PTA Volunteer Opportunities 2012-2013

Brookside PTA sponsors fun, family oriented activities throughout the school year. Whether you are able to give five hours a week, or just one hour a month, there are many opportunities for you to volunteer and become active in your child’s school life. If you would like to volunteer your time, please fill out this form and return it with your membership form to school either during the Ice Cream Social on August 19th or with your child on the first day of school. There will also be sign up sheets during the ice cream social.

_____ Bookfairs Fall and Spring (support the school’s reading efforts with set-up, sales & tear-down)

_____ End of Year Party (help with activities for the last day of school)

_____ Fundraiser (assist Committee Chair in planning and running fundraising events)

_____ Ice Cream Social (assist Committee Chair in planning and hosting this event at the end of summer)

_____ Market Day (assist Committee Chair with sorting food items one Thursday a month after school and

making reminder phone calls for orders)

_____ Membership (assist Committee Chair in maintaining Membership List and updated dues)

_____ Project MORE (read one on one with students who need extra help)

_____ Publishing Room (assist Committee Chair in helping children with binding books)

_____ Reflections (assist Committee Chair in planning this cultural arts contest and Award Ceremony)

_____ School Supply Sale (assist Committee Chair to obtain supply lists from teachers, distribute order

forms to students & coordinate orders with supply company)

_____ Family Fun Nights (assist Vice-Presidents with planning and/or volunteering at events):

·  Monarch Madness/Game Night

·  Hayride

·  Open Gym

·  Winter Wheels

·  Carnival

·  Movie Night

·  Family Literacy Night

·  Picnic at the Pond

_____ Sixth Grade Recognition (6th grade parents needed to coordinate fundraising and plan end of

year party)

_____ Staff Appreciation/Hospitality (assist Committee Chair with staff recognition activities as well as

coordinating refreshments during conferences, Teacher Appreciation Week and at select school events)

_____ Student of the Month (Assist Committee Chair with photos & distribution of forms to students)

_____ Volunteer Coordinator/Room Parents (compile list of volunteers in September; copy and

distribute Room Parent Forms)

Questions? Contact: Christi Bally 614-783-9061

Michele Ogden at 614-210-1504


Name ______ Phone ______

E-mail ______Best time to call ______

Student’s name/grade ______