June 15, 2015 Roanoke Village Board Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4
There was a brief moment of silence. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Acting Mayor Kevin Braker.
On roll call were Trustee Ken Hodel, Trustee Jerry Hasler, Trustee Eldon Witzig, Trustee Mike Smith and Trustee Wayne Blunier. Also present was Mayor Kevin Braker.
Trustee Blunier entered the meeting at 7:03pm.
Jonathan Hodel of Cloudpoint Geographics was present to inform the Board members that he plans to buy the old dentist office on Ann Street. Hodel asked the Board if they would help split Mediacom’s construction cost of installing fiber optics which is $3,000 to keep a business in town. High speed internet is critical for his business. Mayor Braker noted that the Board has done things in the past for other businesses and that it will be considered. Trustee Smith recommended contacting Heartland Cable to inquire about installation of fiber optics also. Mayor Braker asked that Ken Hodel have this subject as a discussion item on the agenda for the next meeting.
Resident Michael Smalley was present to report that there are speeders going in and out of town on Front Street and he is concerned that someone is going to get hurt. Smalley would like to see a stop sign on that road. Trustee Hasler has asked in the past that officers patrol that area. Mayor Braker will have Trustee Hasler speak to the officers to have them patrol the area more frequently. Trustee Hasler has asked that officers watch the area in the past.
Donald Rients spoke to the Board about running for Aaron Schock’s vacant position. He provided some background information about himself and his family. Rients stated that he is a Christian conservative and is in favor of smaller government. Rients thanked the Board for letting him speak.
Shawn Kempf asked the Board if Club 116 could have a dance permit to hire a band for July 3rd festivities. Kempf also asked if barricades could be provided to close the road. The Board agreed to allow this.
NEW WATER PLANT AND TREATMENT OPTIONS- Josh Harken stated that the draft for the plans is completed and the next step would be to present it to the Board. Harken suggested setting up a committee meeting to discuss the plans. Mayor Braker asked about the water tasting the same with the new plant and well after spending all this money. Harken will come up with options for water treatment.
Mayor Braker asked about the progress of the well. Harken informed the Board that he is still waiting on the EPA for permitting but the technical part is ironed out.
Mayor Braker noted that he has seen the inspector on the water main project heading to town when it had been raining since 5am. Harken explained that the inspector is to call the contractor on days of bad weather to find out if he is working that day. Braker asked if the inspector’s hours could be reduced now that the project is well under way. Harken stated that the hours could probably be reduced.
Mark Aeschleman reported that there are problems with the aerator tank that may require sucking material out and putting some back in for about $37,000-$40,000. Aeschleman stated that everything can by bypassed. Harken stated that you will have to backflush more frequently. Mayor Braker stated that we have to do something to keep it going. Aeschleman mentioned that the water quality will suffer.
ORDINANCE 2015-08 - Trustee Blunier motioned to approve Ordinance 2015-08 Providing for Borrowing $2,700,000 from Morton Community Bank for the Purpose of Constructing Improvements to the Village Waterworks System; Trustee Hasler seconded.
Motion carried by roll call vote.
Ayes: Blunier, Hasler, Smith, Hodel, Leman, Witzig, Braker
Nayes: None
ORDINANCE 2015-09 – Trustee Blunier motioned to approve Ordinance 2015-09 Updating Village Water Rates for Financing Waterworks System Improvement Project; Trustee Hodel seconded. Hasler noted that the cost per gallon of bulk water is cheaper than the cost per gallon for residents and was not in favor of this. Trustee Smith mentioned that the residents are paying for the distribution system.
Motion carried by roll call vote.
Ayes: Blunier, Hodel, Smith, Hasler, Leman, Witzig, Braker
Nayes: None
CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK PROJECT- Trustee Hasler reported that he does not have anything new to report. The bid opening will be June 23rd.
SIDEWALK ON DAVISON STREET – There is a small strip of sidewalk next to a curb on Davison that a resident asked to have removed since it is the only section of sidewalk on the whole block. Trustee Hasler would like to the Board members to take a look at it to determine if it needs to be taken out.
MILL STREET TEST STRIP – Hasler received an email from Joe Adams about the cost of a test strip to be seal coated with a bleeding type of oil. The Township has offered to let the Village use one of their streets to test seal coating material. The cost would be about $9,500. Mayor Braker asked if other towns were using the bleeding type of material. Harken stated that there were. Braker suggested calling these towns to find out how they like it. Hasler will speak to Adams about the different options.
MONTHLY POLICE REPORT- Trustee Hasler gave the monthly police report. There were 115 calls for service, 22 traffic stops and 12 citations.
