Educational Policies Committee

Minutes of March 23, 2017

Attending: K. Leck, D. Dombek, M. Drignei, M. Frank,D. Schummer, J. Baldwin, M. Kelly, ‘B. Ogundayo, C. Marrone

Excused: S. Hardin


  1. Approval of minutes: Motion made by M. Kelly (?)and seconded by D. Dombek (?)to approvethe minutes of the February 23, 2017meeting with a couple revisions.

Approved by all


  1. New Business:
  • Minor Change proposal for Biology minor. The proposed change makes it easier for students majoring in exercise science, criminal justice, psychology, and athletic training to pick up a Biology minor. It also will allow students in the minor to “take the courses that fit best with their career goals.”

Current Biology Minor
(Highlighted text shows the current verbiage that would be affected by the change) / Proposed Revised Biology Minor
(Change #1 in red; Change #2 inUnderlined Blue)
Biol 0101 Intro to Cell & Molecular Biology (4 cr)
Biol 0102 Intro to Biodiversity (4 cr)
Biol 0217 Principles of Ecology and Evolution (4 cr)
8 credits of upper level biology coursework
Total Required Credits for Minor: 20 / Biol 0101 Intro to Cell & Molecular Biology (4 cr)
Biol 0102 Intro to Biodiversity (4 cr)
7credits of upper level biology coursework
Select at least one of the following courses
Biol 0217 Principles of Ecology and Evolution (4 cr),
Biol 0212 & 0222 A&P I and lab (3+1 cr),
Biol 0203 Genetics (4 cr)
Total Required Credits for Minor: 19

Motion to approve the Biology minor change proposal.

Motion to approve: D. Schummer2nd: D. Dombek Approved by all

  • Course Change proposals for the following Geology courses requesting the removal of the GEOL 0101 Physical Geology prerequisite for each to open the courses as an option to biology, environmental science, and energy science majors:

GEOL 1302Paleobiology and the History of Life

GEOL 1305Soil Science

GEOL 1307Hydrogeology

GEOL 1404Coal Geology

Motion to approve the request to remove the prerequisite for GEOL 1302, GEOL 1305, GEOL 1307, and GEOL 1404.

Motion to approve: M. Kelly2nd: M. Drignei Approved by all

  • Major Change proposal for B.S. in Applied Mathematics—Actuarial Science Concentration

This change will “align the requirements for the Applied Mathematics and Actuarial Science Concentration programs. This will eliminate some low enrollment courses not required for the Applied Mathematics Major. It will bring also the total number of credits required to 48, which is similar to the total mathematics credits required for the Applied Mathematics program.”

Required courses for Actuarial Science Concentration program:

Before Change / After Change
MATH 0140 Calculus 1 – 4 credits / MATH 0140 Calculus 1 – 4 credits
MATH 0150 Calculus 2 – 4 credits / MATH 0150 Calculus 2 – 4 credits
MATH 0201 Calculus 3 – 4 credits / MATH 0201 Calculus 3 – 4 credits
MATH 0202 Ordinary Differential Equations – 3 credits / MATH 0202 Ordinary Differential Equations – 3 credits
MATH 0206 Linear Algebra – 3 credits / MATH 0206 Linear Algebra – 3 credits
MATH 1308 Numerical Analysis – 3 credits / MATH 0135 Discrete Mathematics – 3 credits
MATH 1309 Applied Probability and Statistics – 4 credits / MATH 1309 Applied Probability and Statistics – 4 credits
MATH 1315 Advanced Differential Equations – 3 credits / MATH 1320 Operations Research – 3 credits
MATH 1318 Introduction to Analysis – 4 credits / MATH 1318 Introduction to Analysis – 4 credits
MATH 1452 Capstone: Mathematics – 3 credits / MATH 1452 Capstone: Mathematics – 3 credits
MATH 1455 Writings in the History of Mathematics – 3 credits / FIN 1301 Corporate Finance – 3 credits
ACCT 0201 Financial Accounting Concepts – 4 credits / ACCT 0201 Financial Accounting Concepts – 4 credits
ACCT 0202 Managerial Accounting Concepts – 3 credits / ACCT 0202 Managerial Accounting Concepts – 3 credits
ECON 0102 Introduction to Microeconomics – 3 credits / ECON 0102 Introduction to Microeconomics – 3 credits OR ECON 0103 Introduction to Macroeconomics – 3 credits
ECON 0103 Introduction to Macroeconomics – 3 credits
Total: 51 credits / Total: 48 credits

Motion to approve changes the B.S. in Applied Mathematics—Actuarial Science Concentration proposal

Motion to approve: M. Kelly2nd: M. Drignei Approved by all

  • Major Change proposal for B.S. in Applied Mathematics—Physics Concentration“The purpose of the change is to align the requirements for the Applied Mathematics and Physics Concentration programs. This will eliminate some low enrollment courses not required for the Applied Mathematics Major. It will bring also the total number of credits required to 49, which is similar to the total mathematics credits required for the Applied Mathematics program.”

Motion to approve changes the B.S. in Applied Mathematics—Physics Concentration proposal

Motion to approve: M. Kelly2nd: M. Drignei Approved by all


  1. Matters Arising:
  • K. Leck announced that J. Guterman and K. Ewert decided to hold changes to the Interdisciplinary Arts major for now.
  • C. Marrone mentioned that the recitation has been removed from MATH 0140 Calculus 1. It does not change the number of credits. If the Mathematics program would like to add the recitation at a later date, it will need to bring a formal request to EPC.
  • Important note to divisions, departments, and program chairs, coordinators, etc. Please take time to review changes, and impacts of those changes on other divisions, departments, and programs, etc., before submitting course changes to EPC. All approved changes involve significant work on the part of the Registrar’s office here on this campus as well as the Pittsburgh campus. It is not efficient to have to undo work done.

Motion to adjourn: D. Dombek2nd: M. DrigneiApproved by all