American government study guide
Unit 3 (Chapters 10 – 12)
Test on Friday, April 29th
Study guide due Friday Nov. 14th (All questions answered and on separate paper)
Chapter 10, section 1
- What does it mean when the book mentions that we have a bicameral legislature?
- How long is a term of Congress? According to the 20th Amendment, when should a term begin?
- How long is a session of Congress? What does it mean that Congress must adjourn sine die?
- Who can call a special session of Congress?
- Why might a special session of Congress be called?
Chapter 10, section 2
- How many members are in the House of Representatives?
- How is representation apportioned in the House of Representatives?
- How long is a term for a Representative?
- How often is the House of Representatives reapportioned?
- When do congressional elections occur?
- Describe the single member district arrangement.
- What is gerrymandering?
- What are the three formal qualifications for being a member of the House of Representatives?
- What is the long standing custom for being a representative for a district?
Chapter 10, section 3
- How many members are in the Senate?
- How did the 17th Amendment change the election of senators?
- How long is a term for a senator?
- Explain the idea that the senate is a continuous body?
- What is a constituency?
- What are the three qualifications for a senator?
Chapter 10, section 4
Describe the voting options of lawmakers when they act as the following.
- trustee
- delegate
- partisan
- What is the oversight function?
Chapter 11, section 1
- In what three ways does the Constitution grant power to Congress?
- What does the term strict constructionist mean? Who was one?
- What does the term loose constructionist mean? Who was one?
Chapter 11, section 2
- List the five expressed powers discussed in the section.
Chapter 11, section 3
- What are the other seven expressed powers mentioned in this section?
Chapter 11, section 4
- Explain the Necessary and Proper Clause.
- Describe the battle between Jefferson and Hamilton over implied powers.
Chapter 11, section 5
- According to the 12th Amendment, when and how does the House choose the President of the United States?
- Has the House of Representatives ever chosen a President before and if yes, when?
- What electoral duty does the Senate have?
- What does impeach mean?
- Who has the power of impeachment? What vote is necessary to impeach a person?
- According to your book, how many impeachments have there been?
- What is the Senate’s role in impeachment?
- Who are the two presidents in US history to be impeached?
- Who approves appointments made by the President?
- Describe the policy of senatorial courtesy.
- Who approves treaties made by the President?
Chapter 12, section 1
- What is the title given to the person who is elected the permanent presiding officer in the House of Representatives?
- Who is the president of the Senate?
- Who is the president pro tem?
- Describe the job of floor leaders. Describe the job of the party whips.
- Explain the seniority rule.
Chapter 12, section 2
- What type of business do standing committees handle?
- Who is the “traffic cop” in the House of Representatives?
- What is the purpose of a conference committee?
Chapter 12, section 3
51. What is a bill?
52. Where is most of the work on a bill done?
53. Describe debate on a bill in the House of Representatives.
Chapter 12, section 4
54. How is debate on a bill different in the Senate, compared to the House of Representatives?
55. What is a filibuster?
56. What is cloture?
57. What are the four actions a President can take when being presented with a bill?