RFPD LEVY – There was a previous meeting with the Roanoke Fire Protection District back in February to discuss the challenges of providing ambulance service. The anticipated budget of FY16 is $262,650 which will hold a $75,000 deficit. The levy request to the RFPD this year is $102,000. The anticipated revenue from billing is expected to be $80,000. There is money in the current budget to start saving for a new ambulance. Smith informed the members of the Fire Board who were present at the meeting tonight that he is hoping to have a truth in taxation hearing because of the amount that he is expecting to request for the following year. Mike Adams, Fire Board member, explained that the Fire Board has to be given a dollar figure for the levy and they will go from there. Mayor Braker stated that you have to ask for what you will need so that there is a true reflection of what it takes to run an ambulance. Trustee Smith motioned to request the levy amount for FY17 of $182,650; Trustee Hodel seconded.
Motion carried by roll call vote.
Ayes: Smith, Hodel, Hasler, Blunier, Leman, Witzig
Nayes: None
ALS UPGRADE – Smith spoke to Chief Schuler who expressed frustration with the IL Department of Public Health with regard to upgrading to an ALS which is Advanced Life Support. Mayor Braker spoke to David Leitch who is on the JCAR committee. Leitch told Braker that he is looking into this. Chief Schuler would like to license the older rig as strictly an ALS rig. The Board members agreed to let Schuler handle this.
LIGHTS IN AMBULANCE BAY – Trustee Leman reported that there are 3 sets of lights that are not working in the bay. Kennell Electric quoted a price of $190 each for high efficiency lighting. Smith asked if LED lights could be quoted. The Board members agreed to just repair the current lights until a quote can be obtained. Trustee Leman motioned to replace the lights in the bay at a cost of under $300; Trustee Smith. Trustee Leman will also speak to Kennell Electric about the breaker in the bay that continues to malfunction.
Motion carried by roll call vote.
Ayes: Leman, Smith, Hasler, Hodel, Blunier, Witzig, Braker
Nayes: None
COPIER – Clerk Jennifer Crumrine expressed frustration with the copier. The copier was refurbished when originally purchased almost 3 years ago by the Village for $3000. Crumrine has had to call for service 3 times in the past 2 weeks because of paper jams. Crumrine emailed other clerks to get pricing. There was a wide range of difference in cost for leasing a copier. Crumrine and Leman will get together on Wednesday to do some research on copiers.
FESTIVAL COMMITTEE – Barb Daraban reported that the Festival Committee received lots of compliments about the location of the festival this year but will ask for a different street to be blocked off next year. Daraban also reported that the festival suffered a loss and talked about redoing the budget next year and would possibly look for help from the Village. The beer tent also lost money because the expenses were higher this year. Glen Miller believes the location affected the low numbers. Mayor Braker reported that he did hear positive comments from residents. Trustee Blunier preferred it to be uptown. Mayor Braker stated that it wouldn’t be that hard to go back to downtown and told the festival committee that he appreciates what they do.
Shawn Kempf mentioned that Club 116 was not happy with the location of the carnival because it affected their business that weekend.
WOODFORD COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE – Mayor Braker attended a meeting in Eureka of the Woodford County Economic Development Committee. Braker thought it was a good meeting. Braker spent time talking to the Mayor of Metamora and Germantown Hills who would like to encourage big businesses doing big projects to enlist the business of smaller companies. Germantown Hills already has a committee like this. Mayor Braker would like to start this type of committee in Roanoke which would encourage businesses to come to Roanoke and current businesses to stay. Braker thinks this would help our town.
Mayor Braker reported that the Village now owns the abandoned property at 109 E Front Street.
Trustee Leman was contacted by Ben Fehr who spoke to a resident about a neighbor that has a damaged tree that is affecting his property. Mayor Braker explained that this situation should be between neighbors and should not involve the Village.
Mayor Braker motioned to enter Executive Session at 8:53pm regarding Land Acquisition – Section 2 (c) 5 and Semi-Annual Review – Section 2 (c) 21 of the Open Meetings Act; Trustee Smith seconded.
Motion carried by roll call vote.
Ayes: Braker, Smith, Hasler, Hodel, Blunier, Leman, Witzig
Nayes: None
The Board returned to regular session at 9:03pm.
Trustee Hasler motioned to release the Executive Session minutes of October 6, 2014 and January 5, 2015; Trustee Smith seconded.
Motion carried by roll call vote.
Ayes: Hasler, Smith, Hodel, Leman, Blunier, Witzig
Nayes: None
Trustee Hodel motioned to adjourn; Trustee Hasler seconded.
Motion carried by voice vote.
Jennifer Crumrine
Village Clerk