pay are:
Philip Alcabes, Health Sciences
Stephen DeMeo, Curriculum & Teaching
Kenneth Erickson, Political Science
Randall Filer, Economics
Thomas Head, History
Nico Israel, English
Richard Kaye, English
Ruth Kotecha, Music
Nondita Mason, English
William Milczarski, Urban Affairs & Planning
Helen Newman, Psychology
Elke Nicolai, German
Pamela Stone, Sociology
On leave for half year at full-pay are:
Howard Chernick, Economics
Cheryl Harding, Psychology
Dixie Goss, Chemistry
Laura Keating, Philosophy
Anthony Panzera, Art
Verónica Gregg, Africana & P.R./Latino Studies
Ines Miyares, Geography
Ronnie Ancona, Classical & Oriental Studies
On leave for half year at full pay: Chairs
Giuseppe Di Scipio, Romance Languages
Marjorie Honig, Economics
Paul Mueller, Music
On leave for half year at quarter pay are:
Poundie Burstein, Music
Gabriele Evertz, Art
Scholar Incentive Award:
Eva Bellin, Political Science
Manu Bhagavan, History
Marta Petrusewicz, History
John Wallach, Political Science
EAP Lunchtime Seminar Series
Nutrition and Weight Loss- Weight loss is the number one reason people seek nutrition help. Rachel Kieffer will highlight the reasons why Americans are the most overweight people in the world and give participants guidelines to healthy eating and tips for consistent weight loss. She will also provide quick and easy meal guides and recipes.
When: Wednesday, December 6th, 12:30PM-1:30PM, Room WEST 1337
Presenter:Rachel Kieffer is a certified nutritionist with a private practice in Brooklyn, where she helps clients heal from a variety of illnesses, achieve their health goals and enjoy full, vibrant lives. She has successfully helped many clients lose weight and has maintained a weight loss of over 100 pounds herself.
All seminars are held at the HunterCollege68th Street campus. To register for the seminar(s), please call Ms. Beverly Webb-Taylor at (212)772-4051 or via email:
*Email Registration* please remember to include your first and last name, name of department and telephone number.
Thank you
Dates to Include on Your 2006-2007
The entire community benefits when faculty actively participate in their representative organizations. Below is a schedule of departmental, FDA and Senate meetings for the rest of the academic year.
11 Senate Meeting
11 Department Meetings
18 FDA Meeting
25 Senate Meeting
8 Senate Meeting
8 Department Meetings
15 FDA Meeting
15 Senate Meeting
6 Senate Meeting
13 Department Meetings
13 Senate Meeting
20 FDA Meeting
15-22 Final Examinations
18 Winter Commencement, 3PM, HunterCollege
Assembly Hall.
29 First Day of Classes
7 Department Meetings
14 Senate Meeting
28 FDA Meeting
28 Senate Meeting
7 Department Meetings
14 Senate Meeting
21 FDA Meeting
28 Senate Meeting
2-10 Spring Recess
11 Department Meetings
11 Senate Meeting
18 FDA Meeting
25 Senate Meeting
TBA Honors Week
2 Senate Meeting
9 Department Meetings
16 FDA Meeting
16 Senate Meeting
18-25 Final Examinations
31 Spring Commencement, 2PM, RadioCity Hall
Delegates and interested faculty should note that meetings of the FDA and General Faculty this semester are held onWednesdays, 1:15 - 3:00 PM in room 709 West.
UFS Fall Conference
What is Institutional Autonomy? Why Academic Freedom is imperiled and what to do about it.
Friday, November 11, 2005, 9:30-1:00
JohnJayCollege of Criminal Justice
Featuring: Keynote speaker Roger Bowen, General Secretary of the AAUP
Breakout Groups:
-Student Bill of Rights/ Academic Bill of Rights
-The Solomon Amendment
-Lack of a Privacy Policy
-Political Appointees in the University
-Academic Freedom on Campus
RSVP by November 4th to:
The Solarium
The Faculty Conference Room located at 1413 East now has wireless access to the internet and is available for use on a first come, first served basis all through the year. A sign-up sheet is posted on the door. Please see Ms. Cindy DePeña in 1414E for access.
The Faculty/Staff Lounge
The FDA faculty lounge is now open on a regular basis to all full-time and adjunct members of the faculty. The lounge provides a comfortable, quiet space to read or meet with colleagues. Also, check out the latest issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education while you’re there.
The lounge is located on the northeast corner of the 8th floor of Hunter West, next to the Faculty Dining Room. Complimentary coffee and cookies are available.
The Fall 2006 Fall lounge hours are:
Monday 1-4 PM
Tuesday 1-4 PM
Wednesday 1-6 PM
Thursday 1-6 PM
The lounge is also available to faculty and staff who wish to schedule book parties or small social events, Please call the FDA Office (x4123) to schedule your event.
Contacting Us
We actively seek input from the entire faculty community--and the most direct way to weigh-in is via e-mail at . Sending concerns, complaints, kudos, or offering assistance will be greatly appreciated and addressed promptly. We look forward to a challenging and stimulating year.
THE FACULTY VOICE is published twice each semester by the Office of The General Faculty and the Faculty Delegate Assembly of Hunter College, The City University of New York. We are located in
Room 1414 East. Tel: (212) 772-4123/4124
Fax: (212) 650-3629 E-mail:
Members of the Executive Committee are:
Jason Young: President (Psychology)
Lynn McCormick: Vice President (Urban affairs &
Tony Doyle: Secretary (Library)
Claus Mueller: Day Session Rep. (Sociology)
Carmen Mercado: Evening Session Rep (C&T)
Abby Sorman: Part Time Session Rep (C&)
Cindy Depeña and Sasha Hernandez are the Administrative Assistants to the FDA.