I. Mark the correct answer by putting an X in the right square on the answer sheet.

1. Birds fly ………… the sky, ………… the sea.

A) in … throughB) on … over

C) in … overD) on … through

2. We ………… them to be patient.

A) toldB) told to

C) saidD) spoke to

3. Don’t worry! We can take care of ………… .

A) usB) each others

C) ourselvesD) our

4. I haven’t been to the market since I ………… to town.

A) arrivedB) have arrived

C) arrivingD) had arrived

5. While she was waiting for the bus to come, she ………… her bunch of keys.

A) fellB) dropped

C) was droppingD) was losing

6. Motorbikes are said to be ………… bicycles.

A) as fast thanB) faster then

C) fastest likeD) faster than

7. He doesn’t know ………… stay or leave.

A) whether toB) that

C) if toD) if

8. Why don’t we give ………… ?

A) the children itB) it the children

C) this the childrenD) it to the children

9. ………… I work hard, I don’t earn much.

A) HoweverB) But

C) AlthoughD) Still

10. Nobody has accepted the invitation, ………… ?

A) hasn’t heB) have they

C) haven’t theyD) has he

11. Would you mind ………… the door open, please?

A) not leavingB) not to leave

C) not leaveD) to not leaving

12. It’s almost noon. He ………… all morning,but he ………….yet.

A) worked … didn’t finishB) has been working ... hasn’t finished

C) has worked … didn’t finishD) was working … hasn’t finished

13. Your neighbour is absolutely reliable. You ………… take his advice.

A) shouldB) need

C) needn’tD) shouldn’t

14. Let me know when the guests ………… the station.

A) arrive toB) will arrive at

C) arrive atD) arrive to

15. I wish I ………… more time these days!

A) hadB) have

C) am havingD) will have

16. Look at him! He’s wearing ………… and ………… !

A) a pair of green trousers … a blue tieB) green trousers … blue tie

C) a green trouser … a blue tieD) a pair of green trouser … blue tie

17. This is the film about …………. I’ve spoken to you.

A) whatB) that

C) whichD) who

18. My aunt wouldn’t have had to go to the police if she ………… her passport.

A) didn’t loseB) didn’t lost

C) hadn’t lostD) wouldn’t lose

19. I ………… ice-cream, but I don’t any more.

A) am used to likeB) used to like

C) used to likingD) would like

20.”Where ………… we spend the day?”………… to the seaside!”

A) do … Let’s goB) may … Go

C) will … Will goD) shall … Let’s go

II. Reading Comprehension

Read the text below and then answer the questions following the text.

Ann's Diary

September 30

I moved into the hostel today - an ugly building near a busy main road. My room is small but quite nice, although I must put a few of my posters on the walls. I met a few students at dinner (the food was terrible although it is Sunday!), - who all proved to be much younger than me.

October 7

Lessons began last Monday. So far they have been nothing special (except for one, drama, and the teacher, Terry Hull, who is terrific!). Personally, I'd prefer to go to the library and read but I am to attend twelve lessons a week, which is not too many but I have to learn a lot for them.

October 12

I really don't like life in the hostel at all. Students are too noisy. They stay up half the night and play games in the corridor outside my room. Sometimes I wonder whether they sleep or work at all. And I hate my room. It looks even smaller now with the posters on the wall.

October 26

I tried to explain some of my problems to the hostel manager. He listened, but that was all. He said:”You have to go to lessons and live somewhere. The hostel is cheap and comfortable." Well, it isn't cheap if you can't eat the food, and isn't comfortable if you can't sleep at night.

October 30

I can't believe it! Three other students whom I met in a lesson and who are all about my age have invited me to stay in their rented apartment. It's in an old house right in the town centre and has its own kitchen, so we can cook for ourselves. And my room! Right at the top of the house! And besides my own bedroom I’ll also have a separate shower room - it's fantastic!


I moved into my new room last Sunday. I feel really happy.

a)Choose the only correct answer

21.The extract from Ann's diary is mostly about ...

A her roomB studentsC lessonsD hostel life

22.Ann liked ....

A the hostel buildingB the foodC the lessonsD a teacher

23.What did she think about the lessons in general? – They are…

A boring and sillyB interestingC neither good nor badD on drama

24.What didn't the students do?

A go to bed too lateB talk and playC stay quietD make noise

25.Why was the hostel expensive for her? --- Because she had to ...

A buy postersB buy foodC sleep somewhere elseD pay the manager

26.Why are the students in the new flat better than the ones in the hostel? Because...

A they are nicerB they sleep moreC they're as old as AnnD they can cook

27.Where is the flat Ann moved to?

A on the top floor of a houseB not far from the townC in the centre of a houseD on top of the hostel

28.Whose is the flat Ann moved into?

A one of the 3 students' parents'B three students' C we don't knowD Ann’s

  1. Where is Ann’s shower room?

A we don’t know exactlyB near the kitchenC next to her bedroomD above her bedroom

b)Decide whether the following sentences are TRUE (T), FALSE (F) or Not stated in the text (N).

30.Every student in the hostel is younger than Ann.TFN

31.The first lesson was on October 1.TFN

32.Ann put a few posters on the walls of her room in the hostel.TFN

33.Ann likes Terry Hull very much.TFN

34.Ann often has to go to the library.TFN

35.Ann has 20 lessons a week.TFN

36.The new posters made her room nicer.TFN

37.The hostel manager didn't understand her problem.TFN

38.Neither of the hostel manager’s arguments convinced Ann.TFN

39.From November she lived in a flat where they were four altogether.TFN

40.Ann will share a room with another student in the new flat.TFN