Curriculum Vitae
Personal Details:Name:Khaled Erkhayes Salem Al Tarawneh
Date of birth: 1962
Place of birth:Karak/Jordan
Marital status:Married.
Present Address:Al Hussein Bin Talal University, P.O.Box 20
E-mail: ., ,
Home Address: Biader Essir- Amman-Jordan.
Tel. Home:00962- 6-5854145.
Mobile: 079-5544008
1. 1991-PhD Geology and Mineralogy, University of Mining and Geology, Sofia- Bulgaria.
2.1987-B.Sc., M.Sc. Engineering Geology- Higher Institute of Mining and Geology, Sofia-Bulgaria.
- Average mark of the state examination 5.50/6.
- Graduation Thesis 5.50/6
- Defense of Graduation Thesis- 6/6
3.1980- General Secondary Certificate Exam (GSCE): Scientific Stream, MazarSecondary School, Karak, Jordan.
2016- present: Vice President of Academic affair atAl Hussein Bin Talal University/Ma’an –Jordan.
2015-2016: Deanof Scientific Research and Graduate Studies- Isra University- Amman-Jordan.
Prof. at Civil Engineering Department, Isra University
2014- 2015: Prof. at Mining Engineering Department/Al Hussein Bin Talal University/Ma’an –Jordan.
2012-2014: Associate Prof. atMining Engineering Department/Al Hussein Bin Talal University/Ma’an –Jordan.
2010-2011: Associate Prof. At Yarmouk University, Faculty of Science, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. (Sabbatical Leave)
2009-2010: Associate Prof. atMining Engineering Department and Civil Engineering Department/ Faculty of Engineering/Al Hussein Bin Talal University/Ma’an –Jordan.
2008-2009: Head of Civil Engineering Department/ Faculty of Engineering/Al Hussein Bin Talal University/Ma’an –Jordan.
2006- 2008: Dean of Faculty of Mining and Environmental Engineering/ Al Hussein Bin Talal University/Ma’an–Jordan.
Career History:
2005-2006:Head of Mining Engineering Department/ Faculty of Mining and Environmental Engineering Al Hussein Bin Talal University/Ma’an–Jordan.
2004-2005: Assistant Prof. at Mining Engineering Department/ Al Hussein Bin Talal University. Ma’an –Jordan.
1992 : Senior Engineer at Jordan Phosphate Company (Shidiyya Mine)
1992-2004: Researcher at NaturalResources Authority (NRA-Jordan), Geological Mapping Division, Geology Directorate.
1987-1991: Researcher atthe Department of Mining and Geology- Higher Institute of Mining and Geology/Sofia-Bulgaria.
- Engineering Management
- Engineering and Petroleum Geology.
- Phosphate mineralogy, chemistry and geochemistry.
3. Petrology and mineralogy of hard rocks.
4. Mineralogical of hydrocarbons studies.
5. Radiogenic Isotope, Training and Application.
6. Mineral Exploration And Prospecting Of Mineral Resources.
7. Evaluation and characterization Of The industrial Minerals and Rocks.
8. Visibility Studies Of The Mineral Deposits.
9. Engineering Site Investigations.
10. Buildingand decoration Stones, Exploration, Engineering Studies And Evaluation.
- Member of the Jordanian National Mapping Project Scale 1:50.0000 provides the basic geological and engineering data for all those involved in the planning, as well as, the future development of different areas in Jordan.
- Member of the Jordanian National Mapping Project Scale 1:250.0000 provides the basic geological and engineering data for planning, and the future development of Wadi Araba area.
- Engineering and Geological services regarding the industrial minerals and rocks and its application in industry for governmental and private sectors.
- Produce the project of geological and mineral occurrences map of the northern Badia Region, Jordan, scale 1:250.000 with support of the Higher Council for Science and Technology and Jordan Badia Research Development Programme.
- Engineering and geological studies for the private sector.
- Scientific and case study about mineral and water resources in Shoubak area for the Al Shoubak Al- Jadedeh Municipality/Jordan.
