Summative Process Vignette
The intention of this resource is to provide background information about the summative process for a teacher. This is NOT an example of a document that a principal would be expected to develop.
Teacher: Ms. Bloom, High School Math, 2nd year teacher
(One-year Summative Cycle Teacher)
August 20, 2014: Self-Reflection Completed
Areas of lowest ratings were components 1C, 1D, 3B, 4D. Teacher determined that of these four components, growth in 3B would have the largest impact on student learning, though likely the most difficult to change (grow in).
3B: Questioning and Classroom Discussion
Ineffective indicator:
- A few students dominate the discussion.
Developing indicators:
- Teacher’s questions lead students through a single path of inquiry, with answers seemingly determined in advance.
- Alternatively, the teacher attempts to frame some questions designed to promote student thinking and understanding, but only a few students are involved.
- Teacher attempts to engage all students in the discussion and to encourage them to respond to one another, but with uneven results.
Ms. Bloom wants to move forward to Accomplished indicators:
- Although the teacher may use some lowlevel questions, he or she asks the students questions designed to promote thinking and understanding.
- Teacher creates a genuine discussion among students, providing adequate time for students to respond and stepping aside when appropriate.
- Teacher successfully engages most students in the discussion, employing a range of strategies to ensure that most students are heard.
August 25, 2014: PGP Developed and Submitted
Initial area of focus: Component 3B: Questioning and Classroom Discussion
September 30, 2014: SGG Developed and Submitted (60% reach proficient; All students grow at least 2 levels on the growth pathway levels); PGP Revised to include assessment literacy goal around KFfT component, 1F: Designing Student Assessment (Congruence with Instructional Outcomes; Criteria and Standards; Design of Formative Assessments; Use for Planning)
October 3, 2014: SGG and PGP approved by principal. (See Ms. Bloom’s PGP) In conversation with the principal, it was decided that for the upcoming observation, the principal would look for evidence to support 3B (PGP), primarily.
November 15, 2014: Principal Observation of Ms. Bloom (full)
November 16, 2014: Post-Observation Conference
Components / Rating1A: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy / N/A
1B:Demonstrating Knowledge of Students / Accomplished
1C: Selecting Instructional Outcomes / Accomplished
1D: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources / Developing
1E: Designing Coherent instruction / Developing
1F: Designing Student Assessment / N/A
Overall Rating for Domain 1: Utilize evidences from pre and/or post conferences / N/A
2A: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport / Accomplished
2B: Establishing a Culture for Learning / Developing
2C: Managing Classroom Procedures / Accomplished
2D: Managing Student Behavior / Accomplished
2E: Organizing Physical Space / Accomplished
Overall Rating for Domain 2 / Accomplished
3A: Communicating with Students / Accomplished
3B: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques / Developing
3C: Engaging Students in Learning / Developing
3D: Using Assessment in Instruction / Accomplished
3E: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness / Developing
Overall Rating for Domain 3 / Developing
4A: Reflecting on Teaching / Accomplished
4B: Maintaining Accurate Records / Accomplished
4C: Communicating with Families / Accomplished
4D: Participating in a Professional Community / N/A
4E: Growing and Developing Professionally / N/A
4F: Demonstrating Professionalism / N/A
Overall Rating for Domain 4: Utilize evidences from pre and/or post conferences / N/A
The post observation was face-to-face and was conducted the day after the observation. During the post observation conference, it was discussed that focus for next observation would be on components where data is still needed, as well as components with developing rating. (See the post-observation notes for Observation #1 for more information.)
Teacher updated self-reflection, addressing the components rated developing.
