Student Success Seminar Syllabus

Mr. Frankel / E-mail:
Room: 336 /


Phone: (323) 817-6550 / Assistance Available:
By appointment before or after school

Course Description: This course will cover the academic and personal skills necessary to meet the requirements of an APEX Academy Graduate, which include digital fluency, college and career preparation, healthy living, and personal finances. You will engage in preparing for the SAT’s, researching college and career paths and in a community action plan. You will also participate in activities that help foster a greater sense of cultural awareness and sensitivity, collaborative teamwork, communication skills (written as well as spoken), and goal setting for personal, academic, and future success.

Course Objectives: The objective of this course is to provide you with tools to overcome the challenges of high school and be prepared for your post-graduate career. In addition, you will develop the skills to become a productive local and global citizen as well as learn more about yourself, reflect on what you have done in high school, and create a solid plan for your future.

Required Materials: An active email account, one notebook; one journal notebook, and pencils and pens (blue or black)

Grading: All assignments and projects will be graded according to a rubric as follows:

5 – Advanced 2 - Capable

4 – Proficient 1 - Emerging

3 – Bridging 0 – No Evidence

Student Expectations: You will be required to maintain and employ your Diploma Plus website and complete the projects and assignments listed below.

Classroom Expectations: All students shall have an equal opportunity to answer questions, seek additional help, and progress regardless of gender, race, and religion. Students will be encouraged to find, explain, and share creative solutions. ANY form of cheating will result in a zero and further consequences if necessary. Cheating includes: plagiarism (see box below), copying someone else's work or allowing someone to copy your work. All students shall:

a) Respect yourself, others and school property e) Eat food during lunch

b) Follow directions the first time f) Positively contribute to the

c) Come prepared for class learning environment each day

d) Keep yourself to your self g) Transition quickly and quietly

The goal in this class is for everyone to be successful. Therefore, it is necessary for all students to put forth their very best effort and exhibit a high level of respect and self-discipline in class everyday. This will promote and foster a positive place where all students can work to their fullest potential.

Plagiarism Policy

Ä  Plagiarism is s defined as “to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own” (Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary).

Ä  Plagiarism will not be tolerated in this course. If you are caught plagiarizing, the work will be an automatic ZERO along with an additional consequences.

Ä  Some Examples of Plagiarism: copying another students work, copying definitions or text from the textbook, copying and pasting ideas from a website, using another’s ideas without sighting EVEN IF YOU REWORD THEM (with the exception of common known facts or my lectures/notes— I give you permission to copy them.), among others.


ASSIGNMENT LIST*: The following is list of assignments and projects that must be completed in order to be successful in this course.

PowerPoint presentation – Create a professional PowerPoint presentation

Email – Create and send a professional email

Word – Write a professional word document on a subject of your choice

DP website – Maintain and use your website on a regular basis

Career Survey – Online survey to assist in choosing a compatible career

Personal Statement – Write a college essay that will be submitted with your college applications

College Applications – Research colleges & submit applications

Scholarship Applications – Research and apply for scholarships

College timeline – Create a “to do” list and a list of important deadlines

Financial Aid Application – Gather necessary documents and information and apply for financial aid

Community vs. University Research paper – Research pros & cons of community & university colleges

Food log – Create a log of the food you eat and research “What is healthy living?” and write an essay

BMI Calculation – Calculate your BMI

Personal Hygiene – What is good personal hygiene?

Newspaper Article – Write a newspaper article on the effects of drug use?

Mock Portfolio Presentation – Portfolio presentation to your peers for first semester

Bank Research Project – Research paper on “what are the pros & cons of a bank account?”

Personal Budget – Create a personal budget for college or post-graduate career.

Cash or Credit Research Paper – Research the pros and cons of credit and cash

Checking Account Budget – How do you maintain a checking account?

Buying a Car Project – Research and purchase a car

Journal Reflection Questions – Weekly journal questions

*Subject to change

Success Seminar - Student and Parent Acknowledgement Form

By signing this form, both student and parent acknowledge that they have read, reviewed and understand this syllabus. Mr. Frankel will be available in class, by telephone and via email to answer any questions regarding the items contained in the syllabus. Please return this form to Mr. Frankel.

Student Name: ______Period: 2

Student signature: ______Date: ______

Parent signature: ______Date: ______