- Research oriented for phosphate industry supported by the Jordanian Phosphate Company.
- Research oriented for building stones in Ma'an City for private sector supported by Al Hussein Bin Talal University.
- Research oriented for oil shale in central Jordan supported by Al Hussein Bin Talal University.
- Establishment of the Faculty of Mining and Environmental Engineering at Al Hussein Bin Talal University/Ma’an-Jordan.
- Establishment of Civil Engineering Department at Al Hussein Bin Talal University/Ma’an-Jordan.
1. Member of the Jordanian Engineering Association; Section Mining, Engineering Geology and Petroleum Engineering (1987-Present).
2. Member of the Bulgarian Geologists Association (1987-Present).
3. Member of the Royal Society for Conservation of Nature-Jordan (1993-Present).
4. Editor of the Mining Journal produced by the Jordanian Engineering Association (1996-2000).
5. Member of the Honorary Scientific Committee of the 5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Greece 2003-2004.
6. Lecturer at Engineering Training Center of the Jordanian Engineering Association, Amman-Jordan.
7. Member of Section of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering Council/Jordanian Engineering Association, Amman-Jordan 2002-2012.
8. Vice-presidentof Section of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering Council/Jordanian Engineering Association, Amman-Jordan 2002-2006.
9. President of the Scientific Committee of Mining, Engineering Geology and Petroleum Engineering Council/Jordanian Engineering Association, Amman-Jordan 1998-2011.
10. Member of the Supervision Committee of Graduation Projects from Jordanian Universities at Jordanian Engineering Association 1998-2011.
11. Member of the Ukraine Universities graduates students at Jordanian Engineering Association.
12. Member of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Jordanian International Mining Conference Committee at Jordanian Engineering Association during the period (1996-2007)
13. Chair of the organizing committee of the 5th Jordanian International Mining Conference Committee at Jordanian Engineering Association 2007.
14. Member of the Career Practice Committee in Jordanian Engineering Association 2000-2010.
15. Senior in the field of Mining, Engineering Geology and Petroleum Engineering for the Ministry of Justice/Jordan (2004-present).
16. Member of Jordanian Society of Anti Desertification 1996-2000.
17. Member of Jordanian Astronomy Society 1996-present.
18. Member of the ASCO for development of engineering classification career at Vocational Training corporation (VTC).
19. Member of Al-Hussein Bin Talal University Council 2004-2006
20. Member of Scientific Research Council at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University Council 2005-2006.
21. Reviewer for scientific journal in geology, mineralogy, environmental, petroleum and mining engineering.
22. Member ofCouncil of Deans -Isra University 2015-present
23. Head ofCouncil of Scientific Research -Isra University 2015-present
24. Head ofCouncil of Graduate Studies -Isra University 2015-present
25. Member of Council of Engineering Faculty- Isra University 2015-present
26. Vice president of Academic Affair -Al-Hussein Bin Talal University.
- Evaluation of industrial minerals and rocks in Ma’an area. Main-Researcher
- Hydrological Variability in the Badia. Co- investigator
Al Hussein Bin Talal University, Deanship of Scientific Research
School of Geography, University ofNottingham-UK. / Amount of Fund, JD*
- Toward site selection of permanent geological disposal for high-level nuclear waste in Jordan: Co-Investigator
- An investigation into the removal of SO2 from effluent streams: Novel approach to minimize SO2 emission from Jordanian oil shale processing plants in the future. Co -Investigator
- Optimization of Jordanian phosphate flotation. Co-Investigator
Deanship of scientific research, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University
Jordan Phosphate Company / 66200
Total / 136.662 JD
1. Tarawneh, K. (1989).New data for the composition and structure of the phosphorite concretions from NE Bulgaria, Sofia-Bulgaria, CENTN, paper No. 2557.
2. Tarawneh, K.(1990). Composition and structure of the phosphorite concretions from the Dobrin Plateau, NE Bulgaria. Annual of the Higher Institute of Mining and Geology, vol. XXVI, part 1, Sofia.
