World History Final Exam Review
Fall 2010
Directions: Describe each of the following or explain the relationship between the main points and their subpoints.
AKS 30 – Ancient Eastern Mediterranean Societies
- The Neolithic Revolution (p. 7)
- Characteristics of a civilization (p. 20-21)
- geographic features of Mesopotamia (p. 29)
- major rivers
- geographic features of Ancient Egypt(p. 35)
- importance of the desert
- Mesopotamian society
- importance of writing system (p. 32)
- Religion(p. 31)
- Government
- Type of government(p. 31)
- Hammurabi’s Law code(p. 33)
- retaliation
- Assyrians and the library at Nineveh (p. 96)
- Ancient Egypt
- religion
- role of pharaohs(p. 37)
- importance of pyramids(p. 38)
- Government
- Role of pharaohs(p. 37)
- Hebrews
- Monotheism (p. 78)
- The Torah(p. 77)
- Covenant (p. 78)
- Persians
- Darius and his governing style(p. 100)
- Provinces(p. 101)
- Tolerance (p. 101)
- Religion
- Zoroastrian beliefs and influence(p. 103)
- Eastern Mediterranean writing systems
- Hieroglyphics (p. 40)
- Cuneiform (p. 32)
- Phoenician alphabet (p. 74)
AKS 31 – Achievements of Chinese and Indian Societies
- Ancient India
- Geography –p. 44 & p.187
- Harappan civilization – p. 46
- Aryans – p.63-66
- Caste system – p.63-64
- Vedas – p.63
- Ancient China
- Geography – p. 50-51
- Chinese society and the family – p. 51
- Confucius – p. 104-105
- Education – p. 53, p. 104
- Five Relationships – p. 104
- Zhou Dynasty and feudalism – p. 54-55
- Chinese influence on Japan and Korea -- p. 104-105
- Gupta Empire
- “Golden Age” accomplishments -- p. 191-192, p. 252-255
- Algebra the “0” -- p.195
- Hinduism
- Origins/Influences of Aryans – p. 66-67
- Moksha – p. 66-67
- Buddhism
- Beginnings – p.68-69
- Teachings
- Four Noble Truths – p. 69
- Eightfold Path – p. 69, p. 193
- Nirvana – p. 69
- How and where it spread – p. 70-71
AKS 32 – Classical Mediterranean Societies
- Ancient Greece(Chapter 5, pages 121-151)
- Geography and its effects (Map 121, 123-124)
- Government (127)
- Athens (128)
- Sparta (129)
- Delian league (133)
- Hellenic Greece (146-149)
- Alexander the Great’s role (142-145, last paragraph 145!)
- Cultural diffusion (145, 146)
- Hellenism (146-149, definition 146)
- Euclid (147-148)
- Pythagoras (148)
- Golden Ages of Greece/Contributions of Athens (134-141)
- Socrates (138)
- Plato (138)
- Aristotle (139)
- Classical art (140-141, also 135-136)
- Drama (136, some on 141)
- Greek religion (126)
- Polytheism (126, definition on R87 in Glossary)
- Ancient Rome(Chapter 6, 152-185)
- Geography (Map 153, 155)
- Punic Wars (158-159)
- Roman Government
- Roman Republic (156-162)
- Julius Caesar (161-162)
- Assassination (162)
- Roman Empire (162-165)
- Augustus Caesar (162)
- Architecture (181 & 183)
- The Coliseum (Special Section, 182)
- Pax Romana (162)
- Religion
- Roman polytheism (164)
- Christianity (168-172)
- how it was able to spread so quickly (170-171)
- Causes of the Fall of Western Roman Empire (173-176, chart 174)
- Emperor Diocletian (174)
- Emperor Constantine (174-175)
- relationship with Christianity (171)
- Edict of Milan (171)
- Military weakness and barbarian invasions (173, 175-176)
AKS 33 – Byzantine & Mongol Empires
- Byzantine Empire (301-306)
- Religion (304-306)
- 1054 – church conflict (304-306)
- Excommunication (306)
- Justinian’s Law Code (302)
- Theodora (302-303)
- Constantinople (303)
- Vikings and Russians (307)
- Czar Ivan III (311)
- Kiev (307-309)
- Orthodox Christianity (304-306)
- The Schism (304-306)
- Impact of Mongol Empire (330-338)
- Genghis Khan (331-332)
- Military (332-333)
- Effect on Russia (309)
- Russian liberation (310)
- Kublai Khan & Yuan Dynasty (335-336)
- Pax Mongolica (333)
- Revival of Silk Roads (336)
AKS 34 - Origins and Expansion of the Islamic World
- Origins of Islamp.260
- Muhammadp.264
- Meccap.263
- Expansion of Islamic Empirep.269
- Language of Islamic Empirep. 267
- Muslim trade routes
- Role of the Arabian Peninsula in tradep.272
- Sunni & Shi’a Muslimsp.271
- Cause of splitp.271
- Ibn Sina and medicinep.278
- Basic tenets (pillars) of Islam (five)p. 267
- Impact of Shar’ia p.268
- Impact of Crusadesp.385
- Effects on Western European citiesp.385
- Tradep.385
- Learningp.385
- Relationship between Judaism-p.292, Christianity-p.286 and Islam-p.290
- Ten Commandments p.79
- Ancestry
AKS 35 - Early African Societies
- Bantu migration patterns (ch. 8)
- Swahili
- Importance of the development of agriculture
- Importance of Sudanic kingdoms (ch. 15)
- Ghana
- Mali
- Sundiata
- Mansa Musa
- Songhai
- Trans-Saharan trade (ch. 15)
- gold/salt trade
- slaves
- Swahili trading cities
- African Religious syncretism (ch. 15)
AKS 36 – Central & South American Societies
- Olmecs – importance (pg. 240-241, 244-245)
- Maya Empire(pg. 446-451)
- Role of religion in advanced technology
- Aztec Empire(pg. 452-458 and pg. 556)
- Religious rituals
- Inca Empire(pg. 459-463 and pg. 556)
- Relationship between religion and government
AKS 37 – European Medieval Society
- Manorial system (p. 360-362)
- Feudalism (p. 360-361)
- Development of feudalism (p. 360)
- Status of peasants/serfs (p. 360)
- Importance of Charlemagne (p. 356-357)
- Political impact of Christianity (p. 370 – ch. 13.4)
- Pope Gregory VII (p. 372)
- King Henry IV (p. 372)
- Role of church in medieval society (p. 370-371)
- Crusades (p. 382)
- Social life (p. 370-371)
- Trade and the growth of towns and cities (p. 389-390) Commercial Revolution
- Hundred Years’ War (p. 401-403)
- England (p. 401)
- France (p. 401)
AKS 38: Renaissance & Reformation
- Why did the Renaissance begin in Florence, Italy? What advantages did the Italian city-states have? Page 471
- Who was Machiavelli? How did he advise leaders to rule? Do you agree or disagree with his point of view? Page 476
- What was the “Renaissance Man” and how did Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo epitomize the ideal of the “Renaissance man”? page 473, 475
- What was humanism? How did it relate to classical culture? to Christianity? Page 472
- Identify Erasmus and describe his work. Page 482
- Who was Martin Luther? To what church practices did he object? What was the result of his work? Page 489-491
- Who was John Calvin? Define predestination. Page 495-496
- Describe the religious, political, and social impacts of the Reformation. Page 488-491
- How did the Roman Catholic Church respond to the Reformation? What roles were played by the Council of Trent and the Jesuits? Page 498-499
- How and why did the Reformation come about in England? Were the motives purely religious? 492-494
- What impact did Elizabeth I have on the English church? Page 494
- Who was Johann Gutenberg? How did his invention revolutionize European society? What role did it play in the Reformation? Page 484-485
AKS 39: Age of Exploration & the Columbian Exchange
- Identify and describe the achievements of this six explorers we learned about:
- Zheng He(537)
- Why were Zheng He’s voyages terminated?
- Christopher Columbus(553-54, 560)
- Vasco da Gama(530-31)
- Ferdinand Magellan(534, 554)
- James Cook(752)
- Samuel de Champlain(561)
- What was the Columbian Exchange? How did it change the lives of people around the world? Was its net effect positive or negative? (571-73, chart on 572; could include slavery as aspect of Columbian Exchange, 566-570)
- Describe early modern navigation methods and instruments. How did they make the Age of Discovery/Exploration possible? (530-531, 275, 433)
AKS 42a: The Scientific Revolution Ch 22.1
- What was the Scientific Revolution? How did it change the worldview of European people? Ch.22.1, pg. 623-628
- Identify and describe the contributions of: Copernicus(p.624), Kepler(p.624), Galileo(p.625), Newton(p.626-7).