January 15, 2015: 2nd Observation (Partial/Mini)
January 16, 2014: Post observation Conference and Mid-Year Review
1A: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy / Accomplished1B:Demonstrating Knowledge of Students / Developing
1C: Selecting Instructional Outcomes / Accomplished
1D: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources / Accomplished
1E: Designing Coherent instruction / Developing
1F: Designing Student Assessment / Developing
Overall Rating for Domain 1: Utilize evidences from pre and/or post conferences / N/A
2A: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport / Accomplished
2B: Establishing a Culture for Learning / Developing
2C: Managing Classroom Procedures / N/A
2D: Managing Student Behavior / N/A
2E: Organizing Physical Space / Accomplished
Overall Rating for Domain 2 / Accomplished
3A: Communicating with Students / Accomplished
3B: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques / Developing
3C: Engaging Students in Learning / Developing
3D: Using Assessment in Instruction / Developing
3E: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness / N/A
Overall Rating for Domain 3 / Developing
4A: Reflecting on Teaching / Accomplished
4B: Maintaining Accurate Records / Accomplished
4C: Communicating with Families / Accomplished
4D: Participating in a Professional Community / Accomplished
4E: Growing and Developing Professionally / Developing
4F: Demonstrating Profesionalism / N/A
Overall Rating for Domain 4: Utilize evidences from pre and/or post conferences / Accomplished
The post observation was face-to-face and was conducted the day after the observation. (See the post-observation notes for Observation #2 for more information.)
SGG status(SGG: 60% reach proficient; All students grow at least 2 levels on the growth pathway levels): 0% proficient; 15/28 students had progressed one level in the growth pathway. Teacher states that she believes that students are showing evidence of learning in the foundational standards, so she thinks that future learning will be accelerated. Based on that, she believes that she is on track to meet her growth and proficiency targets.
PGP status:
Goal 1: 3B observation evidence and self-reflection shows that teacher is showing some movement to the accomplished rating, but has not yet received more accomplished attributes than developing attributes. Goal 2: 1F conferencing evidence and self-reflection shows still in the developing stage, but teacher is participating in an assessment literacy network (regional) as well as PL in the PLC (two meetings/month).
Teacher updated self-reflection, addressing the components that were rated developing.
February 4, 2015 Peer Observation Completed
March 7, 2015: Pre-Observation Conference(See pre-observation conference form)
March 9, 2015: Final Observation (Full)
March 12, 2015: Post observation Conference(See post-observation conference form)
1A: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy / Accomplished1B:Demonstrating Knowledge of Students / Accomplished
1C: Selecting Instructional Outcomes / Accomplished
1D: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources / Accomplished
1E: Designing Coherent instruction / Developing
1F: Designing Student Assessment / Accomplished
Overall Rating for Domain 1: Utilize evidences from pre and post conferences / Accomplished
2A: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport / Accomplished
2B: Establishing a Culture for Learning / Developing
2C: Managing Classroom Procedures / Accomplished
2D: Managing Student Behavior / Accomplished
2E: Organizing Physical Space / Accomplished
Overall Rating for Domain 2 / Accomplished
3A: Communicating with Students / Accomplished
3B: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques / Developing
3C: Engaging Students in Learning / Developing
3D: Using Assessment in Instruction / Accomplished
3E: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness / Accomplished
Overall Rating for Domain 3 / Accomplished
4A: Reflecting on Teaching / Accomplished
4B: Maintaining Accurate Records / Accomplished
4C: Communicating with Families / Accomplished
4D: Participating in a Professional Community / Accomplished
4E: Growing and Developing Professionally / Accomplished
4F: Demonstrating Professionalism / Accomplished
Overall Rating for Domain 4: Utilize evidences from pre and post conferences / Accomplished
Teacher updated self-reflection, addressing the components rated developing.
Summative Scheduled on April 11, 2015.
Most of the summative conferencing took place at the post-observation conference on March 12th. Overall ratings were discussed and submitted for each of the domains. An overall professional performance rating was submitted. At the summative conference on April 11, the teacher and principal will review SGG results, apply the district rules for determining an overall SGG rating, and will use the state-established decision rules to determine the overall effectiveness rating for Ms. Bloom.