General Meeting
USC College of Nursing
Columbia, SC
30 January 2013

1.  Call to Order: The general meeting of the USC Chapter of SC-SNA was called to order at 7:30pm by Jessica Grimes, President.

2.  Present: Jessica Grimes, President; Savannah Turner, Vice President-Columbia; Mehgan Hadwin, Vice President- Salkehatchie; Brooke Fletcher Russell, Vice President-Lancaster; Kathleen Saunders, Secretary; Lauren Alexander, Newsletter/Website Director; Kayla Sanders NEC/Historian; Alex Orischak, Community Health Director; Jordan Campbell, BTN Director; Rebecca Christopher, Legislative Director; Senna Desjardins, Fundraising Director; Beth Bowers, Outgoing Salkehatchie Liaison;

Absent: Samantha Cooper, Treasurer;Helen Seely, Recruitment Director; Erica Thomas, Outgoing Lancaster Liaison

3.  Introduction to our speakers: None

4.  Treasurers’ Report: None

5.  Officer Reports:

Jessica Grimes, President:

·  Capital Day: March 15th 9am-3pm at the SC- State House

·  Tucker Center Donations: Maximum points rewarded 30 points

·  Box Tops/Coke Tabs: Maximum points rewarded (for both collectively) 20 points

·  Stethoscope Distribution: Feb. 27t at 7:30pm (next meeting)

Savannah Turner, Vice President-Columbia

·  National Convention: April 3-7th in Charlotte, NC

o  Registeration:

o  $130-with NCLEX review $110-without NCLEX review

o  Theme: Healthy

·  Leadership Retreat: Feb. 9th 10am-4pm at Saluda Shoals Park, Columbia, SC

o  Theme: “Are You Wearing Your PPE?”

o  Registration form:

o  Pre-registration: $35 (Postmarked: Jan 31st), Late Registration: $40

o  Guest Speaker: E.T (pediatric nurse) from Palmetto Health

o  20 points for attending

Alexandra Orischak

·  Tucker Center Donations:

o  Donation form should be attached to donation and placed in one of the boxes in the CON Office of Student Affairs

o  Donations forms on Blackboard and website

·  Relay for Life: April 19th

o  Registration:, $10 per person

o  Team Name: USC-SNA

o  Goal: $1,500

o  Need 5 people for a planning committee

·  Valentine’s Day Cards for the Tucker Center:

o  After the meeting Valentine Day Card making

Senna Desjardins, Fundraising Director

·  T-shirts/Car Decals in the process of being created

Lauren Alexander, Newsletter/Website Director

·  Check out the SNA bulletin board on the 1st floor of CON

6.  Old Business: None

7.  New Business: None

8.  Next meeting: Feb. 27th 7:30pm CON 231

9.  Announcements: None

10.  Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Jessica Grimes, President at 8:00pm.

Kathleen Saunders, Secretary Jessica Grimes,President