Meeting date: January 18, 2012
Call to order:
A Council meeting of the Associated Student Organization was held at Los Angeles Mission College, Sylmar, CA January 18th, 2012, in the ASO Conference Room. The meeting convened at 2:00, President Daniel Campos presiding, and Randy Gamez, Executive Administrator.
Recessed 2:55 5 minutes called to order at 3:00
Recessed 4:00 5 minutes called to order 4:05
Members in attendance:
Executive Board:
Daniel Campos, President;
Brent Rosinski, Vice-President
Randy Gamez Executive Administrator;
Marcelo Rodriguez, Treasurer
ASO Senators:
Leonardo Herrera,
Jennifer Lazo
Teresa Sanchez,
Guadalupe Llerenas,
Oscar Aguayo,
Sandra Rodriguez
Elizabeth Johnson,
Robert Crossley
*Note: The Constitution allows a 5 minute grace period before a person is considered tardy
Unexcused Absences:
Michael Cortez, Doleatha Young, Michael Griggs, Sandra Barahona, Ann Marie Cataño
Approval of Minutes:
Oscar: Motion to approve theminutesof the December 5, 2011 meeting.
Motion carried.
Approval and Adoption of Agenda:
Oscar Aguayo: Motion approve the Agenda for the January 11, 2012 meeting.
Motion carried.
Open Forum:
Opened at 2:15, No one present wishing to address the Council. Closed at 2:16
Officers' reports:
Went to FTLA at ELAC
Fundraising Idea: Pictures at parties. Basketball game event with big star collect on parking. Art Gallery/Wine tasting off campus.
Fundraising Idea: Carwash
Executive Administrator:
Went to FTLA at ELAC
Went to purchased printers on the weekend.
Fundraising idea: Car Show/Concert with big artist. Raffle gift certificate for books for any ASO. paid member
Printer purchased, 3 standard and 1 business printer, totaled $631.41
Finance meeting next 1/24/11,
Welcome week committee ideas welcome
Ad-hoc welcome week committee, Brent R. Chair, Marcelo R. Co-chair, member Leonard H.
Senators' Reports:
Leonardo Herrera, SOCIAL ACTIVITIES:
fundraiser idea: winner gets tuition paid
Fundraising idea: Get a Redbox machine on campus
Elizabeth Johnson, TECHNOLOGY:
Fundraising: Negative Check out. Raise fees. Welcome week have breakfast and poster showing benefits of membership. Coupon booklet for members. Printer cartridge & cell phone recycling.
Jennifer Lazo, PUBLICATIONS:
No Report
Guadalupe Llerenas, ATHLETICS:
Fundraising idea: raffle LAMC gear. Pizza cards. Facebook ads
Teresa Sanchez, HISTORIAN:
No Report
Sandra Rodriguez,EDUCATION:
Fundraising idea: Box tops for education to help CDC. Have fundraising banquet at Mimi's
Advisor's Reports:
Robert Crossley:
ASO eligibility: will be sending out email to inform those members no longer eligible to serve
Will email Leonardo about the Elections Committee
Got email about Student district trustee resigning.
Board and committee reports:
Publications AD Hoc Committee:
Not Addressed
Constitution AD Hoc Committee:
Gave update on possible changes
Mission College Day Committee (1st Tuesday each month):
Not Addressed
Tribute for Deceased Students/Faculty Committee:
Not addressed
New Business:
ASO Election Committee (Daniel Campos)
Ad Hoc Committee formed December 5, 2011 Brent Rosinski appointed Co-chair
need budget for poll workers
Marcelo: Motion to extend time 3 minutes
Motion carried
Marcelo Motion to extend time 2 minutes
Motion carried
Teresa: Motion to extend time 2 minutes
Motion carried
Presidential Contingency Account (Daniel Campos)
Oscar: Motion to allocate an additional $200 to Presidential Contingency Account
Motion carried unanimously
Constitution Amendment Recommendations (Daniel Campos)
Item moved to standing items
Student Code of Conduct, (Randy Gamez)
Discussion: address the issue to LACCD about 2 possible rules: Internet Bullying and Privacy of Students.
Randy is to write official proposal
Moved to standing items
Radio Blog (Oscar Aguayo)
Sandra R.: Motion to extend time 3 minutes
motion carried
Oscar: Motion to create LAMC Internet Radio Blog
Motion carried unanimously
Tax Oil to Fund Education table (Daniel Campos)
Randy: Motion for ASO to support TOFE with table to collect signatures
motion carried
Ad-Hoc committee created, Jeniffer Lazo Chair,
Video games and vending machines, (Daniel Campos)
Oscar: Motion to extend time 2 minutes
motion carried
Elizabeth: Motion to extend time 2 minutes
motion carried
Randy: ASO to update games and getting vending machines
motion carried
will be discussed at College Council
Unfinished Businesses
Not addressed
Standing Items:
Senator Appointment and Confirmation
Brent Rosinski, Sandra Rodriguez, Jennifer Lazo, and Leonard Herrera sworn in.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 pm.
Next Meeting will be held January 25th, 2012.
President, Daniel Campos Date of approval
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Executive Administrator, Randy Gamez Date of approval
LAMC Associated Student Organization