B52 Prepare and advise on project design recommendations

B52.1 Prepare and present project design recommendations

Performance Criteria - this involves being able to...
(a)choose presentation methods and techniques which make the best use of resources and have the potential to communicate design ideas clearly
(b)agree with the project team and the client the purpose of the presentation and the presentation methods which will be used
(c)prepare clear and accurate presentational materials which support the design options and use them to facilitate discussions
(d)present the recommendations, proposals and design options clearly and objectively and show how they are justified by the requirements of the brief
(e)present the information in a way which promotes the goodwill and trust of the audience
(f)provide valid evidence to support changes to the agreed criteria in cases where the design proposal or options do not meet all the requirements of the brief
(g)encourage the audience to ask questions, ask for clarification and to make comments at appropriate stages in the presentation and provide additional information to ensure their understanding
(h)define, agree and record amendments and variations which are required by the client / The Range...
[1]Presentation methods:
• documentary;
• design quality benchmarking analysis;
• comparative studies with similar projects;
• illustrated oral presentations;
• computer modelled simulations;
• public exhibition
[2]Presentation materials:
• sketches;
• drawings and projections;
• physical models;
• computer generated data;
• diagrams;
• mathematical modelling;
• photo-montage;
• mock-ups;
• written reports;
• 3D computer models
• client;
• financial advisers;
• consultants;
• potential contractors;
• potential subcontractors and suppliers;
• potential investors;
• partners in development programme;
• prospective occupiers;
• prospective users;
• community groups;
• regulatory authorities;
• public interest organisations;
• media

B52 Prepare and advise on project design recommendations

B52.1 Prepare and present project design recommendations

The Evidence - performance and process
Product Evidence:
(1)Presented recommendation(s) proposals and design options, which include agreed methods, materials, evidence to support changes to the agreed criteria (a,b,c,d,e,f) [1,2]
(2)Record(s) of audience responses (g) [3]
(3)Record(s) of amendments and variations (h) [3]
Process Evidence:
(1) Presentation(s) of recommendations, proposals and design options which include encouraging the audience members to ask questions, make comments and seek clarification (c,d,e,g) [all] / The Evidence - knowledge and understanding
(1)How do you show how recommendations, proposals and design options are justified by the requirements of the briefing? (application) (d) [1]
(2)How and why do you provide valid evidence to support necessary changes to the agreed criteria? (synthesis) (f) [1]
(3)How and why do you choose presentation methods and techniques? (evaluation) (a) [1]
(4)How and why do you agree with the project team and the client the purpose of the presentation and the presentation methods which will be used? (evaluation) (b) [1]
(5)How do you present the recommendations, proposals and design options? (application) (d,e) [1,3]
(6)How do you prepare clear and accurate presentation materials and use them to facilitate discussions? (application) (c) [2]
(7)How do you encourage the audience to ask questions, ask for clarification and to make comments at appropriate stages in the presentation? (application) (g) [3]
(8)How and why do you provide additional information to the audience to ensure their understanding? (synthesis) (g) [3]
(9)How do you record amendments and variations which are required by the client? (application) (h) [3]
(10)How and why do you define, agree and record amendments and variations which are required by the client? (evaluation) (h) [3]