World History Final Exam Review

Fall 2010

Directions: Describe each of the following or explain the relationship between the main points and their subpoints.

AKS 30 – Ancient Eastern Mediterranean Societies

  1. The Neolithic Revolution (p. 7)
  2. Characteristics of a civilization (p. 20-21)
  3. geographic features of Mesopotamia (p. 29)
  4. major rivers
  5. geographic features of Ancient Egypt(p. 35)
  6. importance of the desert
  7. Mesopotamian society
  8. importance of writing system (p. 32)
  9. Religion(p. 31)
  10. Government
  11. Type of government(p. 31)
  12. Hammurabi’s Law code(p. 33)
  13. retaliation
  14. Assyrians and the library at Nineveh (p. 96)
  15. Ancient Egypt
  16. religion
  17. role of pharaohs(p. 37)
  18. importance of pyramids(p. 38)
  19. Government
  20. Role of pharaohs(p. 37)
  21. Hebrews
  22. Monotheism (p. 78)
  23. The Torah(p. 77)
  24. Covenant (p. 78)
  25. Persians
  26. Darius and his governing style(p. 100)
  27. Provinces(p. 101)
  28. Tolerance (p. 101)
  29. Religion
  30. Zoroastrian beliefs and influence(p. 103)
  31. Eastern Mediterranean writing systems
  32. Hieroglyphics (p. 40)
  33. Cuneiform (p. 32)
  34. Phoenician alphabet (p. 74)

AKS 31 – Achievements of Chinese and Indian Societies

  1. Ancient India
  2. Geography –p. 44 & p.187
  3. Harappan civilization – p. 46
  4. Aryans – p.63-66
  5. Caste system – p.63-64
  6. Vedas – p.63
  7. Ancient China
  8. Geography – p. 50-51
  9. Chinese society and the family – p. 51
  10. Confucius – p. 104-105
  11. Education – p. 53, p. 104
  12. Five Relationships – p. 104
  13. Zhou Dynasty and feudalism – p. 54-55
  14. Chinese influence on Japan and Korea -- p. 104-105
  15. Gupta Empire
  16. “Golden Age” accomplishments -- p. 191-192, p. 252-255
  17. Algebra  the “0” -- p.195
  18. Hinduism
  19. Origins/Influences of Aryans – p. 66-67
  20. Moksha – p. 66-67
  21. Buddhism
  22. Beginnings – p.68-69
  23. Teachings
  24. Four Noble Truths – p. 69
  25. Eightfold Path – p. 69, p. 193
  26. Nirvana – p. 69
  27. How and where it spread – p. 70-71

AKS 32 – Classical Mediterranean Societies

  1. Ancient Greece(Chapter 5, pages 121-151)
  2. Geography and its effects (Map 121, 123-124)
  3. Government (127)
  4. Athens (128)
  5. Sparta (129)
  6. Delian league (133)
  7. Hellenic Greece (146-149)
  8. Alexander the Great’s role (142-145, last paragraph 145!)
  9. Cultural diffusion (145, 146)
  10. Hellenism (146-149, definition 146)
  11. Euclid (147-148)
  12. Pythagoras (148)
  13. Golden Ages of Greece/Contributions of Athens (134-141)
  14. Socrates (138)
  15. Plato (138)
  16. Aristotle (139)
  17. Classical art (140-141, also 135-136)
  18. Drama (136, some on 141)
  19. Greek religion (126)
  20. Polytheism (126, definition on R87 in Glossary)
  21. Ancient Rome(Chapter 6, 152-185)
  22. Geography (Map 153, 155)
  23. Punic Wars (158-159)
  24. Roman Government
  25. Roman Republic (156-162)
  26. Julius Caesar (161-162)
  27. Assassination (162)
  28. Roman Empire (162-165)
  29. Augustus Caesar (162)
  30. Architecture (181 & 183)
  31. The Coliseum (Special Section, 182)
  32. Pax Romana (162)
  33. Religion
  34. Roman polytheism (164)
  35. Christianity (168-172)
  36. how it was able to spread so quickly (170-171)
  37. Causes of the Fall of Western Roman Empire (173-176, chart 174)
  38. Emperor Diocletian (174)
  39. Emperor Constantine (174-175)
  40. relationship with Christianity (171)
  41. Edict of Milan (171)
  42. Military weakness and barbarian invasions (173, 175-176)

AKS 33 – Byzantine & Mongol Empires

  1. Byzantine Empire (301-306)
  2. Religion (304-306)
  3. 1054 – church conflict (304-306)
  4. Excommunication (306)
  5. Justinian’s Law Code (302)
  6. Theodora (302-303)
  7. Constantinople (303)
  8. Vikings and Russians (307)
  9. Czar Ivan III (311)
  10. Kiev (307-309)
  11. Orthodox Christianity (304-306)
  12. The Schism (304-306)
  13. Impact of Mongol Empire (330-338)
  14. Genghis Khan (331-332)
  15. Military (332-333)
  16. Effect on Russia (309)
  17. Russian liberation (310)
  18. Kublai Khan & Yuan Dynasty (335-336)
  19. Pax Mongolica (333)
  20. Revival of Silk Roads (336)

