Expression of Interest (‘EOI’)

Technical Assistance for IT Training under the e-Governance project ‘Envision’

Expression of Interest (‘EOI’)

Technical Assistance for IT Training under the e-Governance project ‘Envision’

Ministry of Environment and Forests

Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex


June, 2006

1. Invite for Expression of Interest (‘EOI’)

The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Government of India invites an EOI from interested parties to provide the Technical assistance for IT Training under the e-Governance project ‘Envision’

Interested parties, who meet the qualification criteria specified in this document, shall be short listed for issue of detailed request for proposal.

2. Background information

The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Government of India, has embarked on a comprehensive exercise to implement an e-Governance project called Envision, with the objective of applying principles of Good Governance to the management and regulation of use of environmental resources.

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) has been selected as consultant for Stage 2 of the Envision project. PwC will study the present systems, carry out business process re-engineering and prepare the Functional Requirement Specification document (FRS). PwC will also help MoEF in carrying out a Training Needs Analysis leading to the development of a training plan which will be implemented to meet the objectives set out for the stages 2 and 3 of ‘Envision’.

To meet the above objectives, MoEF wishes to seek assistance of training consultants to review the areas identified by the PwC, develop the course content and impart the training (in phased manner) to the Officers and staff of the Ministry and its field organizations.

EOI is invited from interested parties to offer the above mentioned services. Parties who satisfy the qualification criteria mentioned below may submit their EOI as per the instructions provided in the section ‘Submission of EOI’.

3. Qualification criteria

S.No. / Qualification Criteria / Documents to be submitted as part of EOI
1 / The bidder should have been in existence for a period of minimum 5 years as of 31-03-2005 / Certificate of Incorporation of the Company
2 / The bidder should have had an overall turnover of at least Rs 5 crore over each of the last 3 financial years / Audited Financial Statement (reflecting overall turnover) and other satisfactory evidences such as authorized signatory etc.
3 / The bidder must have a minimum of 100 qualified staff and adequate infrastructure for the following training domains with specified durations:
1.  Concepts of Information Technology and Office Suite ( 5 days)
2.  Basics of Geographic Information Systems ( 5 days )
3.  Advanced Concepts of Geographic Information Systems (10 days) / Self declaration by the bidder with details of number of qualified faculty available in each of the mentioned domains.
4 / The bidder should have prior experience of providing similar services in at least 2 projects (with a value of not less than Rs 15 lakhs) / Project description, with budget, dates, and reference names of central / state officials / corporate managers and financial value of the job performed.

The firm/ company or any of the group companies / firms of the selected consultant shall not be allowed to bid for work arising as an outcome of this project.

Consortium bids shall be accepted. In such case, the qualification criteria (3) would be aggregated and verified for all bidders, where as qualification criteria (1), (2) and (4) would be verified for prime bidder only; the other bidders should have had an overall turnover of Rs.4 crore over each of the last 3 financial years.

It is desirable for the bidders to have their training locations in the metro cities. In addition, the bidders are requested to provide the list of the training locations in other cities, if any.

4. Scope of Work

1.  It is expected that about 25,000 to 30,000 person days of training would be required for a time span of 2 to 3 years, for the staff of the MoEF in the following areas

(1). Concepts of Information Technology and Office Suite (for 4150 persons)

a)  Basics Concepts of Software, Hardware, Operating Systems, Networking and Database Management Systems, Internet and e-mail

b)  Basic concepts of Workflow automation

c)  Concepts and usage of Office Automation Software such as Word Processing, Spread Sheets, Presentations, and Collaboration suite (Discussion Databases, Scheduling and Calendaring facilities, bulletin board services etc).

d)  Concepts of IT Security, Virus and Access Controls, Copyright Laws

(2). Basics of Geographic Information Systems (for 170 persons of total aggregated staff)

a)  Basic Concepts

b)  Data Sources and Data Collection

c)  Remote Sensing and GIS

d)  Application of GIS in Environment and Forest Sectors

e)  Practical Exposure for using GIS software

f)  GIS related Case Studies

(3). Advanced Concepts of Geographic Information Systems (for 85 persons of total aggregated staff)

a)  Mapping the spherical earth

b)  Geographic Data Concepts

c)  Raster based GIS

d)  Vector based GIS

e)  Elementary spatial analysis and modeling.

f)  Introduction to networks in GIS: Definition, components and operations/applications

g)  Surfaces and Triangular Irregular Networks.

h)  Introduction to remote sensing and digital image processing as a source of input to geographic information systems.

i)  High Resolution Images for Developmental Mapping.

j)  Overview of GPS and its applications.

k)  Software and hardware requirements for GIS.

l)  GIS project planning, management and implementation techniques.

m)  Applications of GIS including Web GIS.

n)  GIS case studies and Hands -on practical exposure GIS software

Note: The above figures for number of persons to be trained are provided with respect to the current staff strength (4150)

5. Submission of EOI

Bidders fulfilling the Qualification criteria mentioned above may submit their EOI along with documents mentioned in clause 3 above and a brief write-up on profile of the Bidder with relevant contact details.

The instructions for submitting the EOI are mentioned below:

1.  The EOI must be in English.

2.  The EOI may be submitted in any mode, including electronic mode.

3.  The duly complete EOI should be submitted not later than 17.30 Hrs. (IST) on 30/07/2006 in a sealed envelope marked "Private and Confidential – Expression of Interest for Technical Assistance for Training for Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi” along with a non refundable scrutiny fee by a demand draft of INR 5000 (Rupees Five Thousand Only) drawn in the name of Pay and Accounts Officer, MoEF, New Delhi payable at New Delhi, at the following address:

The Additional Director (e-Governance)

Ministry of Environment and Forests

Room No. 574, Paryavaran Bhavan

CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003

4.  No price bid, rates or cost estimate should be submitted along with expression of interest.

5.  Bidder would be responsible for all of its expenses, costs and risks incurred towards preparation of the EOI document, attending any pre-bid/bid meeting and visiting the site or any other location in connection therewith. MoEF shall, in no case, be responsible or liable for any such costs whatsoever, regardless of the outcome of the EOI / bidding process or its abandonment by MoEF.

6. Disqualification

Without prejudice, a bidder or consortium may be disqualified and its EOI dropped from further consideration for any of the reasons listed below:

1.  Material misrepresentation by such Bidder in the EOI or otherwise.

2.  Failure by such bidder to provide the information required in the EOI.

3.  The parties not satisfying the qualification criteria specified in the above sections.

4.  Non submission of scrutiny fee of INR 5000.

7. Criteria for Bid Evaluations

Based on an evaluation of EOI received, interested parties, which are deemed fit ("Qualified Interested Parties" or "QIP"), will be called upon to participate in the subsequent selection process (without conferring any right or expectation whatsoever to QIP.

Eventual selection will be based on the Quality and Cost-based Selection (QCBS) Method.

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