3. Tarawneh, K. (1991). Composition, structure and genesis of the Upper Cretaceous Phosphorite concretions from NE Bulgaria, Ph. D Thesis. Bulgaria.
4. Tarawneh, K.(1993). Review of the geology, geochemistry and economic geology of basalt, Internal report, NRA, Geology Directorate, Amman, Jordan.
5. Tarawneh, K. and Abu Jassar, W. (1994). Mineralogy of the Pyroxenite from Jabal El Aritayn/ NE Jordan., NRA, Geol. Dir., Geol. Map. Div., Internal Report, Amman
6. Tarawneh, K.(1996). The geology of the El -Al-Hamidiyya area (Al-Hababiyya area), Bulletin 35, NRA, Geol. Dir., Geol. Map. Div., Amman, Jordan.
7. Tarawneh, K.(1994). Composition and structure of the Upper Cretaceous phosphorite concretions in NE Bulgaria, 5th Jordanian Geological Conference, Abstracts, Amman, Jordan.
8. Rabba, I., Tarawneh, K., Abu-Jassar, W., and Moumani, K., (1995).Atlas of Igneous and Metamorphic rocks from southwest Jordan, Bulletin32, NRA, Geol. Dir., Geol. Map. Div., Amman, Jordan.
9. Tarawneh, K.(1997) Geological and mineralogical studies on the phosohorite deposits in the Azraq Area/East Jordan, 2nd Jordanian Mining Conference. pp. 419-437.
10. Tarawneh, K. (1997).Diagenetic history of the Zohar Formation and the relationship to the hydrocarbon accumulation. Jordanian Journal of Energy abstract. Vol. 1, No. 1: 67-68.
11. Ibrahim, K., Al-Tarawneh, K., and Rabba, I. (1998). Geological Map of Wadi Araba, scale 1:250.000, NRA, Amman- Jordan.
12. Tarawneh, K., and Moumani, K (1998). Geological and Mineralogical Studies on the Phosphorite Deposits in Naqib Etaiq/SE Jordan, Proceeding of the 6th Jordanian Geological Conference, 19-33,Amman.
13. Moumani, K., Masri, A.,and Tarawneh, K(1998).First Record of An Enormous Drifted Fossil Tree Trunk From The Upper Cretaceous of Batn El Ghul Area, SE/Jordan, Proceeding of the 6th Jordanian Geological Conference, 41-46, Amman.
14. Tarawneh, K.(1999). The Geology of Wadi El-Abid area, Map Sheet No. 3454-I. Bulletin 44, NRA, Geol. Dir., Geol. Map. Div., Amman, Jordan.
16 Tarawneh, K and J. Abu Qubu, (2000). Evaluation of the geological and engineering properties of some selected nummulitic limestone rocks of Ma’an area/south Jordan. 3rd Jordanian Mining Conference, 501-520, Amman.
17. Tarawneh, K.2000. The Geology of Umm El Qutien area, Map Sheet No. 3452-, Bulletin 53, NRA, Geol. Dir., Geol. Map. Div., Amman.
18. Ibrahim, K, Rabba, I., and Tarawneh, K. (2000). Geology and Mineral Occurrences Map of the Harrat Ash Shaam /NE Jordan scale 1:250,000, NRA, Amman.
19. Tarawneh,K., Rabba, I. and Ibrahim, K. (2000). Geology and stratigraphy of the Harrat Ashaam Basalt Super Group in Northeast Jordan. Annual Meeting, University ofMining and Geology, Abstracts, p.123, Bulgaria-Sofia.
20. Rabba. I. and Tarawneh, K. (2001). New Occurrences of the zeolite deposits in the volcanic tuff at the Tlul Ash Shahba/ NE Jordan (in Arabic). NRA, Geol. Dir, Geol. Map. Div., Internal Report, Amman.
