West Wyalong
PO Box 12, West Wyalong, NSW, 2671
Aussie Fest In the West
Art Prize
Invitation to all artists, and sculptors including metal work, wood, mosaic, Hebel block, glass, other media, ceramics/pottery and folk art artists.
We invite you to
Enter Paintings, Drawings, and/or Sculptures of Australian Inspired Ideas –OR
Your own interpretation of anAustralian Artist’s Painting
For an Exhibition to be held from 10am – 4pm, on 27th– 29thOctober 2017
At Splatter Gallery 192 Main Street, West Wyalong
Bland Shire Acquisitive art prize for all artists (any medium)
Best Works in Oils/ Acrylic and/or Mixed Media (more than 60%acrylic or oil used in the artwork)
1st Prize $350
2nd Prize$150
3rd Prize Highly Commended certificate
Best Watercolour/Gouache/ Ink, Pastel, Drawing or Mixed Media (more than 60% of these mediums used in the artwork)
1st Prize $350
2nd Prize$150
3rd Prize Highly Commended certificate
Best Sculpture/ other media (including but not limited to: metalwork, woodwork, pottery, mosaic, glass, etc)
1st Prize $350
2nd Prize$150
3rd Prize Highly Commended certificate
Overall Viewer’s/People’s
Choice for Adult
West Wyalong
PO Box 12, West Wyalong, NSW, 2671
Aussie Fest In the West
Art Prize
Entry Form ($10.00 per artwork/ sculpture)
Name: ______
Address: ______
Phone: ______Home ______Mobile
Email: ______
Bland Shire Acquisitive Prize entry: Tick Yes
And I would like work/s number ______to be entered into the Acquisitive Prize; but if wins, will be acquired by Bland Shire Council.
Artwork / Title / Medium/ category / Size / Price / Yes/No for Acquisitive entryNo 1
No 2
No 3
No 4
No 5
Entry $10.00 per piece PAINTING, DRAWING, SCULPTURE
Works can be painted or drawn using any medium
No size restriction on works
All art must be framed & ready to be hung
Creative and Abstract art is encouraged
All works will be exhibited unless deemed unsuitable for public viewing
West Wyalong
PO Box 12, West Wyalong, NSW, 2671
Aussie Fest‘In the WestArtPrize
The following conditions must be adhered to by all exhibitors.
1. The works submitted must be the original works of the artist or sculptor/other media artist and can be done in any medium and entered into appropriate category.
2. All artists of any level are eligible to enter any of the categories; includingBland Shire Acquisitive Prize.
3. Maximum of 5 works for all art forms- (painting, sculpture, other mediums). No size restrictions on works except for sculptures; (1m by 1m). Please ask if you think it may be too big or if slightly bigger than above as we will try and accommodate.
4. Publicity will be arranged by the Events Committee. The Committee reserves the right to reproduce the exhibitor's work in print, film or digital format for promotion purposes and the artist will be acknowledged appropriately if their work is selected for this type of promotion...
5. All artwork may be for sale. All sales to be negotiated directly between Gallery and artist, with the proviso that the work cannot be collected until after the exhibition.
6. All works will be included in a people’s choice vote throughout the exhibition. The work overall with the most votes will receive $325.00 and $100.00 for the children’s category.
7. All artwork submitted for showing shall be reviewed by the Events Committee prior to display, with the Committee reserving the right to decline any exhibit or works due to content or construction.
8. All entry forms to be received by 6th October 2017, addressed to Aussie Fest‘In the West’ Art Prize;192 Main Street, West Wyalong, 2671 and include $10.00 entry fee per piece.
Cheques made out to Events West Wyalong Art Prize.
9. Artwork to be dropped off by 24th October 2017 at Splatter Gallery, 192 Main Street, WW, between 10:00 and 16:00, Mon to Saturday.
10. All transport costs and insurance to be met by the exhibitor. All care will be taken of artworks, etc. submitted but no responsibility will be taken for any loss or damage not foreseen.
11. All artworks must be clearly labelled with artist’s name, address, phone no. and title of work/ category entered and be ready to be hung with secure D-rings and framed if necessary.
12. Winners of awards will be announced Sunday 29th 2017at 12:00 noon.
13. Commission will be charged on all works sold, at the rate of 30% and any works unsold to be picked up on the 29th October 2017from 14:00 - 16:00, or may be left at the Gallery for further exhibition following consent from Splatter Gallery.
14. Exhibitors List & Agreement to be completed and returned together with Disclaimer Form.
15. The Gallery accepts no responsibility for works damaged while on show or during transit.
16. The winning entry for the Acquisitive $1000.00 In the West Art prize will become the property of Bland Shire Council; regardless of sale price placed on the artwork, and will accept that the prize is the full and total payment for the artwork from the Bland Shire Council.
16. Submitting a work inAussie Fest‘In the West’Art prizestates that you agree to the above entry conditions.
DISCLAIMER FORM I understand that while my works are stored and displayed by Splatter Art Gallery, no responsibility will be taken for loss, damage, breakage or the insurance of works, including burglary; but the utmost care will be taken of the artworksand sculptures/pottery and mosaics.
NAME: ______SIGNATURE: DATE: ______
(Please print)
NAME: ______SIGNATURE: DATE: ______