AKS 34 - Origins and Expansion of the Islamic World

  1. Origins of Islamp.260
  2. Muhammadp.264
  3. Meccap.263
  4. Expansion of Islamic Empirep.269
  5. Language of Islamic Empirep. 267
  6. Muslim trade routes
  7. Role of the Arabian Peninsula in tradep.272
  8. Sunni & Shi’a Muslimsp.271
  9. Cause of splitp.271
  10. Ibn Sina and medicinep.278
  11. Basic tenets (pillars) of Islam (five)p. 267
  12. Impact of Shar’ia p.268
  13. Impact of Crusadesp.385
  14. Effects on Western European citiesp.385
  15. Tradep.385
  16. Learningp.385
  17. Relationship between Judaism-p.292, Christianity-p.286 and Islam-p.290
  18. Ten Commandments p.79
  19. Ancestry

AKS 35 - Early African Societies

  1. Bantu migration patterns (ch. 8)
  2. Swahili
  3. Importance of the development of agriculture
  4. Importance of Sudanic kingdoms (ch. 15)
  5. Ghana
  6. Mali
  7. Sundiata
  8. Mansa Musa
  9. Songhai
  10. Trans-Saharan trade (ch. 15)
  11. gold/salt trade
  12. slaves
  13. Swahili trading cities
  14. African Religious syncretism (ch. 15)

AKS 36 – Central & South American Societies

  1. Olmecs – importance (pg. 240-241, 244-245)
  2. Maya Empire(pg. 446-451)
  3. Role of religion in advanced technology
  4. Aztec Empire(pg. 452-458 and pg. 556)
  5. Religious rituals
  6. Inca Empire(pg. 459-463 and pg. 556)
  7. Relationship between religion and government

AKS 37 – European Medieval Society

  1. Manorial system (p. 360-362)
  2. Feudalism (p. 360-361)
  3. Development of feudalism (p. 360)
  4. Status of peasants/serfs (p. 360)
  5. Importance of Charlemagne (p. 356-357)
  6. Political impact of Christianity (p. 370 – ch. 13.4)
  7. Pope Gregory VII (p. 372)
  8. King Henry IV (p. 372)
  9. Role of church in medieval society (p. 370-371)
  10. Crusades (p. 382)
  11. Social life (p. 370-371)
  12. Trade and the growth of towns and cities (p. 389-390)  Commercial Revolution
  13. Hundred Years’ War (p. 401-403)
  14. England (p. 401)
  15. France (p. 401)

AKS 38: Renaissance & Reformation

  1. Why did the Renaissance begin in Florence, Italy? What advantages did the Italian city-states have? Page 471
  2. Who was Machiavelli? How did he advise leaders to rule? Do you agree or disagree with his point of view? Page 476
  3. What was the “Renaissance Man” and how did Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo epitomize the ideal of the “Renaissance man”? page 473, 475
  4. What was humanism? How did it relate to classical culture? to Christianity? Page 472
  5. Identify Erasmus and describe his work. Page 482
  6. Who was Martin Luther? To what church practices did he object? What was the result of his work? Page 489-491
  7. Who was John Calvin? Define predestination. Page 495-496
  8. Describe the religious, political, and social impacts of the Reformation. Page 488-491
  9. How did the Roman Catholic Church respond to the Reformation? What roles were played by the Council of Trent and the Jesuits? Page 498-499
  10. How and why did the Reformation come about in England? Were the motives purely religious? 492-494
  11. What impact did Elizabeth I have on the English church? Page 494
  12. Who was Johann Gutenberg? How did his invention revolutionize European society? What role did it play in the Reformation? Page 484-485

AKS 39: Age of Exploration & the Columbian Exchange

  1. Identify and describe the achievements of this six explorers we learned about:
  2. Zheng He(537)
  3. Why were Zheng He’s voyages terminated?
  4. Christopher Columbus(553-54, 560)
  5. Vasco da Gama(530-31)
  6. Ferdinand Magellan(534, 554)
  7. James Cook(752)
  8. Samuel de Champlain(561)
  9. What was the Columbian Exchange? How did it change the lives of people around the world? Was its net effect positive or negative? (571-73, chart on 572; could include slavery as aspect of Columbian Exchange, 566-570)
  10. Describe early modern navigation methods and instruments. How did they make the Age of Discovery/Exploration possible? (530-531, 275, 433)

AKS 42a: The Scientific Revolution Ch 22.1

  1. What was the Scientific Revolution? How did it change the worldview of European people? Ch.22.1, pg. 623-628
  2. Identify and describe the contributions of: Copernicus(p.624), Kepler(p.624), Galileo(p.625), Newton(p.626-7).