21. Ibrahim, K., Rabba, I. Tarawneh, K. (2001).Mineral Resources Map of the Northern Badia Region scale 1:250.000 Using integrated Landsat data and geological mapping. The 7th Jordanian Geological Conference, Abstract, p. 67, Amman-Jordan.
22. Tarawneh, K., S., El Hamed, N., Abdelhadi and Rabba, I. (2001). Evaluation of the geological and engineering properties of the basalt of Northeast Jordan for construction uses (case study). Scientific research at the Engineering Association in Amman for the day of building stonesin Jordan.
23. Tarawneh, K. and Rabba, I. (2001). Geology and stratigraphy of the Harrat Ashaam Basalt Super Group in Northeast Jordan. The 4th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Abstract, p. 87, Isparta-Turkey.
24.Ibrahim, K., Rabba, I. Tarawneh, K, Joel Baker and Julia Show (2001).Geochemistry of the Harrat Ash Shaam Volcanic Field (HASVF), NE Jordan. Final report of Bilateral project between Danish Lithospheric Center- Denmark and Natural Resources Authority-Jordan.
25. Tarawneh, K., Ibrahim, K., Rabba, I. (2002).Petrography, Geochemistry and K-Ar geochronology of the dike systems (NW-SE) of the Harrat Ash Shaam in Northeast Jordan. Mu’tah Lil –Buhuth wad-Dirasat, Natural and Applied Series, 17, No. 3, 69-87.
26. Tarawneh, K. (2002). Geological Map of the Ma’an area, Map Sheet No. 3150-III, NRA, Geol. Dir., Geol. Map. Div., Amman.
27. Ibrahim, K., Tarawneh, K.,and Rabba, I. (2003).Phases of activity and geochemistry of basaltic dike systems in northeast Jordan parallel to the Red Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Science 21: 467-472.
28. Tarawneh, K. (2003).Mineral occurrences in the Badia Region/NE Jordan.50 years University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”. Annual Vol.46, part 1,Geology and Geophysics, 167-170, Sofia-Bulgaria.
29. Tarawneh, K. (2003) Bulgarian National Program for gas hydrates research. Jordanian Journal of Energy Abstract. Vol. 1, No. 1.: 67-68.
30. Tarawneh, k. (2003). Geological Map of Wadi Al Jathum and Q’a El Abed area, Map Sheet No. 3455-III, scale 1:50,000, NRA, Geol. Dir., Geol. Map. Div., Amman.
31. Tarawneh, K. (2004). Geological Map of Wadi Abu Mil area (Esh Shidiya Phosphate Mine), Map Sheet No. 3249-IV, NRA, Geol. Dir., Geol. Map. Div., Amman (in press).
32. Banushv, B and Tarawneh, K. 2004. Alkaline basalts from the village Dobrinovo area, Karnobat District (southeastern Bulgaria). University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”. Annual Vol.47, part 1,Geology and Geophysics, 171-175, Sofia-Bulgaria.
33. Tarawneh, K. 2004. Mineralogy and petrography of new occurrences deposits of the zeolitic tuff in northeast Jordan. University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”. Annual Vol.47, part 1,Geology and Geophysics, 27-32, Sofia-Bulgaria.
34. Tarawneh, K. (2004). Geological Map of the Ma’an area, Map Sheet No. 3150-III, Bulletin59, NRA, Geol. Dir., Geol. Map. Div., Amman, Jordan.
35. Tarawneh, K. 2005. New phosphorite deposits in Naqib Etaiq area (SE Jordan). University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”. Annual part II, Geology and Geophysics, 149-154. Sofia-Bulgaria.
36. Tarawneh, K. and Moumani, K. (2006). Petrography, chemistry and genesis of the early Eocene phosphorite concretions from Ma’an area/South Jordan. Journal of Asian Earth Science26: 627-635.
37. Ibrahim, K. M., Shaw, J., Baker, J., Khoury, H., Rabba’, I. and Tarawneh, K. (2006). Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanism in northwestern Arabian plate (Jordan): I. Geology and geochemistry of the Asfar Volcanic Group. N.Jb.Geol.Palaont. Abh.242 (2/3),145– 170.
