-NGO Day –
Networking Meeting
Brussels, 30th May 2016
The European Union strives to get closer to the citizens. Wider involvement of civil society organisations could be one of the ways to achieve it. However,NGOs often find barriers in joining EU initiatives or accessingEU funding. Establishing a good network of partners across Europe can also be a challenge while such contacts could provide a platform to learn from each other and exchange good practices between organisations from various countries.
The aim of the NGO Day is to increase non-governmental organisations’ potential of greater engagement on the European level, present up-to-date funding opportunities withinthe EU programmes and strengthen the cooperation between organisations from various countries to enable them to exchange experiences and gain potential partners for projects.
The event will take place onMonday, 30th May 2016in conjunction with the Civil Society Days held in the European Economic and Social Committee(31st May – 1st June).
Venue:Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office - Rue Montoyer 21, 1000 Brussels
Participants: representatives of (regional, local) non-governmental organisations
Number of participants: up to 40 representatives of NGOs
Focus topics:
Active society
Education and Youth
Refugees &Migrants – inclusive society
Why could it be interesting for me?
- a unique opportunity to get to know and network with non-governmental organisations
- a possibility to discover good practices that could be transferred to other organisations
- a learning platform on EU funding and possibilities of cooperation on the EU level
- an opportunity to present own project ideas and to find appropriate partners for a solid project consortium or to join interesting projects as a partner
- a chance to participate in two NGO-dedicated events in Brussels – NGO Day and Civil Society Days
Working language of this event is English. Participation is free of charge.
Please find attached the draft programme of the event.
We are looking forward to welcoming you on 30th May in Brussels !
13.30Registration and coffee
14.00Welcome and opening words– IzabelaGorczyca, Director, Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office
14.05European Commission’s policy initiatives on civic participation – representative of DG COMM, Unit C2 - Citizens’ Dialogue
14.25Empowering the local initiatives with the support of the Committee of Regions–representative of CoR
14.35The role of Brussels-based umbrella organisations in engaging CSOs (civil society organizations) on the EU level and the sources of financing for EU projects for NGOs – representative of the European Citizens’ Action Service (ECAS)
14.50Introduction to the thematic round tables and civil society bottom up activities– Monika Łagodzińska,FundacjaKształceniaUstawicznego PERITIA/ Poznań NGO Centre
Active citizens & strong civil society organisations / Educationyouth / Inclusion of migrantsProgramme /
- Moderator’swelcome– Monika Łagodzińska, Poznań NGO Centre
- Presentation of current funding opportunities within Europe for Citizens Programme – EC DG Home/EACEA
- I round- 99 second presentation of each participant /NGO
-about NGO
-current projects/successes
- II round- Presentations of project ideas
(5 minutes each NGO)
-Target group
- Discussion in working groups on project ideas to form potential consortia and on other common issues of interest
- Moderator’swelcome (tbc)
- Presentation of current funding opportunities within Erasmus+ Programme – EC/EACEA
- I round -99 second presentation by each participant /NGO
-about NGO
- current projects/successes
- II round- Presentations of project ideas
(5 minutes each NGO)
-Target group
- Discussion in working groups on project ideas to form potential consortia and on other common issues of interest
- Moderator’swelcome (tbc)
- Presentation of funding opportunities within Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund
- I round - 99 second presentation by each participant /NGO
-about NGO
- current projects/successes
- II round- Presentations of project ideas
(5 minutes each NGO)
-Target group
- Discussion in working groups on project ideas to form potential consortia and on other common issues of interest
17.30Closing of the meeting