on TUESDAY 19th Julyat 7.30pm

at The Parish Centre, Desford Road, Narborough

(correspondence/reports relating to items marked * are enclosed for members)

1 Apologies for Absence

2 Chairman’s Time

3 Code of Conduct - Members’ Disclosure of Interests

4 Public Forum, including as required:

(i)matters referred from the Members’ Surgery –

Email from resident concerning angling in Narborough*

Email from resident concerning change of P & R route to exclude drop-off at LRI*

(ii) questions or comments on any matters relating to the work of the Council

(The Chairman or a Member of the Council may propose to vary the order of business)

5 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Approve the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on21st June 2011*

6 Matters Arising, not included elsewhere on the Agenda

7 Casual Vacancies

Casual vacancies declared: one in The Pastures Ward and one in Narborough & Littlethorpe Ward

8 Planning & Environment(Planning applications, Strategic District/County planning consultations, with responsibility delegated to the Lead Member to determine responses to local planning applications in consultation with not less than one other member of the Working Group should the need arise due to the Planning Authority timetable).(All consultations, notices, etc. are available for Members’ inspection in ‘Planning Folder’)

(a) Planning application consultations received since the previous meeting

Application - number, details, location, applicant
(including amended applications) / Observations made by Planning Applications Working Group or to be made by Council
11/0383/1/PX two storey side and rear extension with inset balcony to rear, 8 Stewart Avenue, Narborough / No Objections
11/0416/1/PY Temporary use of land to south west of Next plc for staff car parking for 6 months, Next plc ADJACENT PARISH / No objections
Littlethorpe House Tree Preservation Order on 14 trees within the grounds of 10 The Square, Littlethorpe / INFORMATION ONLY
11/0450/1/PX First floor side extension with minor alterations to existing kitchen and canopy roof to front, 8 Roy Close, Narborough / No objections, however Narborough Parish Council wishes to make the following comments:
2.1 Plans show only 2 parking spaces, this will become a 4 bedroom house, therefore BDC should ensure that provision exists and is made for 3 parking spaces.
2.2 The parking area should meet the current legislation for surface water disposal/soakaway.
11/0426/1/PX Retention of conversion of existing garage to form habitable room, 12 Parnell Close, Littlethorpe / No objections
11/0368/1/PX Window to first floor rear elevation, 223 Forest Road, Narborough / No objections
11/0433/1/PX Temporary relocation of children’s day nursery accommodated within portable buildings with associated 2 metre high fence, playground areas, temporary car parking and associated landscaping. Busy Bee’s Day Nursery, Carlton Park Narborough (Santander Estates Ltd) / No objections
11/0407/1/PX Erection of two data centres, (Class B1), electricity sub-station, car parking, landscaping, security fencing, lighting and associated works and deposit of soil, Santander, Carlton Park / No objections, however Narborough Parish Council wishes to make the following comments:
  1. Building B should be screened along the complete Forest Road side by the provision of a 2 metre mound and additional evergreen/shrub planting thereon. TPO’s should be placed on all trees and a physical check should be made of all planting on completion of the development to ensure compliance.
  2. External lighting should be kept to a minimum, should conform to the latest luminosity regulations and should not be directed out from the site.
  3. Daily road cleaning should be put in place to avoid detritus carry-out to the B4114.

(b) Planning decisions notified by planning authorities since the previous meeting:

2011/L481/01 LCC Erection of single storey two class room block, Red Hill Field Primary School, Narborough PERMISSION

2011/0356/01 LCC Erection of single storey three class room block, The Pastures School, Narborough PERMISSION

11/0259/1/PY Erection of fencing, gate, garden shed, formation of vehicle hard standing and retention of hard surfaced areas, 1 Chestnut Close, Littlethorpe. PERMISSION

(c) Notification of Planning Appeal – Jelson Limited

Residential development of 45 dwellings with associated landscaping and infrastructure, Land at St Johns, Enderby (BDC ref: 11/0065/1/PX)

9 Property (Parish Centre & Littlethorpe Village Hall, Parish Improvements)

10 Civics(Annual Awards, Village Show, Crime and Disorder)

(Routine reports available for Members’ inspection in ‘Additional Correspondence’ folder)

11 Policy & Finance(Finance, Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Health & Safety, Freedom of Information, Code of Conduct, devolved responsibilities, Emergency Planning)

(a) Financial position at 30th June 2011

(b) Report of P & F W G meeting 28th June 2011*

NB Staffing Matter referred to CONFIDENTIAL SESSION at end of meeting

(c) Proposal from LCC to levy an annual charge for providing Parish website and associated services*

(d) Request from Clerk for Parish Council credit card to enable purchases from the internet

(e) Request from Members for ID cards and staff for branded hi-vis vests

(f) Recreation Ground, Sports Association

Information from N & L Football Club re: Clerk’s letter concerning laying of electricity cable*

(g) Garden Allotments, Gardeners’ Association

Final arrangements for Best Kept Allotment Competition, including opt-outs and catering

12 Parks & Open Spaces(Narborough Park, Littlethorpe Park, Hardwicke Road Play Area, Six-Acre Field Open Space, Thorpe Meadows, Cemetery)

a) Report of P & OS WG meeting 28th June 2011*

13 Six Acre Field

Update of meeting of 13th July re Wetlands area

14 Council Review (Quality Council, promotional materials, Journal, leaflets, Parish Walks, Local Information)

15 Youth Initiatives

To report closure of Youth Club for the summer holidays reopens on Friday 9th September under leadership of Reality Youth Project

16 Correspondence


Newsletter June 2011*


Blaby District Council Corporate Plan 2011-2014


Green Wedge Forum meeting rescheduled for Thursday 18th August at 2pm*


Applying to be a Trustee of RCC


International Tree Foundation AGM rescheduled for Saturday 16th July Crawley, West Sussex

17 Information Received

(available for Members’ inspection in ‘Information’ Folder)

BDC Open Weekend – Countdown to 2012 Olympics – leaflets displayed

LCC – Portfolio of Highway Services

Leics Fire & Rescue Service – Call Out Magazine June 2011

Clerks & Councils Direct July 2011

RCC - Village Voice Magazine Summer 2011

J Parkers Wholesale Bulbs Catalogue – autumn 2011


The Chairman may propose: that in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw

18 Staffing Matters CONFIDENTIAL

Report of P & F Working Group meeting of 28th June item 4