Macopin School

Grade Selection Sheet for 2015-16 7th grade

STUDENT NAME ______Elementary School ______

Instructions: Review this worksheet carefully and then complete your course requests on the Parent Portal site between the dates of February 9 – February 16. Complete and return this form by February 13 only if you are unable to access a computer to make your choices electronically.

1. World Language Choice:

All World Language classes will be one semester (two marking periods.) The language you choose for 7th grade will also be your language in 8th grade. When you get to the high school you can continue this language or you may choose a new language.

For the second half of the year, all 7th grade World Language students will take Multimedia Presentation 1.

Please indicate your first and second choices by writing in “1” or "2”

____ French ____Spanish _____German ____Italian

2. Students may choose Related Arts OR the Music Program

I would like Related Arts*

Courses are: Art (1MP), Technology 7 (1MP), and Liberty, Equality, & Power (2MP.)


I would like to be in the Music Program:

If you are a band or chorus student, please make the appropriate selection. You will not get Related Arts. Please choose from the following music options:

____ Band (full year) and no other elective

____ Chorus (full year) and no other elective

____ Band (full year) PLUS Chorus/Lunch (½ period Chorus, ½ period Lunch)

____ Band (full year) PLUS Art/Lunch (½ period Art, ½ period Lunch)

____ Chorus (full year) PLUS Art/Lunch (½ period Art, ½ period Lunch)

* If you are using the Parent Portal and are not choosing the Music Program, you need not select any electives. If you do not select the Music Program you will automatically be scheduled into Related Arts.If you do want the Music Program, be sure to make your selection.

Parent signature______Date______

Please contact the Macopin Guidance Office @ 973-697-5691 ext. 3042 if you have any questions. If you are unable to access the Parent Portal, please email

*special education selections will take place at the annual review / transition meeting