38. Forster , A., H.-J. Forster,. Masarweh , R., Masri , A. and. Tarawneh,K, 2007. The surface heat flow of the Arabian Shield in Jordan DESERT Group. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol. 30, pp: 271–284.
39. Tarawneh, K., AL-Thyabat, S and Al Harahsheh,2007. Mineralogical, physical and mechanical properties of limestone rocks in Ma'an area, south Jordan.50 years”. Annual of the University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski, Sofia-Bulgaria. Vol. 50, part 1,Geology and Geophysics, 123-128.
40. AL-Thyabat, S, Tarawneh, K, Harareh, M,. Rawashdeh, D, Ryan,D, T. Majali,2007. Beneficiation of Jordanian phosphate: a review of current practices. Fifth Jordanian Mining Conference.
41. Tarawneh, K . 2008. Jordanian Phosphate Mining History.Fifth International Conference of Beneficiation of phosphates. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Book of abstract.P 45.
42. AL-Thyabat, SandTarawneh, K.2008. Optimization of Jordanian phosphate.Fifth International Conference of Beneficiation of phosphates. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Book of abstract.
43. Al-HarahshehMohammad,; ShawabkehReyad ; Al-HarahshehAdnan ; Tarawneh Khaled; Batiha Marwan M. 2009. Surface modification and characterization of Jordanian Kaolinite: Application for lead removal from aqueous solutions. Applied surface science .vol.255.
44. M. Weber, K. Abu-Ayyash, A. Abueladas, A. Agnon, Z. Alasonati-Tasarova´,K. Tarawneh, C. Trela, U. Weckmann,U. Wetzel, and K. Wylegalla. 2009. Anatomy of the dead sea transform from lithospheric to microscopic scale. Journal of reviews of geophysics, 47, 2002 , pp:1-44.
45. Khaled TARAWNEH, Hani ALNAWAFLEH, Mohamed HARAHSHEH, Khalid MOUMANI, Bassam Tarawneh , Muhammad Abdelghafoor. 2010. Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Genesis of The Ferruginous Sandstone in Batn Al Ghul Area/Southern Jordan. 7th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN GEOLOGY. Adana-Turkey. Book of abstract.
46. Saeb Al-Shereideh, Khaled Tarawneh, Hani Nawafleh, Nazem El-Radaideh and Khaled Moumani. 2010. Geology and Mineralogy of Jabal Kabid Phosphorite Deposits, Southeastern Jordan. Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences Volume 3, Number 2,pp:99- 110.
47. Mohammad Al-Harahsheh Omar Al-Ayed, John Robinson, Sam Kingman , Adnan Al-Harahsheh,Khalid Tarawneh, Abdurrahman Saeid, Richelieu Barranco. 2011. Effect of demineralization and heating rate on the pyrolysis kinetics of Jordanian oil shales. FuelProcessing Technology 92, pp: 1805–1811.
48. M. Batiha, M. Al-Harahsheh A.A. Harahsheh, R. Shawabkeh, K. Tarawneh. 2011. Absorption of Sulfur Dioxide by Dead Sea Water. 1st International Conference on Desalination and Environment: A Water Summit. Abu Dhabi, 29 October - 1 November, 22.
49. Mohammad Al-Harahsheh, Marwan Batiha, Khalid Al-Tarawneh, Adnan Al-Harahsheh, Reyad Al-Shawabkah, Muhannad Hararah. 2011. Options of Sulfur Dioxide Removal Using Oil Shale Waste and Natural Materials: An Experimental Study. 31st Oil Shale Symposium. Colorado, USA, 17-21 October.
50. Hani Nawafleh and Khaled Tarawneh. 2011. Investigation on bituminous dolomitic limestone (oil shale) horizon from wadi al bustan, southern jordan. 6THJORDANIAN mining conference, jordan engineers association.
