American Historical Association Committee for the John K. Fairbank Prize for best

book on East Asia, 1800 to present. Member, 1996, 1997; Chair, 1998.

American Council of Learned Societies, one of five representative grant awardees

selected to be interviewed by the visiting evaluating committee from the National Endowment for the Humanities as part of ACLS application for continued NEH funding, 2006.

Host of International Conference:

Zhuzi Classical Studies and its Transmission and Development in East Asia, funded by

Academia Sinica and the Institute for Research on Ancient Texts at Huadong

Shida (East China Normal) University, and to be held at ASU, May 6-8, 2012.

Translator and assistant composer of grants:

Proposal for BeijingUniversity, Center for Research on the Middle Period of

Chinese History, for a subvention to publish the index to Sung collected works,

awarded by the Harvard-Yenching Institute at HarvardUniversity, 1992.

Proposal for BeijingUniversity, Center for Research on the Middle Period of Chinese

History, to compile an index to Sung collected works, awarded by the

HarvardYenching Institute at HarvardUniversity, 1984.

Proposals for Wang Tehyi's compiling of indices to biographical materials for Sung

personages, for Yüan personages, and for Ming personages, awarded by the

HarvardYenching Institute at HarvardUniversity, 1971 through1983, and

1985. (Wang is Professor of History, NationalTaiwanUniversity.)

Grant Reviewer for:

Department of Education, Taiwan.

National Science Council (Guokehui), Taiwan.

International Institute for Education Fulbright, national committee for research

awards for graduate students and graduating seniors applying for China and


American Council for Learned Societies

National Endowment for the Humanities (Fellowships)

National Endowment for the Humanities (Research Centers)

School for Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton

Committee for Scholarly Communications with China

Fulbright-Hays Fellowships


Guoji Song Yanjiu (International Song Research), founding editor of this

academic journal sponsored by the Institute for Chinese Learning (Guoxue

Yuan) of HangzhouNormalUniversity and published by Shanghai’s Guji

(Ancient Texts) Press, 2011—

Editorial or Executive Advisory Committee:

Asia Major, Institute of History & Philology, Academia Sinica, 2009--

Zhongguo xueshu (China Scholarship), a journal in Chinese studies edited by Dr.

Liu Dong, sponsored by the Harvard-Yenching Institute and published by the

Commercial Press, 1999—

Journal of Sung—Yuan Studies, 1991—

International Song Research (Guoji Song Yanjiu), founding chief editor, 2011-

Tang Song Historical Research, RenminUniversity of China, 2011-.

Bulletin of Sung—Yuan Studies, 1986-90

Monograph Series on Song History at HebeiUniversityPress, China, 2003-

Advisory Committee:

InternationalSongResearchCenter Director, HangzhouNormalUniversity, 2011-

LantianResearchCenter, Xibei (Northwest) University, Xi’an, China, 2011-

Institute for Multicultural and Multidisciplinary Research, NankaiUniversity,

Tianjin, China, 2006-2009.

Song Studies Center, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 2005-2010

Department of History, NationalUniversity for Minorities, Beijing, 2005-

Center for Research on Huizhou Culture, Huangshan College, China, 2003-

Committee for Prize for Best Publication on Zhuzi by a junior scholar, Zhu Xi

Family Association, 2006-.

Book Manuscripts Evaluated for:

CambridgeUniversity Press

PrincetonUniversity Press

Council on East Asian Studies (HarvardUniversity Press)

University of Hawaii Press

American Council of Learned Societies for their Series at the University of

California Press

Duke University Press

StateUniversity of New York Press

University of Arizona Press

University of California, Berkeley, Center for Chinese Studies Monograph Series

W. W. Norton & Co.

ArizonaStateUniversity, AsianCenter's Monograph Series

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press