Beechdale Health Centre

Test Results Protocol

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This document and the information contained therein is the property of Beechdale Health Centre.

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B. Document Details

Classification: / internal
Organisation: / Beechdale Health Centre
Document Reference: / Test Results Protocol
Current Version Number: / 1
Current Document Approved By: / aRUN VENUGOPAL
Date Approved: / 29.03.2011

C. Document Revision and Approval History

Version / Date / Version Created By: / Version Approved By: / Comments


Test results can be received either electronically or in paper format and should be dealt with on a daily basis. The following protocol must be adhered to by Practice staff upon receipt of any test results:

·  System One e.g. Paper results will be stamped with the date of receipt and scanned into the Practice clinical system. Clinicians will be informed that the result has been received, or the paper copy passed to them, so that it can be effected appropriately.

·  System One e.g. Electronic results appear in the Pathology Links section of the clinical system. The requesting clinician will view the results and attach comments as appropriate (e.g. normal – no further action, borderline – make appointment for repeat test / appointment in X number of days / weeks, abnormal – make urgent / routine appointment to see doctor / nurse in X number of days / weeks).

·  System One e.g. Where the requesting clinician is absent from the Practice, their results will be shared equally between the remaining clinicians for action.

·  System One e.g. For cytology results, these will be reviewed by the nurse who carried out the smear (in their absence, another member of the nursing team will be responsible for this). The result will be commented upon and then passed to Practice Secretary or Senior reception staff who will then send the appropriate pro-forma smear result letter to the patient (see Cervical Smear Policy for details).

·  System One e.g. A copy of the letter and the fact that it has been sent will be noted in the patient record. The nurse that effects the result will also place a recall date in the patient’s record (as advised by the pathology lab).

·  System One e.g. When a patient contacts the surgery for the results of their test(s), reception staff will ensure that they check the patient name and date of birth with the caller to ensure that they are accessing the correct patient.

Please note that test results must not be given out to anyone other than the patient unless the patient has given express permission to do so (if this is the case, it will be noted in the patient’s record).

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