Catholic Life© Bible Study 2017. May not be reproduced without permission.
Lesson 25 Matthew 24
The End of The Age
Read this chapter with Luke 21:5-38 and Mark 13:1-27. Study carefully and read prayerfully.
1. A. What are the two questions asked in Luke 21:7?
B. Taking Luke 21:12-19 to represent the early years just after the death of Jesus, what historical event
in Jerusalem concerning the temple is described in Luke 21:12-24?
C. What do you think is the time period Luke refers to in vs. 24 as the "time of the Gentiles?"
2. In Mt. 24:4-14, what five series of troubles did Jesus use to tell his disciples that the "end is not yet"?
3. Challenge Question: In the prophecy of Daniel (9:27 & 11:13), the "horrible abomination" to which
he refers was the profanation of the temple with the erection of a pagan statue by the Greek ruler
Antiochus Epiphanes in 167 B.C.. To what do you think "the abomination" in Mt. 24:15 refers?
4. What dangerous deception will need to be guarded against? (Mt. 24:24-36)
5. What statements do you find concerning the Lord's return in: Mt. 24:30 and Zechariah 12:10?
6. What statement does Jesus make in this chapter (Mt. 24) that show that no one should try to set dates
for Christ's return?
7. Can you give comparable situations in our life today to the two described in Mt. 24:40-41?
8. A. What does Jesus command his disciples to do (vs. 42-50) in view of His return?
B. What could you do to fulfill these commandments?
9. A. List anything in this chapter that has changed, or will change your way of living.
B. Why can we look forward to Christ's coming and have no need to fear it?
10. Read Mt. 24:45-51. Can you find things in this passage that reveal the servant's indifference to the
possibility of the master's return?