51. Al-Thyabat, S, Tarawneh, K. 2011. Preliminary investigations into the use of jojoba oil as a possible collector in phosphate flotation. Book of Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration. Library of Congress Cataloging System.
52. Khalid Tarawneh, Hani Al Nawafleh, Osama Shakkour, Jamal Dana2012. Exploration and evaluation investment opportunities of feldspar ore inJordan. Annual of the university of mining and geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, vol. 55, part 1, geology and geophysics.pp:80-86.
53. Khaled Tarawneh, Hani Alnawafleh, Mohamed Harahsheh, Nazem Radiedeh, Saeb Shriedeh, Khalid Moumani, Bassam Tarawneh , Muhammad Abdelghafoor. 2011. Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Genesis of The Ferruginous Sandstone in Batn Al Ghul Area/Southern Jordan.Annual of the University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski, Sofia-Bulgaria. Vol. 54, part 1, Geology and Geophysics, pp: 89-94.
54. Khaled Tarawneh, Hani Nawafleh and Khaled Moumani. 2013. Overview of Gemstones in Jordan. (under preparation).
55.Hani Alnawafleh, Khaled Tarawneh, Khalil Ibrahim, Khitam Zghoul, Awad Titi,
Rami Rawashdeh, Khaled Moumani, Ahmad Masri. 2015.Characterization and Origin of the Miocene Mudawwara-Quwayra Basaltic Dike, Southern Jordan. International Journal of Geosciences, 6, 869-881.
56. Rami Rawashdeh and Khaled Tarawneh. 2013. Sustainability of phosphate and potash reserves in Jordan". International Journal of Sustainable Economy (IJSEISSN). Online: 1756-5812 and ISSN Print: 1756-5804; Vol. 6, No. 1.pp:45-63.
57. Hani Alnawafleh, Khaled Tarawneh, Ali Ghannam and Lutfi Abu-Sa’ad. 2013.
A Newly Discovered Subsurface Oil Shale Deposit in Isfir Al-Mahata. Southern Jordan. Journal of Geography and Geology; Vol. 5, No. 3.pp:12-21.
58. Hani Alnawafleh, Khalid Tarawneh, Rami Alrawashdeh 2013. Geologic and economic potentials of minerals and industrial rocks in Jordan. Natural Science. Vol.5, No.6; pp:756-769.
59. N. El-Radaideh, A. A. Al-Taani, T. Al-Momani, K. Tarawneh, A. Batayneh and A.
Taani 2014. Evaluating the potential of sediments in Ziqlab Reservoir (northwest Jordan) for soil replacement and amendment. Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management. 30:1, 32-45.
60. Saeb Al- Shereideh, Walid Saqqa, Nazem El-Radaideh, Khalid Tarawneh and Hani Alnawafleh. 2013. Calcitization and bulk chemistry of phosphate grains from the upper part of Amman Formation, southeast Irbid, Jordan. Journal of Geography and Geology; vol. 5, no. 4; pp: 16-28.
61. I. M. Makhlouf , K. Tarawneh , K. Moumani and K. M. Ibrahim 2014. Recognition of quartz geodes in the Upper CretaceousWadi Umm Ghudran Formation, Ras En Naqab, South Jordan. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. Volume 8, issue 3, pp: 1535-1547.
62. S. Al Thyabat, E. El Zoubi, H. Hawafleh and K. Tarawneh. 2014. Beneficiation of oil shale by froth flotation: Critical review. The Open Mineral Processing Journal, 7, 1-2.
63. Awwad Titi, Mohammed Dweirj, Khalid Tarawneh. 2015. Environmental Effects of the Open Cast Mining a Case Study: Irbid Area, North Jordan.American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 2015, 5, 404-423.
64. Hani M. Alnawafleh, Khalid E. Tarawneh, Hani N. Khoury, Nafeth A. Abdelhadi, Osama Y. Shakkoury, Reyad A. Dwairi, Mazen N. Amaireh. 2015. Dolomitization in Campanian Oil Shale Rocks from South-western Jordan. Open Journal of geology, 5(5):689-700.