2017-2018 Blended Social Science Syllabus
Location:Temescal Canyon High School, Room 621
Instructor:Ms. Jennifer Armendariz
Office hours:M-F: 4th Period Conference, 11:00 AM – 11:55 AM, Class periods 5th-8th
Remind Code:gd83h9
Dear Students and Parents,
I would like to introduce you to our Blended Learning Social Science Classes. The curriculum content of these courses are parallel with the traditional Social Science classes and offer the same ‘A-G’ class credits as the traditional class; however, this class inspires independent learning exploration through the use of technology, supported by classroom support and activities.
Virtual Social Science classes during 5th/6th/7thand 8thperiods are self-paced, semester-long online classes. These courses are credit recovery (students are repeating a former class) and also first time students.
In order to remain enrolled in any blended course, all students and their parents must read and sign, and submit to the instructor, the District’s Blended Learning Agreement, within the student’s first 10 days of enrollment.
The courses are online, through the PLATO online platform and CANVAS. They consist of units of lessons which contain tutorials, practice, and mastery tests. There are some “discussion” activities, also. In the beginning of each unit, students take a pretest, which may exempt them from some of the coursework in PLATO if the test and indicate mastery. There will be a small blue “e” which indicates exemption. At the end of each unit is a post-unit test. Student do have up to three opportunities to retest. The only test that cannot be retaken is the Final Exam. Students must take the end-of-the-semester FINAL in my presence.
PLATO online log in is: ple.platoweb.com First: leusd, then student ID , then 8-digit birthdate
Instructions for all other online portals while be given on separate handout.
STUDENTS MUST HAVE INTERNET ACCESS TO SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETE ANY BLENDED COURSE. STUDENTS WILL HAVE IPADs available during class time. Students will also need a notebook to write all Cornell Notes in. Notebooks will be scored and reviewed prior to moving forward to the unit test and next unit. At that point test will be released and unlocked.
Please note that using Google Chrome as a web browser works best
Students are required to come to class 5 days week, until they reach 70% course completion. They have 24/7 access curriculum. This does not apply to 5th period students who have a 6th, 7th, or 8th period.
If students are struggling with any lessons, they must promptly contact me in order to receive instructional support.
Grading:PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: Students and parents will see a progression percentage. Progression percentage is not the grade in the course. For example, students may see 100% when the entire coursework has been completed, but the final course grade is calculated from work, discussions, tests, and submitted final.
Grades are based on student performance in the following categories (subject to change):
- 10% of your grade is Attendance and Participation in classroom activities.
- 20% of your grade is Quizzes (each unit will include a major project that will require research and preparation outside of class).
- 30% of your grade is Unit Exams (one unit test at the end of each unit of study).
- 40% of your grade is Classwork/Homework/Projects, daily class work, discussions, remaining in contact with me and notebooks.
Grading Scale: Grades follow the following scale:
- 90% - 100% = A
- 80% - 89% = B
- 70 - 79% = C
- 60 - 69% = D
- 0% - 59% = F
After reaching 70%, students are minimally required to physically attend the class lab (621) about once or twice a week. I reserve the right to require any students to attend the class daily, if needed.
Certainly, students are encouraged to meet with me during their scheduled class period, and during lunch. I know the concept of a virtual course may seem new, unclear, or confusing. Please contact me, and I can arrange a meeting time or a scheduled call. You may message me through PLATO, Remind, or via email.
All students are required to stay in frequent contact with me, Ms. Armendariz, and continue towards course completion. There are various ways you can remain in contact with me. If you fail to communicate regularly, I reserve the right to require any student to come EVERY DAY if their grade drops below a C, even if you are at 70% completion.If you fail to be successful and do NOT stay on track with the due dates, you risk being dropped from the course. PLEASE COMMUNICATE WITH ME. The Remind to send group reminders about open lab times and due dates. Remind phone number is 81010 and text @gd83h9 to be included in these messages. Need technical assistance? You can also call PLATO SUPPORT at 800-869-2200 anytime. They are always helpful. Thank you, and I’m looking forward to working with all of you!
I understand the requirements for Social Science Blended Learning with Ms. Armendariz
Class name and period: ______
Student name and signature:______
Parent name and signature: ______
Parent email: ______
Phone #:______
Choose one:
_____ If prefer a phone call
_____ I prefer email