Part A: Probationer Details

Employee Name:
Job Title:
FTE %:
Start Date of Employment:
Probation End Date:
Name of Mentor:

Part B:Probation Review Meeting Dates

Date due: / Date completed:
Initial Probation Objective Setting Meeting
6-month review
12-month review
2nd year review
3rd year review (end of review)
4th year review (where applicable)
5th year review (where applicable)


Part C -Probation Objectives

Criteria / Specific Objectives and outputs
Research / Research publications
External research grant applications
Conference Papers
Teaching / Module Teaching
PHD Supervision
Commitment to Excellence in Teaching / Select the appropriate option:
1, Successful completion of CAP if the probationer has less than three years’ HE teaching experience.
2, Successful completion of ATLAS if the probationer has more than three years’ HE teaching experience.
3, The probationer already holds a recognised Higher Education teaching qualification. Please state the qualification held:
Academic Leadership and Engagement
Reasonable Adjustments
(if applicable)
Faculty Dean explanation for any significant variation outside of standard norms.
Probationer Signature/E-signature:
Head of Department Signature/E-signature:
Faculty Dean Signature/E-signature: Date:

Part D – 6 Month Review(this review needs to be completed by the Head of Department in discussion with the probationer)

1.Has the probationer integrated into the department?YES NO

2.Are there any amendments needed to the Probationer Agreement?YESNO

3.Are there any concerns about the Probationer’s conduct or performance?YESNO

Delete answers as appropriate. If the answer to question 1 is yes and the answers to question 2 and 3 is no, then the review form should be signed and a copy sent to the probationer.

4. For areas of performance, conduct or attendance that require improvement please provide details and summarise how these will be addressed:

5. Outline any changes to the probation objectives:

6. Have the training and development needs identified for this period of the probation been addressed? If they have not, what further action is required and by when?

Probationer Signature/E-signature:
Head of Department Signature/E-signature:

Part E – 12 Month Review (this review needs to be completed by the Head of Department in discussion with the probationer)

Criteria / Specific Objectives and outputs
(Copy into this section the objectives from Part C) / Progress
Research / Research publications
External research grant applications
Conference Papers
Teaching / Module Teaching
PHD Supervision
Commitment to Excellence in Teaching
Academic Leadership and Engagement

1.Are there any concerns about the Probationer’s conduct or performanceYESNO

2. For areas of performance, conduct or attendance that require improvement please provide details below:

3. Where concerns have been identified, summarise how these will be addressed:

4.Have the objectives identified for this period of the probation been performed to a suitable standard? If they have not, what further action is required and by when?

5. Have the training and development needs identified for this period of the probation been addressed? If they have not, what further action is required and by when?

6. What objectives have been identified for the forthcoming 12 months?

Probationer Signature/E-signature:
Head of Department Signature/E-signature:

Part F – 2 Year Review (this review needs to be completed by Head of Department in discussion with the probationer)

Criteria / Specific Objectives and outputs
(Copy into this section the objectives from Part C) / Progress
Research / Research publications
External research grant applications
Conference Papers
Teaching / Module Teaching
PHD Supervision
Commitment to Excellence in Teaching
Academic Leadership and Engagement

1.Are there any concerns about the Probationer’s conduct or performanceYESNO

2. For areas of performance, conduct or attendance that require improvement please provide details below:

3. Where concerns have been identified, summarise how these will be addressed:

4. Have the objectives identified for this period of the probation been performed to a suitable standard? If they have not, what further action is required and by when?

5. Have the training and development needs identified for this period of the probation been addressed? If they have not, what further action is required and by when?

6. What objectives have been identified for the forthcoming 12 months?

Probationer Signature/E-signature:
Head of Department Signature/E-signature:

Part G – 3 year Review (end of probation review)to be completed by Head of Department in discussion with the probationer.

1. Probation Objectives (please reference each probationary objective and evidence how it has been met fully, partially or not at all).

Criteria / Specific Objectives and outputs
(Copy into this section the objectives from Part C plus any additional objectives that have been agreed) / Evidence (outline whether objectives have been achieved) and HoD qualitative commentary
Research / Research publications
External research grant applications
Conference Papers
HoD commentary on probationer’s career trajectory and transition to academic independence:
Teaching / Module Teaching
PHD Supervision
Commitment to Excellence in Teaching
Academic Leadership and Engagement

2.Highest Teaching Qualification Held/HEA Status (select from the drop down list):

CAP 1 - Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice 1 /

3.Has the probationer completed the following mandatory training/actions?

Training / Action / Status (select from the drop down list)
  1. Information Security Training
/ No /
  1. Equality and Diversity On-line Training
/ No /
  1. Encrypted mobile device(s)
/ Not applicable /
  1. Local Health and Safety training identified by needs analysis
/ Not applicable /

4. Probationer’s comments about their experience of the probationary process (optional).

5.Probation Recommendation


6.If the recommendation is to Extend please provide a rationale for this recommendation and specify the proposed period of extension (maximum 12 month) and the areas for improvement that is required. Please outline how these will be monitored and any relevant timescales.

7.If the recommendation is to Fail, please provide a rationale for this recommendation and outlined the steps that have been taken to address the issues during the probation period

Probationer Signature/E-signature:
Head of Department Signature/E-signature:
Faculty Dean Commentary:
Faculty Dean Signature/E-signature: